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It must be fall

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Posted 2006-09-04 6:51 PM (#241821)
Subject: It must be fall

May 2004
Posts: 2850

Location: Midland, MI
All of a sudden I find myself scouring fleaBay for Balladeers or Hamers or G&Ls or an Ibanez AF105F or something else that is interesting and still bottom feeder friendly. I laid off the guitar scene about five months ago, after selling the Comanche and the Cropper. I should've kept the Comanche, but I digress.

Maybe it's not a fall thing, afterall, but it sure seems like it's this time of year that I start buying stuff. My wife will be so thrilled. ;)

Oh, and hey, I'm going to be in Las Vegas next week...any OFCers out there?
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-09-04 7:10 PM (#241822 - in reply to #241821)
Subject: Re: It must be fall

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
I was just wonderin' where you been the past few months, Crusty ol boy.

Enjoy Lost Wages.
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Posted 2006-09-04 7:23 PM (#241823 - in reply to #241821)
Subject: Re: It must be fall

May 2004
Posts: 2850

Location: Midland, MI
Oh, been busy. Little of this, little of that. Took up bicycling; bought a road bike, converted my old school Fisher Tassajara in to a commuter, etc. Dealing with kids, etc. Oh, the neighbor gave me a Shopsmith Mark V. It's an older 510 model, but it's in 'as new' condition, having only been used twice, with all the attachments and manuals. I don't know what I'm going to do with that, though.

The Las Vegas trip is for 'work,' to attend the IBM AIX/Linux conference out there. I went two years ago and decided I never needed to return to LV. But, after playing Mr. Mom for six months while my better half was on bed rest, I figured I'd cop the free trip just for the chance to get out of town...much deserved R&R. Don't tell my boss, though. ;)
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Posted 2006-09-04 9:28 PM (#241824 - in reply to #241821)
Subject: Re: It must be fall

February 2003
Posts: 2178

Location: the BIG Metropolis of TR
Welcome back,Crusty......Did you ever locate any cherry and finish your amp case?
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Posted 2006-09-04 9:52 PM (#241825 - in reply to #241821)
Subject: Re: It must be fall

May 2004
Posts: 2850

Location: Midland, MI
Nope, never did get any more cherry. But, I talked to my 'wood guy' and he thinks there's enough of the curly cherry I already have to make the enclosure. In fact, he just asked me on Friday last if I was ready for him to build it up. "Not chet," says I.

I need to go back through my notes from Charlie and see what it was he recommended for the finish. I think he said Delft. Or, maybe that was the wood guy, and Charlie said something different. I'm getting old...CRS.
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Posted 2006-09-04 10:29 PM (#241826 - in reply to #241821)
Subject: Re: It must be fall

September 2004
Posts: 777

Location: East Wenatchee, WA
Oh, the neighbor gave me a Shopsmith Mark V. It's an older 510 model, but it's in 'as new' condition, having only been used twice, with all the attachments and manuals. I don't know what I'm going to do with that, though.
Ship it out here. I loaned mine to my Dad, he used it for two years on his new/old house, then he loaned it to my son-in-law, and....well let's just say I am getting tired of the Skill saw when I want to do a project.

They are a great tool, maybe build a guitar with it. Only down side, is changing time between functions, but when space is limited...makes all the sense in the world and well built buggers too.
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Posted 2006-09-04 10:30 PM (#241827 - in reply to #241821)
Subject: Re: It must be fall

February 2003
Posts: 2178

Location: the BIG Metropolis of TR
...if you're ready for him to build it?

Break in that "new" Shopsmith Mark V and make some sawdust! :D
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Posted 2006-09-05 1:20 AM (#241828 - in reply to #241821)
Subject: Re: It must be fall

August 2002
Posts: 8307

Location: Tennessee
Oh, and hey, I'm going to be in Las Vegas next week
Say hi to my money while you're there.
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Posted 2006-09-05 9:39 AM (#241829 - in reply to #241821)
Subject: Re: It must be fall

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
As much I dislike Vegas, I GOTTA make another trip out there t'see this:

I heard a radio interview with George Martin about the "redux" of all the music and saw a TV special about it at 3am last Sunday when I got home from a gig.

The multi-media alone looks like the makings of an awesome show . . .
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Posted 2006-09-05 5:19 PM (#241830 - in reply to #241821)
Subject: Re: It must be fall

May 2004
Posts: 2850

Location: Midland, MI
They are a great tool, maybe build a guitar with it. Only down side, is changing time between functions, but when space is limited...makes all the sense in the world and well built buggers too.
Interestingly enough, the neighbor's daughter knows a guy who uses one to do just that (make guitars and mandolins) in his garage workshop. I need to clean out space in my own workshop before I can move it over (that'll be this weekend, though...heh).

...if you're ready for him to build it?
My dad is a great woodworker. Actually, he's pretty good at just about everything he does. Me, though...if it doesn't have transistors, tubes or magic smoke running it, I can't do a thing with it. Except break it. Go figure.

Say hi to my money while you're there.
Last time I went, I was there for a week (same as this time...heh). I gambled $1. If I see your money, I'll pass along your well wishes. Unless I see it in the gutter or on the sidewalk, then I'll pick it up and give it a good home. ;)

As much I dislike Vegas, I GOTTA make another trip out there t'see this:

I heard a radio interview with George Martin about the "redux" of all the music and saw a TV special about it at 3am last Sunday when I got home from a gig.

The multi-media alone looks like the makings of an awesome show . . .
That does look interesting. I was trying to decide if should go see Gigantour or Candlebox while I'm out there. Or, maybe Pat Benetar.
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Posted 2006-09-05 5:25 PM (#241831 - in reply to #241821)
Subject: Re: It must be fall

November 2005
Posts: 4832

Location: Campbell River, British Columbia
Originally posted by cruster:
Or, maybe Pat Benetar.
"Hit me in the wet spot!"
Dah dunh..dah dunh....

oops! now when did I start channeling Cliff?
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Posted 2006-11-21 4:24 PM (#241832 - in reply to #241821)
Subject: Re: It must be fall

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
Member # 116

posted September 05, 2006 11:39 AM
As much I dislike Vegas, I GOTTA make another trip out there t'see this:

I heard a radio interview with George Martin about the "redux" of all the music and saw a TV special about it at 3am last Sunday when I got home from a gig.

The multi-media alone looks like the makings of an awesome show . . .

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Soundtrack CD of this show was released today, and it is WAY cool!!!

It's over an hour's worth of tunes and each track segues into the next.

George Martin and his son, Giles re-mixed everything doing a series of "mash-ups" of Beatles' tunes using the original master tapes . . . it's VERY inventive!!!

Some may think it sacrilegeous to "muck about" with the original works, but if you look at the CD as it's own separate entity, it's quite imaginative.

Besides, I heard Martin say in an NPR interview yesterday that this'll be the last album he'll ever produce, so I hadda get it . . . .
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Posted 2006-11-21 4:44 PM (#241833 - in reply to #241821)
Subject: Re: It must be fall

January 2006
Posts: 5881

Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains
I heard parts of the same Geoge Martin interview and was very impressed. Comments from Paul and Ringo about the new CD were very complimentary.
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Posted 2006-11-21 10:07 PM (#241834 - in reply to #241821)
Subject: Re: It must be fall

October 2006
Posts: 22

Location: Minnesota

Nice to see another fan of G&Ls out there. I bought a Legacy in a custom, blue-swirl finish as a college graduation gift to myself. It was my first nice guitar.

The fact that you can still buy guitars made the way George and Leo wanted, with many of the same tools as the original strats, makes buying an old strat an unnecessary expense IMHO.

Great guitars.
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Captain Lovehandles
Posted 2006-11-22 10:56 AM (#241835 - in reply to #241821)
Subject: Re: It must be fall

July 2005
Posts: 3410

Location: GA USA
Cliff et al: Speaking of LOVE, if you go to AOL Full CD Lostening Party you can hear the complete album free.
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