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My New 2008 CE...

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Posted 2008-07-26 4:26 AM (#301794)
Subject: My New 2008 CE...

May 2008
Posts: 25

Location: Singapore
Well, the photography aint good, but here is me new one - picked it up last night: Steve's Music, Montreal, Canada! Thanks to Mike & Alex for their 'assistance'--"Yeah, buy it Dude!"

My new Adamas 2008 Collector's Edition!

OFC Gallery LINK:

OR Same: I guess this may work??

But, OMG!!!! What a freakin guitar! These are SO much nicer up close than any pics I have seen, and the sound?!! WOW. The Al di is fantastic, and this one is even better, such a big projective fat sound! Bottom end is enormous but its even across all the freq's! But its so loud I had to really play soft in my hotel room!

Can't wait to stick this thro my new Crate CA120DG waiting to be picked up back home in Singapore...

But wow. If u get the chance, as Woody said, "If you aint got one, GET ON!"

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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2008-07-26 4:50 AM (#301795 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Very Nice...

So, Did Steve give you a Discount after he put a store sticker on Number 35 outta 100 Collectors' Edition? :mad:
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Posted 2008-07-26 7:54 AM (#301796 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

April 2008
Posts: 2985

Location: Sydney, Australia
Congratulations Ivon, I'm jealous, but only for a few more months. Enjoy!!
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Posted 2008-07-27 7:18 PM (#301797 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

August 2003
Posts: 888

Location: Louisville, OH 44641
Ivon, what a great guitar. Congrats. This looks like my dream guitar. But I have a question. How is the action as set up by the factory?


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Posted 2008-07-27 7:44 PM (#301798 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
The one I played at Amelia was set up nice and low and was very easy to play. It belonged to MusicMike and I don't recall him saying anything about adjusting the action or I assume it was the way the factory set it up.
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Posted 2008-07-27 10:18 PM (#301799 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

March 2005
Posts: 5563

Location: Blue Ridge Mountains
I removed a shim at first: later put it back...the action out of the box was great: I just wanted to go to different strings (Elixir Phos Brz Custom Lt Nano/s) and tried a closer set-up...I changed back...
This guitar is a finger pickers dream!
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Posted 2008-07-28 2:27 AM (#301800 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

May 2008
Posts: 25

Location: Singapore
Um yeah the ACTION? For me it was too high in the shop. And I asume it had factory strings - they are too fat too! I asked the luthier at Steve's to lower it he took out 1 shim and then said it couldnt go any lower??? I think any $3000+ guitar should have the structure to go to almost no action without buzzing if its set up all correctly! But we'll see in time...

Anyway, I am living with it as is. I will probably put lighter strings on, I tend to go 9-45+ on acoustics or there about IF I can find them, but usually have to custom make sets.

I just got back to Singapore after 30 hours travelling so am not too worried about it but when/if my luthier gets back from Canada I will get him to work on it and lower as much as possible.

As is - its around 3+mm at 12th on 6th string. I prefer around 2mm, even on acoustics, electrics less!

I must say tho, the sound is incredible as is! I dont wanna ruin that. It has to be the fattest acoutic I have EVER heard. And what construction! Its a work of art! definitely worth it & recommendable! The Al di I got a couple of weeks ago had similar string/action issues but not as high. After working on that its OK. Still a little heavy but you can probably tell I like em light!!!

Both are totally amazing guitars, the 2008CE is better! Better sound, prettier, feels amazing, great construction & quality! I would definitely reccommmend anyone who can spend that much to GET ONE! Or two!!

I play mostly pick or pick/fingers, and mostly jazz fusion a bita Indian too, so I like it fast. So I will keep working on it or try get used to it as is.

BTW the price was pretty good. $2995 Canadian + tax. Considering I was THERE at the time (I live in Singapore), I got to get my hands on it, the staff were helpful, and I have been having logistics problems getting an 1187 with PUs or 1687 that I could physically get to, this I thought was a steal for me!

I know Ovation prices are high and everyone "discounts" them a lot, but apart from Al's place I havent seen any 2008's as low as this, and this WAS right in front of me whilst I was travelling around. So I am very very happy with the whole deal.

I still may get an 1187 or 1687 or both but for now my Carbon fiber lust is satisfied and well more than I ever thought the 2008 CE would do! I never thought much of them until I actually got behind the wheel! 100% convert now!!!

And being #35 not "single figures" dont mean a thing to me-some people prefer to collect the low numbers. Its still one of 100, a collectors item and much more important a bl**dy fantastic guitar using modern tech with amazing artistic construction, sound and playability! "This one's a keeper!" (Gold Member!)

Steve's have got some good deals right now, I was SO SO tempted to get a Godin MIDI electric but figured "I shouldn't really" - I had to take a colleague from Japan with me the second trip to stop me getting one of those - cos the price was good too! That'll be my next purchase I think!

What a rant!
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Trader Jim
Posted 2008-07-28 5:24 AM (#301801 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

June 2006
Posts: 7307

Location: South of most, North of few
So,...since this is posted n the for sale section...are you selling it?? :confused:
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Posted 2008-07-28 9:47 AM (#301802 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
Ivon, for a slightly different flavor but one that would definitely fit right it, you should grab one of the few remaining 2080's that Al has.

A few don't like the looks (I love the looks of mine) but the sound is killer and the price will surprise you!
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moody, p.i.
Posted 2008-07-28 11:02 AM (#301803 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

March 2002
Posts: 15668

Location: SoCal
9-45's on an acoustic??? Don't you need at least SOME string tension to drive the top??
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Posted 2008-07-28 11:16 AM (#301804 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
Not if you're using it to slice cheese . . .
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Posted 2008-07-28 11:25 AM (#301805 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

May 2008
Posts: 25

Location: Singapore
Firstly, NO obviously Im not selling it, Trader Jim...I read above that this was not JUST or strictly a sell page. So I ranted a little! As I have seen many-an enthused Ovation owner do. But since it seems to have peeved u I shall not any more! Last time, promise!

Secondly, stphen28, YES I have tried the 2080, actually a few months ago trying that in a shop was what got me back into wanting, ney desiring an Ovation again! The sound n VIP5 really impressed me! It was that that caused me to order my Al di - which I waited 5 months for, and then just get the 2008 CE a couple of days ago! The 2080 was nice, very Adamas beefy sound, but just not quite trad enough for me, in that the 2008 and many others are still a little "wooden" and arty. I might come round to the slightly rad design but I DO like me wooden (looking) guitars!

And moody, p.i., NOPE! I have found zero problem running 9-40-somethings on all my acoustics, and I play the top end a lot! A million years ago I did try putting 8's on an that WAS bad! Way too stretchy really! Always out of tune! But very fast!!
Honestly, I find the 9's are great! The Al di is "thinner" on 1st & 2nd, but not too badly so! EQ it and its well fine enough! Done the 9 thing LONG time! 25+ years I guess.....thats cos I started playing at -5years old, not cos Im really old ot nuthing!
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Trader Jim
Posted 2008-07-28 12:19 PM (#301806 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

June 2006
Posts: 7307

Location: South of most, North of few
You didn't peeve me Ivon, and I didn't mean to offend you, I was just confused as to why it was in the for sale instead of the general posting. Anyway, great guitar. Your pictures look better than any of the others I've seen, and never seeing one in person, I can now see what everyone likes about them. I, like moody, would think 9's were a little thin for this guitar, but if it works and you like it, thats all that matters. :D
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Posted 2008-07-28 3:28 PM (#301807 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

September 2004
Posts: 777

Location: East Wenatchee, WA
Sorry if this is a "duh" observation, but I have not seen an Ovation with 24 frets (well...partial frets) until the 2008C. I was messing with some harmonics and whereas on my 2080 I hit a "sorta kinda" 24th fret harmony just past the fretboard, on the 2008C it came up dead....then I counted.

My 2080 and 1537 and W597 were all 22 frets. Is the 08C special, or do others have this type of fretboard?
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Posted 2008-07-28 3:54 PM (#301808 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

December 2006
Posts: 6994

Location: Jet City
Originally posted by JeffreyD:
Sorry if this is a "duh" observation, but I have not seen an Ovation with 24 frets (well...partial frets) until the 2008C. I was messing with some harmonics and whereas on my 2080 I hit a "sorta kinda" 24th fret harmony just past the fretboard, on the 2008C it came up dead....then I counted.

My 2080 and 1537 and W597 were all 22 frets. Is the 08C special, or do others have this type of fretboard?
I've had a 24 fret ovation for decades... it's called a UKII ;)
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Posted 2008-07-28 4:10 PM (#301809 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

February 2005
Posts: 11840

Location: closely held secret
And I have one called a Viper. :D
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Posted 2008-07-28 4:51 PM (#301810 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

January 2006
Posts: 5881

Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains
The purfling on the 2008CE is about as pretty as it gets. If I didn't already have a 1581 30th Anniversary RI (which covers my need for a deep bowl single epaulet cutaway), I certainly would have been on one of these.
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Posted 2008-07-28 5:23 PM (#301811 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

March 2007
Posts: 665

Location: Tychy, Poland
very nice guitar, but 9-45... 9-anything... it's just plain wrong for Ovation, unless you're playing through amp all the time.
12's, 13's are right choice imho.
once you get used to it, you will never go back.
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Trader Jim
Posted 2008-07-28 5:35 PM (#301812 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

June 2006
Posts: 7307

Location: South of most, North of few
I would have to concur with LBJ, I used to play 10's because 12's would hurt my fingers. Once I got used to 12's and 13's, they sound way better.
BTW, I just looked at the pictures again, and all I can say is WOW. What a beautiful guitar. Now you got me thinking I should try to find one.
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Posted 2008-07-28 5:52 PM (#301813 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

January 2006
Posts: 5881

Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains
I keep the Vipers and two SSBs strung with 10s. Everything else has 12s, and a couple of the deep bowls and the GOO have 13s. Only the pure 'lectrics have 9s.
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Posted 2008-07-28 8:16 PM (#301814 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

April 2008
Posts: 2985

Location: Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by JeffreyD:
My 2080 and 1537 and W597 were all 22 frets. Is the 08C special, or do others have this type of fretboard?
Adamas Is but not Adamas IIs have 24 frets. Must be a status thingy.
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Posted 2008-07-30 1:46 PM (#301815 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

May 2008
Posts: 25

Location: Singapore
ProfessorBB; yes, its a little thing but the edging on any guitar really makes a difference in how the quality feels?! Odd, I dont understand why? If its really neat or nice then I automatically feel the guitar is of better quality??? Like the old school Custom Legends - they just look great, and I think the abalone edging does it!

I was swayed by little things like that for the 2008CE. Tho OBVIOUSLY the sound, and general knowledge of its quality was the main factors. But yes, it is real purdy!!! Thats one thing I liked of the 1187-247 over the 1687-6...but both are nice!

Trader Jim:
I think Al has one or more 2008CE's for a great price?? Dunt quote me on that tho! I woulda gotten that but I was stuck in Montreal for just a few days before I had to get back to Singapore. But yep, u should get one! They is Stunning!

...and the rest of you??? I dunno what's wrong wit'cha? Ha ha! 10's, 12's, 13's??? Ahhhh?! Its just not possible! I must admit the huge sound Im presently getting from the 2008CE may be those enormous great big anchor cables they put on in the factory!! But playability is SO vital to me, I wanna be able to play without thinking about pushing any strings down (well sorta). These hefty wires will stay for a while and who knows perhaps my weedy fingers'll get used to flying around on these. That would be the best of both worlds, but....?

I recall reading the electric strings Brian May used...7 or 8, then 9, then 10, then 12,... or some craziness like that!?? He got a pretty decent sound-but I guess electricity helps!

...and 24 frets - this is SO cool! Its been forever since I had a guitar with 24! I hate top C being the end of the line!!! Happy with me 2008CE I guess u could say!
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Posted 2008-07-30 2:45 PM (#301816 - in reply to #301794)
Subject: Re: My New 2008 CE...

March 2007
Posts: 665

Location: Tychy, Poland
ivon, i started with 9's and then went to 10's, because i was electric player mainly.
then i learned how to set up guitar properly, and now i have 12's on legend, 13's on furch.
and both guitars sound great, i have superb action on them and they're pretty easy to play.
there was a time i was playing only on my Carvin electric for 3 weeks or so, and i grabbed my Furch and i had no problems with playing on it.

at least - try it. set up this guitar properly, and play for 2-3 weeks with medium gauge strings.
personally, i think that Ovations sound very dull and empty with light strings.
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