Joined: November 2022 Posts: 1
| Hello - I just read the manifesto and suggest every forum for every other fan club, owners group, for any "thing", etc - post the same. It was dead-on and fun to read. I found your group after searching the web for the optimum or preferred stereo cabe for my 1681. I'd like to start playing with the stereo signals a bit more, but thought I'd first invest in a solid, dependable cable and stop digging through my box of knotted, suspect, iffy cables.
PS, I bought my Adamas ll new, back in '81/'82?... and have used it for years, on and off stage, and have used the life-time warranty a few times along the way. It's been a dependable work-horse and still turns heads, to this day.
Thanks for allowing me to peek my head in the door here - Hak |