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first concert since 2002 trans siberian orchestra 12/23/2017

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Posted 2017-12-20 6:05 PM (#538457)
Subject: first concert since 2002 trans siberian orchestra 12/23/2017

January 2006
Posts: 1480

Location: Michigan
i am looking forward to saturday night for it will be the the first time in 15 years that the wife and myself have gone to a large venue concert . the last one was november 3rd 2002 in las vegas the moody blues. this was the last show featuring flute player ray thomas , it was a fantastic show.
anyway the wife and i were sitting at one of our favorite eating / watering holes and the owner asked us if we were up to going to see the trans siberian orchestra saturday night. i am not into going into the big city fighting traffic and finding parking especially at this time of year but when he told me the deal that he had going on we couldn't refuse.
dinner at his restaurant , a party bus to and from the concert 2 tickets in a luxury suite $250.00.
one of his friends owns the suite and offered it up to him for $2000.00 since he was not going to use it that night.
they are also doing an afternoon show there the same day so the owner was going then.
if i recall right i think that miles mentioned years ago in a post about the best concert he ever saw was the trans siberian orchestra. i like their music allot and i heard that the sound and the pyro techniques make it on hell of a show for the senses.
anyone have any input on seeing them i would like to hear some feedback. cant wait for saturday night. GWB
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2017-12-20 6:56 PM (#538459 - in reply to #538457)
Subject: Re: first concert since 2002 trans siberian orchestra 12/23/2017

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
TSO did not come to Portland this year.
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Mark in Boise
Posted 2017-12-20 9:30 PM (#538461 - in reply to #538457)
Subject: Re: first concert since 2002 trans siberian orchestra 12/23/2017

March 2005
Posts: 12759

Location: Boise, Idaho
We went a couple years ago and it was great. My wife complained that it was too loud (interesting, since she's hearing impaired) but liked it enough she's wanted to go every year since. Unfortunately, they didn't come to Boise since we saw them. We scared them off, I guess. They used to have two companies, one for the East and one for the West.
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Posted 2017-12-20 10:48 PM (#538462 - in reply to #538457)
Subject: Re: first concert since 2002 trans siberian orchestra 12/23/2017

July 2005
Posts: 1609

Location: Colorado
The show I saw last year had outstanding guitar playing too!
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Posted 2017-12-21 6:05 AM (#538465 - in reply to #538457)
Subject: RE: first concert since 2002 trans siberian orchestra 12/23/2017

May 2006
Posts: 4228

Location: Steeler Nation, Hudson Valley Contingent

I wanted to take the kids this year, but couldn't fit it into our budget. Maybe someday. I've heard nothing but good reviews about the shows. (Although some recommend wearing hearing protection. )

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Love O Fair
Posted 2017-12-21 8:14 AM (#538466 - in reply to #538457)
Subject: Re: first concert since 2002 trans siberian orchestra 12/23/2017

February 2016
Posts: 1816

Location: When??
Got me beat. I'm humping firewood on Saturday.. but going out and hoeing down on the weekend before Christmas is always a charm on the holidays and it sounds like you drew a nice card on this one. TSO rained down on San Francisco some years back and I still can't hear right. But that's the whole point, right? Have fun, be safe.

Edited by Love O Fair 2017-12-21 8:16 AM
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Posted 2017-12-25 5:52 PM (#538497 - in reply to #538457)
Subject: Re: first concert since 2002 trans siberian orchestra 12/23/2017

January 2006
Posts: 1480

Location: Michigan
wow , what a concert,,, the music was outstanding and the laser light show and the pyro tecks were excellent. the sound level was perfect.this was the the 19th christmas show in detroit and they dedicated this one to the ex bass player and a director who passed this year. i would highly recommend to see this act to anyone who has not seen them. merry christmas to all and lets have a great new year. GWB
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