Joined: February 2005 Posts: 199
Location: Winston-Salem, NC | I just bought a NOS '03 Collector's (yeah!!!), and I was wondering what you guys use for a humidifier on an "O" with Elite-style soundholes.
I thought about using one that fits in the pocket of the case, but I'm not sure if that would work as well as one that goes into the soundhole. |
Joined: July 2004 Posts: 812
Location: Hicksville, NY | Dampit works very well. Purchase the one that's equipped with the washer-shaped rubber sleeve. Good luck. |
Joined: May 2006 Posts: 97
Location: Chicago | Yeah, I bought a dampit, and I just thread it through one of the soundholes and keep the rubber resting on the epaulets. Close the case. Works well for me so far. |
 Joined: April 2004 Posts: 13303
Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066 | If you keep it in the case when you are not playing it, just about anything will work well....even a sponge in a baggie in the case.
If you do a search, I think we have had several enlightin threads on the subject. |