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UKII questions

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Posted 2013-03-19 3:01 PM (#468546)
Subject: UKII questions

May 2008
Posts: 194

Location: Las Vegas, NV
I recently acquired an early, black UKII (bowties, pickguard intact), and am going to be doing a little dis-assembly and cleaning work on it. A couple of questions for you guys that are much more knowledgable on these (and you know who you are):

1) Any ideas on fixing nicks and dings? There are a few here and there on the body that aren't a big deal, but there are a few on the edge of the bridge cavity of the body, at the bottom of the bridge (where the strings are fed).

2) Anybody have an original UKII case laying around that they don't need anymore? I know this one is a longshot, but I'd love to get it back in an original case. I've read that the Preacher/Viper case might work, but is a pretty tight fit.

3) Anybody still have UKII parts lying around? I think I saw a couple of posts from two years ago or so that Miles might. I might stock up, just in case.

I'm planning on taking pictures sometime this week, so I'll get them posted when I do. Thanks ahead of time for any help/advice.

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Posted 2013-03-19 11:09 PM (#468562 - in reply to #468546)
Subject: RE: UKII questions

December 2006
Posts: 6994

Location: Jet City

bcoombs - 2013-03-19 1:01 PM 3) Anybody still have UKII parts lying around? I think I saw a couple of posts from two years ago or so that Miles might. I might stock up, just in case.

First, congrats on acquiring one of THE BEST electric guitars ever.


I've had a UKII for 30 years. What parts should I have been stocking up on? Sorry, that just seems like such an odd question. Stock up on strings, you don't need spare parts... it's not NASCAR, no pitstops will be needed.

As for fixes on your blemishes, I don't know what can be done but someone might have some ideas, especially after you show some pics with some detail.

Have patience on the case, they show up eventually. I found one once in a pawn shop, the guitar had long been sold. It killed me too, cuz the tag said "White Ovation" It could only have meant a whilte UKII! I bought the case for another member. I'll keep eyes peeled.

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Posted 2013-03-20 10:54 AM (#468577 - in reply to #468546)
Subject: Re: UKII questions

May 2008
Posts: 194

Location: Las Vegas, NV
Thanks for the response, Damon. I'd been gassing for a UKII for years (reading all of your posts on your UKII over the past several years certainly contributed), and then stopped looking for one a couple of years ago when I was out of work for a few months. Out of the blue, I happened upon a for-sale posting on the internet from a guy (original owner) across the country selling one for 300 bucks. Of course, I had to jump on it. It needs some cleaning and set up, and it's really in pretty good shape, so I know I got a steal on it.

Thanks for keeping a lookout for the case.
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Posted 2013-03-29 1:53 PM (#468976 - in reply to #468546)
Subject: Re: UKII questions

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
I've heard these were good guitars
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Posted 2013-03-29 4:42 PM (#468979 - in reply to #468546)
Subject: RE: UKII questions

May 2008
Posts: 194

Location: Las Vegas, NV
Well, you would know...

You wouldn't have an extra case laying around for it, would you?
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