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wooden roundback tour...

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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-08-24 1:39 PM (#272556)
Subject: wooden roundback tour...

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
I think it would be fun to send my little wooden roundback on a jaunt round the OFC neighborhood.

Quite a few folks have asked about it over the last year or two. I would be willing to send it out there to intertested parties and then each person forward it on to the next. Sorta like the "BOOK"

You can see it in my "opics". It is currently on it's way home from the luthier who performed a little tune-up work on the bracing and bridge and neck.

It is already a world traveler, but for the last couple of years is been pretty sedintary, so, I'm sure she's icthin' for a little adventure....
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Posted 2005-08-24 2:00 PM (#272557 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

February 2005
Posts: 253

Location: New Orleans
Wow. Earlier this morning I looked at your guitars and was going to ask you about that wooden roundback but had to leave to run an errand. Who manufactured it? I just want to know all about it, it's an eye catcher. How's it sound? ;)
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Posted 2005-08-24 2:31 PM (#272558 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

November 2004
Posts: 4413

Like all his guitars it sounds better when someone else plays it. :p
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-08-24 2:34 PM (#272559 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
I'm afraid he's right.

A hard thing to swallow.
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Posted 2005-08-24 2:37 PM (#272560 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

November 2004
Posts: 4413

:D :D
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Posted 2005-08-24 2:56 PM (#272561 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

September 2003
Posts: 9301

Location: south east Michigan
WoW...You would be willing to risk all that shipping?
I love the idea.
If fact if it happens, I'd like to be first.

Keep it for a week or two (2 weeks tops), take to my local music shops as something of interest, take a couple pictures, and send it on.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-08-24 4:18 PM (#272562 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
OK, Brad you are the first. LeStrange didn't ask so U-duh-man.

I will risk the shipping and ask that folks insure it for 400 dollars and forward it along to only folks they trust to keep the spirit of the loan.

Let's be clear, I will only be paying for shipping/insurance to you. Forwarding it to the next person on the list will be assumed by those who have it.

2-3 weeks each sounds fair.
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Posted 2005-08-24 4:45 PM (#272563 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

December 2003
Posts: 13992

Location: Upper Left USA
Throw me on your list if you will.

I would suggest a hand-off instead of shipping if possible. Photo journal (Post Topic) is a must.

No hurry, just excitement!
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-08-24 5:06 PM (#272564 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub

And to answer Lestrange's questions- I had this guitar made while in the Philippines by a guy in a tiny shop in Lapu-Lapu on the Island of Mactan. Lapu-Lapu is renown as the location where Magellan met his death at the hands of the natives (and well deserved mind you) in 1522 as he circumnavigated the world under Spanish flag on route to the "Spice Islands"

The guitar is a super shallow bowl and sounds comenserate with bowl depth. It was easy to travel with and that was the main purpose. The materials and contruction are first rate, though you have to remember, I paid $300 dollars for a custom made guitar...a one off.
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Posted 2005-08-24 5:20 PM (#272565 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

December 2004
Posts: 2150

Location: Orlando, FL
Great idea, put me on da list man! If you care to send the Uterus out for a little vacation let me know! :D

P.S. - Bekka says hi!
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-08-24 5:42 PM (#272566 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub

Oh, Bekka...sniffle...
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Posted 2005-08-24 5:46 PM (#272567 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
OK Jeff, I see how this works.

You make me the offer of the roundback on the OFC Kindness thread (in the middle of the night) :) and before I can respond, I find out it is offered to the world :eek: and there is already a line of OFCers waiting their turn to play it :mad:

So this is how you repay my kindness!

I swear when we meet face to face, you will be sorry you offered to buy drinks! :rolleyes: :D :cool:
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Posted 2005-08-24 5:48 PM (#272568 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
If you REALLY wanna do this, I'd follow Woodster's advice and do this via physical "hand-off's". Letting it just "zig-zag" aimlessly back and forth across the country (or globe) at the mercy of fuckwit freight handlers is just Tempting Fate . . .

Besides, the postings here of the "Hand-Off" photos could be interesting . . . .
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-08-24 6:21 PM (#272569 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Originally posted by stephent28:
OK Jeff, I see how this works.

You make me the offer of the roundback on the OFC Kindness thread (in the middle of the night) :) and before I can respond, I find out it is offered to the world
Hmmm...This is an interesting ethical question. I did offer StephenT first dibbs, but he failed to respond in better than a day and a half...

and he also, pulled some strings to get me listed me as "A Person of Interest" with the Colorado State Police and Interstate Trade Commission, severely limiting my ability to travel within that state after, I offered to relieve him of his slightly sub-par FD-14...though he never did bring a copyright infringement suit against me for posting his FD-14 picture on my website.

So, I guess I should offer to send it out to Mr. Terry first, then he to Brad an so-forth and so-on.

Woody and Cliff offer legitimate concerns...But, If I am any example, the guitar would hardly move at all. So, both hand offs and shipping are appropriate. Please insure it. It must also have a tracking number...and we should keep a log of it's location posted on this board.

What worth is life without a little risk...
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Posted 2005-08-24 6:30 PM (#272570 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

September 2003
Posts: 9301

Location: south east Michigan
I will:
Take and share photos.
Take it to my local music store. The owner there can appreciate something like this.
If I have it on September 9th. I might play it at an open mic night.
Pack the BeJezzus out of it when I send it on.
Do my best to give Jeff's guitar an adventure.

I do have one advantage. UPS comes to my shop twice a day. I can ship it, insured for about $15.
Jeff...Look for my company address in your e-mail.

This is going to be cool.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-08-24 6:48 PM (#272571 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
maybe Brad, Stephen, Woody, D'zilla....
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Posted 2005-08-24 6:52 PM (#272572 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

December 2003
Posts: 13992

Location: Upper Left USA
I can share with Stringedinstrument, MrGolf007, Waskel and Nils if they promise to play nice.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-08-24 6:59 PM (#272573 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
I am already done with this...

Brad...make sure Stephen T gets it...

Stephen T. make sure you give it to Woody...

Woody...after the NW orgie, make sure, D'zilla gets her...
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Posted 2005-08-24 7:11 PM (#272574 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

December 2004
Posts: 2150

Location: Orlando, FL
...after the NW orgie, make sure, D'zilla gets her...
Just give her a good cleanin' before you send her. :eek:
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-08-24 7:31 PM (#272575 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
That's up to Woody...
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Posted 2005-08-24 7:38 PM (#272576 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

December 2003
Posts: 13992

Location: Upper Left USA
I am still a Blood Donor if you need any reassurance.

Yet another OFC Pass-around!
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Posted 2005-08-24 7:42 PM (#272577 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

September 2003
Posts: 9301

Location: south east Michigan
We do have to show a little prudence here. If left unchecked we someday might find Cliff at our door with instructions on where to send him in a week.
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Posted 2005-08-24 7:46 PM (#272578 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

December 2004
Posts: 2150

Location: Orlando, FL
Great, another mouth to feed...
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Posted 2005-08-24 8:04 PM (#272579 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

December 2003
Posts: 13992

Location: Upper Left USA
Will Jeanette accept Paypal for Cliff?

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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-08-24 8:10 PM (#272580 - in reply to #272556)
Subject: Re: wooden roundback tour...

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Oh, we pay her....

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