Joined: February 2025 Posts: 2
| Hello all,
I'm trying to date my ovation guitar but information is difficult to find and I'm hoping a knowledgeable person may be able to at least give me a general idea of when this guitar was made.
A little back story first. I bought this guitar used in 2010, summer I believe, but it may have been 2009. Around that time is where I became more interested in learning to play guitar and I ended up buying half a dozen acoustics and 2 electric guitars over the course of several months. I played some and as happens, I got distracted and gave it up, selling all my guitars except for this one. It was not only my first but also my favorite to play and I refused to let it go. Something about it made me choose it first out of a line up of several rows of guitars.
Fast forward many years and here we are. The spark is renewed ( really it never went away, just got burried) and I want to begin again. In doing so, I pulled my ovation out from it's hiding place and became curious about it's making and history. Owning it for many years as a younger man I never gave it much thought but now that I am reaching the age where respect really steps in when it comes to things you own, I want to show it the respect it deserves.
I spent a few days trying to learn everything I can about this guitar and it's history but alas I am stumped. My guess is this guitar was made after 2007. The serial number shown in the pictures is 7 digits starting with 860 and from what I've read, it's not useful. The ovation sticker with the model number and all that flaked off a long time ago and was lost.
I did look through thousands of images on Google looking for an exact match to the one I have but again no luck. The parts of the guitar I can't match up at the headstock and the ring around the sound hole (there's a name for that but I can't think of it at the moment).
I've included some pictures and yes I know, I know, it's dirty. I'll be taking it to a well respected mom and pop shop soon to have it restored and serviced. The internals are out right now which might have been a little help in dating but I do have them still. They came loose years ago and I removed them to keep them from flopping around in there and damaging them further.
After she is back to her former glory I'll start playing again but in the meantime any information I can get is most appreciated. I've always been a proud owner of an ovation in conversation, even if it isn't a high end model, and that's something that won't go away. These guitars get a fair bit of hate but I've always loved mine openly. Finding this page and so many like minded fans was very refreshing.
Thank you! |