Joined: May 2013 Posts: 152
| So I spotted this guitar on eBay and the seller has been trying for a while to sell it for $6,000.
In the listing it says it's a 1689-2 but it's clearly a 1587-5 (the label in the picture even says this).
I think the price is WAY out of the ball park. Lost Vintage has a 1587-2 for $3,000 and that's coming from a top notch dealer.
I've been on the look out for a 1687-8 or a 1687-8 for a good price (missed a couple in the last few months). I might consider a 1587-5 black one. But I think the price for this one on eBay is 2-3X it's street value.
Am I missing something? |
Joined: March 2002 Posts: 15667
Location: SoCal | Somebody should ask him what is "custom" about it...... |
 Joined: September 2006 Posts: 10777
Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR | No, it's not you. The guy is delusional.
He's been watching Antiques Roadshow too much.
(although I have never seen an A or O on the Roadshow)
He equates "uncommon" with "valuable" and does not know what "one-of-a-kind" means.
He sez that he "was told" that this was made specially made for a catalog.
And if you are asking $6K for something, you should offer Free Shipping.
 Joined: October 2012 Posts: 1034
Location: Yokohama, Japan | NOW, it's listed with FREE Shipping...fishy, fishy, fishy... |
 Joined: September 2006 Posts: 10777
Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR | He must be reading here.
Plus he has the same guitar listed twice.
 Joined: May 2011 Posts: 758
Location: Muenster/Germany | On ebay ads /Germany you have a 1687 (wonderful guitar, I love mine) for 13.000 USD. Some people simply live their dreams... |
 Joined: April 2006 Posts: 848
Location: Munich, Germany | I'd love to see a link to this 1687, please! |
 Joined: May 2011 Posts: 758
Location: Muenster/Germany | Ist schon länger bei ebay Kleinanzeigen gelistet,steht jetzt aktuell für 1.- VB drin, aber in der Beschreibung kann man noch was von den Wertvorstellungen des Verkäufers ahnen. Na ja, immerhin ,ne schöne alte Adamas, die braucht er ja auch wirklich nicht zu verschenken. Aber es stehen immer wieder so seltsame Dinge im Netz, z. B. auch eine Adamas CC Ovation...und was ich schon an Martin D 45´s alles gesehen hab´...speziell bei Ebay und anderen Kleinanzeigenportalen tummeln sich auch oft Anbieter mit vermeintlichen Edelgitarren, die dann aber noch "in England beim Schwiegersohn" sind und nur über Geldanweisung bezahlt werden können. Gib mal ´ne Kleinanzeige mit einer teuren Gitarre dort auf, Du wirst Dich wundern, was Du für Angebote kriegst. Ich mach´s nie wieder, ist mir echt zu blöd. |
 Joined: April 2006 Posts: 848
Location: Munich, Germany | Okay, thanks, I found that one. |