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on patience and practice

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Posted 2006-12-05 4:03 PM (#228612 - in reply to #228587)
Subject: Re: on patience and practice

November 2006
Posts: 217

Location: Snåsa, Norway
I just recorded a sample of my playing in Kristal. Got a wav file. Part of my practice regime really, believe strongly in recording and take the pain of listening to myself, and actually also the pleasure of registering improvement. Can somebody tell me how to link music files with the posts? I'm very pleased and inspired to see the response to posting my ideas on practice and why to keep on playing.
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Mark in Boise
Posted 2006-12-05 5:40 PM (#228613 - in reply to #228587)
Subject: Re: on patience and practice

March 2005
Posts: 12759

Location: Boise, Idaho
Blues, I've heard a few of the guys and I was impressed by all of them. I also noticed that nobody said that about me. Sort of like, "You play very well" results in "Thank you. You have nice guitars."
We were really impressed with the OFC CD from last year and expect this year's to be even better. If you don't have one of Sergio Lara's CDs, get at least one. They are up there in the range of, "If I start practicing 30 years ago, maybe I could play like that."
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Posted 2006-12-05 5:40 PM (#228614 - in reply to #228587)
Subject: Re: on patience and practice

November 2005
Posts: 4832

Location: Campbell River, British Columbia
Not me! Boy, if'n it don't come easy I throw it down and stomp off to the pub until closing time or they throw me out, whichever comes first.

Or just practise and play in different situations. I played with some guys who did just sight reading for a while, to expose myself to standards. (I normally play only originals. My own and friends)
Currently I'm rehearsing with an upright bass player (goes well with the ukelele I just picked up) and we're working on light jazz and rockabilly type well as humour.

There's always someone out there to play with,(just don't let your wife hear you say that )and bouncing off other player will help you advance. ("So that's the lick in Money For Nothing!")

(Well, darn it Mark, you DO have nice guitars! S'matter, you can't take a backhanded compliment?)
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Posted 2006-12-05 5:54 PM (#228615 - in reply to #228587)
Subject: Re: on patience and practice

July 2002
Posts: 1900

Chord changes come pretty fast, but leads and intervals come at a slower pace. I seem to reach a threshold on any particular lead or scale, then after a while it breaks and then I can play with more speed or confidence. I guess I get this mental block on my 'ear to hand to eye coordination'..but it's probably my own impatience, so I have to learn it slow before I learn it fast. Triple-picking is still more difficult for me. If I was playing the 'William Tell' Overture, or something like that...(it definitely wasn't written for the guitar..)
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FlicKreno aka Solid Top
Posted 2006-12-05 7:35 PM (#228616 - in reply to #228587)
Subject: Re: on patience and practice

April 2006
Posts: 2491

Location: Copenhagen Denmark
I feel the has n`t been until recently that I want to be a Famous Musician..before I was contented with getting Rich..that did n`t work out,so ,now I`m going for Fame.... ;)
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Posted 2006-12-05 11:35 PM (#228617 - in reply to #228587)
Subject: Re: on patience and practice

August 2006
Posts: 3145

Location: Marlton, NJ
I have a couple of books I started going through - one blues book and the other is the Berklee Guitar Book volume 1. I went page by page and did every damned excersize in there and then went back and did it again. I definitely noticed some improvement.

I also started playing with my son.. once we finally agreed on a song - All Your Love - Clapton. That was pretty cool.

Other than that, I keep playing the parts of the same songs I've been playing for the last 25 years.
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Posted 2006-12-06 12:55 AM (#228618 - in reply to #228587)
Subject: Re: on patience and practice

August 2006
Posts: 2804

Location: ranson,wva
i play a few parts of tush and brown eyed girl everyday,i learned them from the tabs and a chord poster..i must confess i cant read music....i stilll have a great time playing what i know tho.

i guess if you have fun and it sounds good to you thats what least thats how i look at it..jason
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2006-12-06 1:08 AM (#228619 - in reply to #228587)
Subject: Re: on patience and practice

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
I have many books. It is hard to play and turn pages at the same time!
No really, I type or scan them onto my computer, that is easier.
But like what was said earlier... It depends on why you play...
I doubt that I will ever be an "impressive artist"... But so long as I can make pretty noises, I'm happy.
Figure that I've got another fifty years to get good.
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Chuck (Retired Navy)
Posted 2006-12-06 6:35 PM (#228620 - in reply to #228587)
Subject: Re: on patience and practice

July 2002
Posts: 280

Location: Waterloo, IL
The more fun it is the more I like it. If it ain't fun anymore, it's time to go home.
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Weaser P
Posted 2006-12-06 7:08 PM (#228621 - in reply to #228587)
Subject: Re: on patience and practice

October 2005
Posts: 5331

Location: Cicero, NY
Originally posted by Steve:
Triple-picking is still more difficult for me.
Just do what I do, Steve. Just get three people.
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