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Gigging with the LongNeck

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Posted 2014-04-02 11:26 AM (#484704)
Subject: Gigging with the LongNeck

July 2013
Posts: 23

Location: Central East Coast Florida
Hey All,

I'm having a bit of a problem gigging with my 1994 (OP24 preamp) LongNeck. When I play it in my house it's warm and bassy.....really nice sounding. When I gig with it though, it tends to get lost in the crowd noise. When I play duo with my buddy (both in D) I can't even hear myself over his Taylor (which is yet another topic, ha, ha).

I'm using D'Addario med phosphor bronze strings and just bought a set of med 80/20 bronze that I'll be putting on today to see what that does.

Any ideas?

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Posted 2014-04-02 12:33 PM (#484706 - in reply to #484704)
Subject: Re: Gigging with the LongNeck

June 2012
Posts: 112

Location: Bristol England
Are you playing acoustic or plugged in at home and the same applies when gigging 'acoustic or amplified' ?.
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Posted 2014-04-02 12:53 PM (#484707 - in reply to #484704)
Subject: Re: Gigging with the LongNeck

December 2006
Posts: 6994

Location: Jet City
need more info dave. your guitar and strings don't mean too much once you plug in. I use EJ18s on mine.

what are you plugging into? What size is the room? More detail the better

And as for your buddy's Taylor, that'll be a combination of the 2 of you making adjustments to find your own places in the mix. If his mids are up, I doubt there's much of anything you can do to get in front of it. Try having him take those down some, or on the channel EQ on the board (I still don't know what you're plugging into tho)
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Posted 2014-04-02 3:29 PM (#484718 - in reply to #484707)
Subject: Re: Gigging with the LongNeck

January 2009
Posts: 4535

Location: Flahdaw
damon67 - 2014-04-02 1:53 PM

If his mids are up, I doubt there's much of anything you can do to get in front of it.

I haven't found an amplified acoustic situation yet where the mids are a benefit. I shut 'em off completely.
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Posted 2014-04-02 3:49 PM (#484719 - in reply to #484704)
Subject: Re: Gigging with the LongNeck

July 2013
Posts: 23

Location: Central East Coast Florida
Right....duh for me! I usually play plugged into a Fishman Loudbox Performer 130 at home and at small gigs. When I say small I'm guessing 20'x30' and seating 50 tops. When I play in bigger places or with our band we use a Yamaha 512c powered mixer and Yamaha Club 12 speakers. I'm in Florida so a fair amount of our bigger gigs are at tiki bars and outdoor venues which is acoustically very nice.

I switched to the mediums as I do some lead and bending the heavy's felt like bending piano wire I know you play the heavy's Damon and if you think that will improve my projection I'll switch back.

I REALLY like this guitar. It's heavy, has a big ol' V neck and really rumbles....

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Posted 2014-04-02 4:21 PM (#484720 - in reply to #484707)
Subject: Re: Gigging with the LongNeck

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066

damon67 - 2014-04-02 11:53 AM find your own places in the mix.


common misconception that what sounds good solo will sound good in a mix.

usually when you play solo the temptation is to add a bit more bottom so that the sound is fuller.

This is a good way to get lost in the mix when playing with other musicians.

You probably need to roll off the bass and bump the mids and increase your volume but only experimentation will yield the results you are looking for.  A longneck will fill up the room when properly dialed in.

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Posted 2014-04-02 5:09 PM (#484723 - in reply to #484718)
Subject: Re: Gigging with the LongNeck

December 2006
Posts: 6994

Location: Jet City

darkbarguitar - 2014-04-02 1:29 PM
damon67 - 2014-04-02 1:53 PM If his mids are up, I doubt there's much of anything you can do to get in front of it.
I haven't found an amplified acoustic situation yet where the mids are a benefit. I shut 'em off completely.

I've found lots of uses for mids, especially if you need to get in front of everyone else. I play in a band where we do a mix of electric and acoustic stuff, and quite often I have to do a solo with an acoustic guitar over drums, bass, and another guitar. A quick boost in the mids will put you right in front, quite often with no volume adjustment... Or you could just turn yourself up so people can hear only you. My preference is using whatever EQing needs to be done so everyone is heard. Highs, Lows, AND Mids all play their part.

Now if i'm playing a solo acoustic piece, knocking out all mids sounds much better to my ear.


bigwavedave - 2014-04-02  I switched to the mediums as I do some lead and bending the heavy's felt like bending piano wire  I know you play the heavy's Damon and if you think that will improve my projection I'll switch back.

I hear ya. Mine is tuned down to B so the strings are a bit more slinky. Try it out I suppose. You might need to make a neck adjustment. The bracing was really designed for those EJ18s, so I'm not sure what'll happen to the sound of that thing with the lighter strings.


Really, it's just a $5 test.

Edited by Damon67 2014-04-02 5:13 PM
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Posted 2014-04-02 5:12 PM (#484724 - in reply to #484704)
Subject: Re: Gigging with the LongNeck

January 2009
Posts: 4535

Location: Flahdaw
True Damon, you play a lot of louder rock stuff. I meant simple acoustic stuff. It never seems to sound good with the mids boosted (or even on)
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Posted 2014-04-02 5:15 PM (#484725 - in reply to #484704)
Subject: Re: Gigging with the LongNeck

December 2006
Posts: 6994

Location: Jet City

I was editing when you wrote that. Agreed on the no mid sound. Mids are rather harsh all by themselves.

Edited by Damon67 2014-04-02 5:16 PM
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Posted 2014-04-02 6:20 PM (#484728 - in reply to #484704)
Subject: Re: Gigging with the LongNeck

December 2006
Posts: 6994

Location: Jet City
FWIW, I use different weird gauges all the time. I not only have the Longneck withit's strings tuned down to B, but I have my Anniversary Legend high strung to a B right now too. It's like having a capo on your 7th fret, but much better sounding. Took a while to figure out the right diameters to keep the tension close to the same as E to E tuning but got it all worked out except for the high B (or what we all know as the high E). I was using 8s, but it kept breaking. I ended up keeping that one tuned an octave lower.

I'll probably go back to capoing on the 7th eventually
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Posted 2014-04-02 6:56 PM (#484731 - in reply to #484704)
Subject: Re: Gigging with the LongNeck

January 2009
Posts: 4535

Location: Flahdaw
Man, if I had a longneck I'd tune it down to C or B. Talk about opening up my vocal range.....
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Posted 2014-04-02 8:42 PM (#484732 - in reply to #484704)
Subject: Re: Gigging with the LongNeck

July 2013
Posts: 23

Location: Central East Coast Florida
Bob, you hit it. Even tuned down to D I have SO many more vocal options! All those songs that I had to reach for in the past just fall in place SO easy. That's why I love the LongNeck and want to make it work. you feel you're sound is more balanced as you have the Adamas versions?

I didn't put on the new strings yet......friends came over and the wine flowed.

Hasta Manana
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Posted 2014-04-03 6:13 AM (#484743 - in reply to #484704)
Subject: Re: Gigging with the LongNeck

January 2009
Posts: 4535

Location: Flahdaw
Dave, I tune most of my standard gits to D on a regular basis. A lot of times I'm capo'd on the 2nd fret anyway (in E), but if needed, a step down is always available by removing the capo.
Yeah, my next git is a baritone....
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Posted 2014-04-03 11:19 AM (#484751 - in reply to #484704)
Subject: Re: Gigging with the LongNeck

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
Dave, I have also owned a couple of Ovation longnecks (deep bowls) and the sounded fantastic.
He Adamas is louder and resonates more but both models are well balanced IMHO.

Most don't really understand EQ and how it sits in the mix.
Vocalists are really guilty of this because when then can't hear themselves clearly in the mix the first thing they do is add more bass to give them a fatter sound (in their mind) or more highs to cut through the mix (leaving them a shrill sound). Cutting these areas and adding mids will usually resolve these issues and make the vocals sit in the mix much better and be more enjoyable to listen to.

The same is true with guitars. Remember that what you hear at the source is rarely what the audience hears. The onstage sound of my bands improved dramatically when I went wireless and could stand out in the audience section to set up the mix. What ultimately sounded bright and twangy on my bass on stage sounded big, fat, and warm in the audience. Sounding fat and warm on stage sounded muddy and cluttered in the crowd.
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