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Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

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Posted 2006-11-30 2:09 PM (#229625 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

February 2005
Posts: 11840

Location: closely held secret
Originally posted by Jeff W.:
I have not yet pissed anyone off.
Typo. I think Jeff meant to say, "I have not yet not pissed anyone off."
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-30 2:15 PM (#229626 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
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Posted 2006-11-30 2:20 PM (#229627 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

November 2005
Posts: 4832

Location: Campbell River, British Columbia
I'd rather be pissed off than....

Anyway, first met gh1/Greg in his driveway while my road addled brain was still processing how much the giant sunflower at the intersection looked just like the satelite picture. Then Waskel and wife, and then I won't list the rest 'cause I might miss someone and piss them off....I'm no Jeff W!

But a great bunch of people I was glad to have met. Sorry it couldn't have lasted longer.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-30 2:24 PM (#229628 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Originally posted by fillhixx:
I'd rather be pissed off than....
That only happened ONCE, Phil...

( besides, the line was reeeeeeeeally long)
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Mark in Boise
Posted 2006-11-30 2:24 PM (#229629 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

March 2005
Posts: 12759

Location: Boise, Idaho
Originally posted by Enfant Terrible aka V-Elite:
Do n`t know if I qualify,but the first I met ( saw a picture of) , was the Maitre in Eldest Son is studying to be an Advocate,so that I felt was a little odd.. :)
If this refers to me, I apologize again that I am so unphotogenic, especially with guitars. I always seem to be looking down to make sure I am at least fingering a chord and the picture captures my bald dome.
I don't know any Maitres in Boise. We don't go to fancy restaurants. Tell your son to be prepared for a lifetime of stress that comes from arguing with people all day. At some point he'll probably look forward to spending time on a computer talking to a bunch of Ovation nerds.
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Posted 2006-11-30 3:28 PM (#229630 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

June 2002
Posts: 1614

Location: Converse, Texas
Cliff was the first person I met in person -- at the OFC tour in 2004.
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Posted 2006-11-30 5:06 PM (#229631 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

May 2004
Posts: 2850

Location: Midland, MI
The only OFC member I've met is our newest member, Randall-S771, and that was, cripes like forever ago. I was a lot younger then.
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FlicKreno aka Solid Top
Posted 2006-11-30 6:22 PM (#229632 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

April 2006
Posts: 2491

Location: Copenhagen Denmark
Thank You for your reply Mark,but my eldest son`s middlename is " argue" .He `ll haggle about anything..and spends his time off playing "warcraft",just can n`t wait for him to finish his education,I want that sailboat !! ;)
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Posted 2006-11-30 7:22 PM (#229633 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

August 2006
Posts: 3145

Location: Marlton, NJ
Vic - that's funny - I just said the same thing to my kids - that they should all be lawyers. They're so proficient at arguing and negotiating.
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Mark in Boise
Posted 2006-11-30 7:24 PM (#229634 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

March 2005
Posts: 12759

Location: Boise, Idaho
Some of us never grow out of that phase.
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Posted 2006-11-30 11:44 PM (#229635 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

November 2002
Posts: 3618

Location: Pacific Northwest Inland Empire
Those low in the "win" column become therapists.
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Posted 2006-12-01 8:47 AM (#229636 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

December 2001
Posts: 10583

Location: NJ
The first person that I did not already know was Cliff. I can sniff out those brown cases from a mile away.

Actually CWK and I conversed on the phone and via e mail for a number of years. I did meet him at a Namm show in about 97 or 98 in Nashville and at Scott Chinery's party in the mid ninties when both he and Chris Martin were at my table.
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John B
Posted 2006-12-01 10:18 AM (#229637 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

January 2004
Posts: 1225

Location: Lake Hiawatha, New Jersey
I had placed an online ad about 3 or 4 years ago looking for people to play with, and Cliff had answered it. I decided to go see he and his partner (Two Man Group) at a local bar / restaurant and we became friendly. Some time later, he told me about the OFC, and the rest, as they say, is history. The first person that I met from the OFC after I became a member was Johnny (strummin12), who is also a good friend of mine.

Just a side note...Cliff and I never did get together to play. We did do an "off the cuff" version of "Message In A Bottle" a few weeks back at a gig that I was doing with his parter, Rick. We've been threatening to do something together for a while now. Who knows, it might happen one of these days.
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Phil Wong
Posted 2006-12-01 10:34 AM (#229638 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

June 2003
Posts: 1792

Location: Rego Park, NY,
Cool!! Cliff and John B. "Dueling Adamas's (Adamai?)" :cool: :D
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Posted 2006-12-01 10:44 AM (#229639 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

September 2003
Posts: 9301

Location: south east Michigan
BrianT suggested we get together and jam. We set up a first meeting at a neutral location before we went into eachothers homes.
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Posted 2006-12-01 11:52 AM (#229640 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

December 2004
Posts: 1116

Location: Keller, TX
Originally posted by mtnbikerfred:

I'm not sure he actually told his wife he was going to pick up some guy he met on the internet....

Thanks for the ride Bro!! I hold you in high regard as someone who helped me get my U681T.
Yep, Fred was my first, too. On our way to the first OFC Texas meet. I stopped in Irving and picked him up at the Starbucks and drove an hour and a half to Palestine. There I met Paul Wag, Craig/Hizzoner, xnoel, George, and the Dallas Rep Mike Stevens.

Nope, the wife didn't know about it until we got back. She would have had a fit about me picking up a stranger I met on an internet chat board.

Had a blast at OFC Texas. Met many more at the factory Tour 06, but Fred will always be the first. I ended up with the Custom Elite from that trip too.
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Posted 2006-12-01 12:37 PM (#229641 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

December 2002
Posts: 584

Location: atlanta

I met him and his lovely wife in January 2003 at The Fillmore in San Francisco. It was Kaki's first appearance there, and she opened for David Lindley and Robert Randolph. Bless his heart, Bob and his wife came to see her.

It was with great pleasure that I bought them a "tall cool one."

Best to all--

Dave King
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Posted 2006-12-01 1:30 PM (#229642 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

February 2003
Posts: 2178

Location: the BIG Metropolis of TR
My first unofficial contact was with a feller named "Standingovation" via an ebay purchase :eek: (before I joined the OFC) I had bought a set of what I thought were gold "three-on-a-side" tuners for my 1613 only to find out when I received them they were chrome (Folklore)
Dave (he claimed that the color on my monitor was screwed up! :rolleyes: ) was very nice about the whole ordeal and allowed me to return them for a refund!(I think he even refunded the shipping?)

The first official contact (after joining the OFC) was with Paul Hebert("1687Adamasguy"-"1619CustomLegendguy"-"Legend-LX-fan"-who btw we haven't heard alot from lately)by phone answering questions he had about a 1615 Pacemaker he was buying from me!

The first official OFC "In Person" contact was Woz at the '04 Factory tour!
My wife and I got to the hotel early and was checking into the room when we saw this guy (Woz) carrying in a couple of Ovation cases and a small PA into his room right across the we introduced ourselves and eventually we all wound up back in our room playing his 1537 that he was selling!
Later on we headed for the lobby and met up with Willard,then Craig(Hizzonner),then Steve Chapman,then Cliff,then (after supper) a bunch other Ovation nuts/fans started showing up and the "Thursday Evening Hotel Lobby Jam" got underway......... :D
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Posted 2006-12-01 2:16 PM (#229643 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

January 2006
Posts: 5881

Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains
First in-person meeting was with Elginacres followed a few minutes later with StephenT at a restaurant in Denver in late spring, 2006. We also met one other (apparently inactive) OFCer at this time and the four of us retired to my basement studio for some guitar swapping and jamming.
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Posted 2006-12-01 3:15 PM (#229644 - in reply to #229575)
Subject: Re: Who was the first OFC member that you met in person and where?

August 2002
Posts: 8307

Location: Tennessee
Originally posted by popcritic:

It was Kaki's first appearance there, and she opened for David Lindley and Robert Randolph.

That was a great night, Dave. Kaki really opened a lot of eyes that night, especially mine. The whole show was awesome ... it ended up with the Blind Boys of Alabama closing the show with RR on pedal steel. I have the poster they gave out that night on the wall of my music room.
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