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Great deal on a Taylor

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Captain Lovehandles
Posted 2009-04-27 8:21 AM (#292588)
Subject: Great deal on a Taylor

July 2005
Posts: 3410

Location: GA USA
on Atlanta Craigslist
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Posted 2009-04-27 8:38 AM (#292589 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

June 2007
Posts: 3084

Location: Brisbane Australia
:D :D :D
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Posted 2009-04-27 8:52 AM (#292590 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

November 2006
Posts: 3969

What, no case ?!?
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Posted 2009-04-27 9:53 AM (#292591 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor
May 2008
Posts: 4996

Location: Phoenix AZ
At least it's not made out of natural material and not plastic.
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Posted 2009-04-27 10:07 AM (#292592 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor
May 2008
Posts: 4996

Location: Phoenix AZ
At least it's made out of natural material and not plastic.
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Posted 2009-04-27 11:50 AM (#292593 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

September 2004
Posts: 777

Location: East Wenatchee, WA
No wonder a friend of mine says his plants grow better since he got a Taylor.
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Trader Jim
Posted 2009-04-27 5:31 PM (#292594 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

June 2006
Posts: 7307

Location: South of most, North of few
Well, I've never owned a Taylor and never really wanted to, but I know quite a few people who do, and they really like them. They do build a very nice looking guitar and from what I've seen, fit and finish is as good as any out there. I know Taylor bashing is a normal past time around here, but take it easy, there are some here that are fans. I think even Dave borrowed one from Ronnie that he liked even if he did have to go incognito. :D
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Captain Lovehandles
Posted 2009-04-27 5:33 PM (#292595 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

July 2005
Posts: 3410

Location: GA USA
My son has one and it's pretty nice, but no. I can't let up. It's just too much fun.
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2009-04-27 5:40 PM (#292596 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Start bashing Collings' or Tak's and watch the indignation rise!
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Posted 2009-04-27 6:21 PM (#292597 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor
May 2008
Posts: 4996

Location: Phoenix AZ
Originally posted by Trader Jim:
I think even Dave borrowed one from Ronnie that he liked
Ronnies was the nicest guitar I ever played that I didn't want to own.
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Captain Lovehandles
Posted 2009-04-27 7:32 PM (#292598 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

July 2005
Posts: 3410

Location: GA USA
Originally posted by Old Man Arthur:
Start bashing Collings' or Tak's and watch the indignation rise!
You are so right, OMA. Not that I have anything against them, except they lack a certain... roundness.

What makes Tay-bashing fun is the shrill fanaticism of SOME not-of-this-board owners. For the OFC members who own Taylors, it's just fun poking at them once in a while.
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Trader Jim
Posted 2009-04-27 7:37 PM (#292599 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

June 2006
Posts: 7307

Location: South of most, North of few
Being a Martin fan, I can appreciate that. ;)
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2009-04-27 7:56 PM (#292600 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Originally posted by Captain_Lovehandles:
What makes Tay-bashing fun is the shrill fanaticism of SOME not-of-this-board owners. For the OFC members who own Taylors, it's just fun poking at them once in a while.
I can understand the Taylor folks problem...
Y'see, they already have this sneaking suspicion growing in their minds that maybe their Taylor really isn't worth the Thousands of Dollars that they paid for it...
Then some annoying freak comes along with a USO that they bought new (with a lifetime warranty and a bullet-proof case) for one-fifth of what they paid for the Taylor and just gives that suspicion a little nudge. :eek:

"Nyah! Ovations are made of Plastic!" :mad:

"Yeah! And they're Loud too!" :D :cool:
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Posted 2009-04-27 7:56 PM (#292601 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor
December 2006
Posts: 6268

Location: Florida Central Gulf Coast
C'on people... Now that was funny and harmless! :p
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Posted 2009-04-27 8:07 PM (#292602 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

June 2005
Posts: 1320

Location: Round Rock, TX
Believe me, that was nothing compared to the grief O owners get on the AGF.
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Trader Jim
Posted 2009-04-27 9:06 PM (#292603 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

June 2006
Posts: 7307

Location: South of most, North of few
True, but, can't we all just get along? :D :p
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Posted 2009-04-27 9:51 PM (#292604 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

November 2004
Posts: 1330

Location: ms
I`d be surprised if Dave didn`t have a Taylor hes not telling us about. Hes got everything else, he may have one and not even know it.
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Posted 2009-04-27 10:24 PM (#292605 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

March 2005
Posts: 5563

Location: Blue Ridge Mountains
I can understand the Taylor folks problem...
Y'see, they already have this sneaking suspicion growing in their minds that maybe their Taylor really isn't worth the Thousands of Dollars that they paid for it...
Then some annoying freak comes along with a USO that they bought new (with a lifetime warranty and a bullet-proof case) for one-fifth of what they paid for the Taylor and just gives that suspicion a little nudge.

"Nyah! Ovations are made of Plastic!"

"Yeah! And they're Loud too!"
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Posted 2009-04-27 10:47 PM (#292606 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

November 2004
Posts: 1330

Location: ms
Every time i put a Taylor up for trade i get a bunch of pm`s with offers but nobody post. I think its time some of you fess up before i bring you out of the closet.
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Posted 2009-04-27 10:50 PM (#292607 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor
May 2008
Posts: 4996

Location: Phoenix AZ
Originally posted by Old Man Arthur:
... and a bullet-proof case
Wrong there. IMO Ovation cases are just about the cheapest pieces of shite you can buy. At least in the upper end models, the Taylor cases are very nice.
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Posted 2009-04-28 12:42 AM (#292608 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
Originally posted by Old Man Arthur:
Start bashing Collings' or Tak's and watch the indignation rise!
Not true. Wouldn't bother me a bit if you started bashin on them......just means you have probably never played them ;) Tak's and Collings are worth every penny that they each cost in their respective price range. The same can't be said of the Taylor.
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Posted 2009-04-28 11:56 AM (#292609 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

March 2005
Posts: 5563

Location: Blue Ridge Mountains
Not true. Wouldn't bother me a bit if you started bashin on them......just means you have probably never played them Tak's and Collings are worth every penny that they each cost in their respective price range. The same can't be said of the Taylor.
I strongly disagree here...In my opinion, this is still the Ovation Fan Club: not the Tak fan club or the Collings or Gibson fan of course it wouldn't be the Taylor fan club either...However, I have owned and still own some of the finest Taylor's made (as well as many other makes)...Here is a bit of observed fact: just because a guitar is one price at retail, does not mean that you have to pay that price to own that model: patience and due dilligence do pay off...

As the blind sound test from last year proved, the Taylor 615 w/Brazilian RW constantly garnered many top votes and overall finished in 2nd place. That guitar retailed for almost $5,000 but with patience I was able to buy it brand new for $2400...that was in 1998. The '47 RI which took 1st place in the sound test also retailed for $5000 and I purchased it for $3200...(of course you don't hear much about that being too much money)...
The '48 Martin D-28 was in third place and is valued at around $13,000 to $15,000....a RI Martin authentic D-28 costs around $30,000 and retails even higher...I would break hearts if you knew what I have in this guitar...I was fortunate: right time/right place/yes, even blessed...

If some must put down a guitar brand to make themself feel/look "cool" or "knowledgeable": whatever; hence my lemmings comment. I disagree because I own 4 top of the line Taylors and they constantly get the majority of positive comments from both audiences and visitors to my home (the Adamas and Martins do too although, granted, the '48 D-28 does have that "WOW" factor)...

In the case of putting down other brands/makes however, I submit: 1. You probably don't own/play/use one; 2. You probably don't care about the feelings of those that do; 3. Have absolutely no concern how "small" such an attitude makes one look...not to mention the entire forum...

There are guitars that I personally do not like and have no desire to own...but I'll keep it to myself and let those that do own them enjoy and feel good about that purchase...

When it comes to Ovation/Adamas guitars vs. the rest of the guitar world, how about this:
We're not concieted, We're just convinced!

as always, ymmv...
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Captain Lovehandles
Posted 2009-04-28 12:16 PM (#292610 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

July 2005
Posts: 3410

Location: GA USA
Originally posted by stephent28:
just means you have probably never played them
I've played them, and I stand by my statement that they are not round.

Guys, this is a comedy thread. Lighten up. A simple ROFL will suffice.
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Posted 2009-04-28 1:29 PM (#292611 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
Mike, you obviously missed the point of my comment.
Concerning Taylors I said (in cryptic terms) that the price point vs performance is not consistent across the line.

I still stand by that statement and I own a Taylor DDSM which is a a very fine guitar that plays and sounds wonderful. However the price point for Taylor vs the sound quality does not equate across the opinion which is one that I value highly! :p

Concerning the sound clips you provided...and that Dave has provided....and that I have provided....and many others on other sites as well.....any results coming from those polls are just pure fun. There is NO WAY anybody can make a true sound determination on a guitar based on a compressed sound clip through computer monitors, laptop sound speakers or even decent room monitors.

If the Taylors you own are the top of your herd, then that's great but I bet they are all top end Taylors regardless of the price paid. A Brazilian Taylor is not a cheap guitar and I would expect it to sound terrific....but how many of us have actually seen a Brazilian model much less played one.....or a '48 Martin D-28 or any of the other high end expensive models that you name dropped.

Originally posted by MusicMishka:
to make themself feel/look "cool" or "knowledgeable"
Kinda how I feel about some of the sig lines

Originally posted by MusicMishka:
In the case of putting down other brands/makes however, I submit: 1. You probably don't own/play/use one;
I still own a Taylor and a Martin that I plan to sell. While it is the only Taylor I have owned I have owned many Martins. I just don't care for them as much as other makes and models.

Originally posted by MusicMishka:
2. You probably don't care about the feelings of those that do;
Please, lets not make assumptions based on opinions.

Originally posted by MusicMishka:
3. Have absolutely no concern how "small" such an attitude makes one look...not to mention the entire forum...
Now you got me wondering if a Taylor fanatic from the AGF has stolen Music Mikes identity. ;)


Get off the caffeine my are stressing out too much and Taylor bashing takes the play of politics and religion for off topic fun.

Have a wonderful day :)
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Captain Lovehandles
Posted 2009-04-28 1:36 PM (#292612 - in reply to #292588)
Subject: Re: Great deal on a Taylor

July 2005
Posts: 3410

Location: GA USA
You see an add for free horse crap, and think it might make a funny joke...
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