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MOB ???

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Posted 2006-12-09 10:07 AM (#227640)
Subject: MOB ???

January 2005
Posts: 4903

Location: Phoenix AZ
Did Celebrity discontinue the MOB line? MOB site is dead and all models are listed as 'discontinued'. Is 'Ocean Acoustic' the new name for this line?

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Posted 2006-12-09 10:18 AM (#227641 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
it should be dead
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Posted 2006-12-09 10:25 AM (#227642 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

August 2005
Posts: 3736

Location: Sunshine State, Australia
and buried.
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Posted 2006-12-09 10:29 AM (#227643 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

September 2003
Posts: 9301

Location: south east Michigan
and sent over Niagara Falls.
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Posted 2006-12-09 10:33 AM (#227644 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

February 2005
Posts: 253

Location: New Orleans
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Posted 2006-12-09 11:03 AM (#227645 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

February 2004
Posts: 1634

Location: Warren,Pa.
OK, so few of us here thought anything of the MOB.
...but it was a trend thing probably, and the decision makers probably said to themselves at the onset "We could sell a few thousand of these things before everyone loses interest."

I'll bet that's what happened...and I'll bet KMC made some good bucks off it while it lasted. Easy to stop making a model that loses popularity and go on to something else.

Any model that Ovation USA has ever made, expecting to only sell 200 or so, you bet they would make as many as needed if it unexpectedly exploded in popularity.

For us, it's all about magnificent guitars.
For them, it's a little about that...but mostly about making money at selling guitars.

Am I correct Bill?
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Posted 2006-12-09 11:13 AM (#227646 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

August 2005
Posts: 3736

Location: Sunshine State, Australia
The best thing about the MOB is that it floats.
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Posted 2006-12-09 11:18 AM (#227647 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???
November 2004
Posts: 1374

Our local coffee house... House of Joe, uses a couple of MOB57s for house guitars, My son Glenn jr., who is a surfer/musician/runs a surveying crew, owns a MOB47 and takes it everywhere he goes including the Beach, keeps it strung with elixir polys and shakes the sand out of it when he's going home.

the OAs while looking similar are nowhere near the build quality of the MOB.. which in turn is nowhere near the build quality of the USA models.

it is a decent guitar tho, and works/survives/plays well as marketed.. granted it's not a USA elite... but does sound and look fine... to him at least..

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Posted 2006-12-09 12:15 PM (#227648 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

December 2003
Posts: 1889

Location: Central Massachusetts
LOL, get 'em while they last! Here's one with nylon strings on it ! :rolleyes:
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Posted 2006-12-09 12:19 PM (#227649 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

December 2003
Posts: 13991

Location: Upper Left USA
When they get around $200 on Ebay I'll grab one. It may double as a night-light.
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Brian T
Posted 2006-12-09 12:25 PM (#227650 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

May 2003
Posts: 425

Location: SE Michigan
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Posted 2006-12-09 12:33 PM (#227651 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
I STILL say that they shoulda' made Reso's outta the leftovers . . .
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Mr. Ovation
Posted 2006-12-09 4:06 PM (#227652 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

December 2001
Posts: 7224

Location: The Great Pacific Northwest
I have had an MOB almost since they came out. I had a regular Tangent, but that didn't make sense. The MOB does if you are who the guitar is designed for. If you are a serious, seasoned, acoustic guitar player... don't look, go away, it's not for you. It wasn't meant for you, not designed for you, and the people who it was designed for don't care what you think. Just like the 30+ year Harley rider has no business going into a Chinese scooter shop thinking he's not going to be disappointed. I have yet to meet anyone under the age of 25, "thinking" about learning to play a guitar, who didn't respond with "wow, that's a cool guitar." I'll bet this is/was a very popular "first" guitar for many and it probably "hooked" them into the Ovation line, which was probably the point.

Personally I think all the Celeb's should go away and be replaced with guitar designs like the MOB, Thunderbolt and such. Guitars that from a mile away you know clearly are NOT the Premiere USA models. My logic for this is think of the kid that gets his first guitar for the holidays, or his birthday. He learns to play and wants something better. He brings mom and dad to GC or the like, and points out an Elite. All mom and dad see is a bunch of guitars that look the same and can't tell the $1500 model from the $500 model, so they go look at Taylor or something. With an MOB, it is what is it, and if the USA clone celebs didn't exist, it would be clear what you were getting for $1500 plus in an Ovation guitar.

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Posted 2006-12-09 4:58 PM (#227653 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
Bauerhillboy, I have no idea about any of this. It was all after my time and I would have never gone for it. What they were thinking when they came up with this I can only guess at and guesses are unkind and often incorrect so let's leave it.
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Posted 2006-12-09 6:25 PM (#227654 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

June 2006
Posts: 659

Location: Hiram, Georgia
Miles I agree with you, the Celeb is the guitar that dosen't make business cents to me. IMO, Ovation needs flames, Tangent, and MOB for the young beginner to intermediate. The Celeb line is just way too broad, trim it to 2-4 models.
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Mr. Ovation
Posted 2006-12-09 8:28 PM (#227655 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

December 2001
Posts: 7224

Location: The Great Pacific Northwest
At the same time... what they've been doing seems to work... so why change if they don't have to. We all (self included) have our opinions, but the bottom line is that more often than not, we hear that Ovation is busting their collective butts to meet their production demands. That's really all that matters in the big scheme of things. As long as your product is in constant high demand, it's probably best to not rock the boat.
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Posted 2006-12-10 12:50 AM (#227656 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

June 2006
Posts: 659

Location: Hiram, Georgia
the lap of luxury, is to sit behind a pc and play armchair CEO of someone elses very successful company! I must have too much time on my hands.
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2006-12-10 12:54 AM (#227657 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Hey! I own a Celebrity. And a Kimchi Balladeer. I need an affordable guitar, of good quality. The folks that made the Lincoln Continental also made the Pinto.
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Posted 2006-12-10 1:27 AM (#227658 - in reply to #227640)
Subject: Re: MOB ???

June 2006
Posts: 659

Location: Hiram, Georgia
I owned a celeb ssb for 15 yrs, sounded great plugged in or unplugged, it played well too. Dollar for dollar, they are money well spent.
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