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Posted 2006-11-30 10:48 AM (#229477)
Subject: Bose

November 2002
Posts: 1300

Location: Madison, Wisconsin
Any comments on the Bose Wave systems. I've never really liked Bose until the Personal PA came out so maybe it's time to revisit the Radio/CD players. Anybody have any experience with them?
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Posted 2006-11-30 10:56 AM (#229478 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

September 2004
Posts: 777

Location: East Wenatchee, WA
They think they are fantastic...but I don't know of anyone who actually owns one.
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Posted 2006-11-30 11:00 AM (#229479 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
I had a co-worker who had a Wave unit in his office. It sounded AWESOME (abeit pricey).
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John B
Posted 2006-11-30 11:24 AM (#229480 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

January 2004
Posts: 1225

Location: Lake Hiawatha, New Jersey
I was thinking of picking up the Bose unit for my IPod, but as Cliff said, it's pricey!
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Posted 2006-11-30 11:39 AM (#229481 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

December 2001
Posts: 10583

Location: NJ
I have a wave cd/clock radio.

it sounds great. I got it from a credit card promotion.

if you just want a clock radio check out the nakamichi. I bought one in a thrift store and it is really great
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Phil Wong
Posted 2006-11-30 11:44 AM (#229482 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

June 2003
Posts: 1792

Location: Rego Park, NY,
I am planning to buy one when my current alarm clock stops working. I have a Panasonic dual alarm clock that I bought in 1981 from my Dad's drug store. It retailed for $49.99 and I got it wholesale for $29.99. This is the only alarm clock that can wake me up in the morning. I have tried others that I have recieved as gifts but they could not do the job. So since I paid $29.99 for a clock that I have had for 25 years, it has only cost me a little more than a dollar a year. So if and when I spend $500.00 on an alarm clock/cd player and if I can get 25 years plus out of it then I don't see it as being so expensive.
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Posted 2006-11-30 12:12 PM (#229483 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

November 2004
Posts: 4413

I've had one for 3 years. Awesome performance when you consider the size. At reasonable volumes it is easily the equal of my Technics hifi setup, but I don't think its quite as good when playing very quietly.
I don't know what it is about the Bose sound but I always think of it as a cold sound - no idea why. I personally like it.
It also has the advantage of being a single unit and only having a single cord hanging out of the back.
They are expensive, but mine is on hours every day and I wouldn't quibble about the cost. When you think what a good hifi set up costs I think they are good value.
Hope this helps.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-30 1:02 PM (#229484 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
The new Ipod HiFi is great. It will hold it's own with the Bose, but a slightly different animal....

Also you might want to check out Cambridge Soundsworks. I'm a big fan of their stuff.
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Weaser P
Posted 2006-11-30 1:24 PM (#229485 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

October 2005
Posts: 5330

Location: Cicero, NY
If you're looking for a slightly lower end unit, the Logitech m50 is a solid unit. My wife teaches dance and excerise classes and it is more than enough for her. Battery powered and comes with a remote too so it's very handy. Don't compare it's sound to Bose (it gets blown out of the water) but it does have a niche.
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Posted 2006-11-30 2:42 PM (#229486 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

March 2004
Posts: 120

Location: UK - Canterbury Kent
I have had a CD/Radio for a few years now and it is an excellent bit of kit. Expensive, but good. However, if you want very high volume, go for a bigger system.

By the way, there are no Tone controls, only volume.

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Posted 2006-11-30 2:56 PM (#229487 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

August 2002
Posts: 8307

Location: Tennessee
I have the Cambridge Soundworks equivalent of the Bose Wave for about 5 years now. It is very, very good. I also have the Bose Sounddock for my iPod and it too is excellent. Both units fill the room(s) with very balanced sound and a very wide frequency response for their size. But they do not hold up against a really good component sound system, especially if you are an audiophile.
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Stuart Miller
Posted 2006-11-30 3:26 PM (#229488 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

August 2003
Posts: 430

Location: Lebanon, TN
I really like our Wave CD/Radio that I got my wife for our anniversary last year. That said, convenience tends to make me run the MP3's on my Home Theater PC as I have over 4000 tracks on there for every mood. Finding a CD and loading it just seems like so much effort these days ;-).
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-30 3:28 PM (#229489 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
have you listened to thye CS Model 12 or as it is now called, the "Mic Fleetwood Signature Sound System?"

I've had this thing for nearly 5 years and it is Audiophile quality and fits in its own briefcase (pelican case). Awesome.
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Posted 2006-11-30 3:51 PM (#229490 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

November 2002
Posts: 1300

Location: Madison, Wisconsin
Thanks to all. I wish my hearing was still of audiophile quality but too may concerts without hearing protection for that. Space is also a consideration and the Bose seems to be what I'm looking for.
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Posted 2006-11-30 3:58 PM (#229491 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

August 2002
Posts: 8307

Location: Tennessee
Jeff ... yes I have seen and heard the Model 12. My bro-in-law is a jazz musician and he bought one years ago to take on the road with him. They are fantastic. Henry Kloss is every bit the equal of Amar Bose. I have CSW speakers for my home theatre. And Bose for my audio system.

Bill, you won't go wrong with the Bose.
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Posted 2006-12-01 6:44 PM (#229492 - in reply to #229477)
Subject: Re: Bose

September 2006
Posts: 54

Location: Kingston Ontario
I have been a long time Bose user. Started out with a pair of 501s and moved up to the Acousticmass IV. My Hitachi power amp drives both
the sub and the tweeters. The sub sits out of sight behind the cabinet and the tweeters are mounted on stands. It's amazing that it sounds really full both turned down and cranked.
I was in a group a few years ago that used four 802s for monitors. Verrrrrry expensive monitors.
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