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Adamas w597 on ebay

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Posted 2005-04-19 1:34 AM (#337240)
Subject: Adamas w597 on ebay

December 2004
Posts: 1116

Location: Keller, TX
I am putting the w597 on E-bay. The auction will start on 4/19 at 7:00 Central.

Adamas w597
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Posted 2005-04-19 9:20 AM (#337241 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

November 2003
Posts: 76

Location: LewistownPA
???????? ok so where is it ?
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Posted 2005-04-19 10:40 AM (#337242 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

April 2003
Posts: 2503

Location: Fayetteville, NC
Maybe he changed his mind. I wondered the same thing out of curiosity when i tried to visit the link.
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Posted 2005-04-19 10:48 AM (#337243 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

December 2004
Posts: 1116

Location: Keller, TX
The link wont be valid until 8pm Pacific 4/19. I wanted to take the guitar to OFC Texas this weekend. Please check again later tonight. When I click on the link, it works. I posted a copy on my website here .
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Posted 2005-04-19 11:24 PM (#337244 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

December 2004
Posts: 1116

Location: Keller, TX
The ebay link now appears to be working.
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Posted 2005-04-22 6:49 PM (#337245 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

December 2004
Posts: 1116

Location: Keller, TX
I have had three questions, all from non-USA people. No other interest from the e-bay auction. Therefore, I am changing the auction to include all you "foreigners" (said with a Texan accent).
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Posted 2005-04-23 1:45 PM (#337246 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

July 2002
Posts: 1900

Seems like there would be a way to have that small blemish professionally repaired, correct? Otherwise, that's the best buy on ebay..

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Posted 2005-04-24 12:27 PM (#337247 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

March 2005
Posts: 1421

Location: Orange County, California
I have personally played this little gem. I think Tom is nuts for selling (just because of the color). Anyone looking for a reason to own a really nice Adamas. This is it. In a room full of very Nice gutiars, this one stood out while I was playing it. If something else hadn't stolen my heart at the OFC TX get together, She'd already be mine!!
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Posted 2005-04-24 5:40 PM (#337248 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

December 2004
Posts: 1116

Location: Keller, TX
Thanks Fred. Got your voice-mail. Had a great time at OFC Texas. There were lots of great guitars there. This isn't the first time someone has called me nuts. This one just didn't speak to me. But I did find a replacement. :D

Hope you have a great visit in Texas and make it home safe. Have fun with your new toy.
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Posted 2005-04-25 9:28 AM (#337249 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

June 2002
Posts: 1614

Location: Converse, Texas
I happen to know that Tom found his little gem that "spoke" to him at the Texas jam.

I also personally played his Adamas, and it truly is a great guitar!
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Mr. Adamas
Posted 2005-04-25 3:31 PM (#337250 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

October 2004
Posts: 124

it's beautiful guitar!!! color is not the issue. the big dents & scratches on the top is the issue. so obvious right in the middle.

it's gonna be tough to repair this cross weave carbon top. you can't fill in something & polish.
the only way is to replace the whole top, i suppose.
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Posted 2005-04-25 3:47 PM (#337251 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

December 2004
Posts: 1116

Location: Keller, TX
Yeah, it does have the scratch. But look at the price. If you want a new one, with a new price, buy a new one. If you want an Adamas with an Adamas sound with a scratch, buy this one.

You may not be able to fix it. I was just saying what Mike Stevens said. Ovation be able to fill it. May have to replace the top. Ask Hizzoner, MtnBikerFred, and George. They all played it. Ask them what it sounded like. Sounded almost like the Adamas Mellinium that was being played at Texas OFC.

I'm not saying it is a perfect guitar with a tiny, unnoticable scracth on the back side. It does have a scracth on the front that is obvious. Just trying to be honest.
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Mr. Adamas
Posted 2005-04-25 3:56 PM (#337252 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

October 2004
Posts: 124

was the blemish there when you bought it used few months ago?
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Posted 2005-04-25 5:42 PM (#337253 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

December 2004
Posts: 1116

Location: Keller, TX
Yes, that is how I got it from Al. It came from the factory that way.
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Mr. Adamas
Posted 2005-04-25 7:01 PM (#337254 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

October 2004
Posts: 124

so it's FACTORY SECOND (with visible blemish). it's worse than FRG (without visible blemish).
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Posted 2005-04-25 8:18 PM (#337255 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

December 2004
Posts: 1116

Location: Keller, TX
Did I do something to offend you? Do you not like the way I type or something?

I bought this guitar knowing it had the defect. It was the color I didn't like. I am trying to sell it so I can get a different one. I am not trying to hide that it has a defect. I don't care if it is a "FACTORY SECOND". I am not trying to pass this off on someone.

Some members of the OFC have played it and loved the sound. They have said as much on this board. Have you seen it or played it? Do you know what this guitar sounds like? Do you think your opinion will outweigh the opinion of the OFC memebers on this board that have seen and played it?

I could understand if I were trying to hide the fact that this guitar has a blemish. BUT I AM NOT. I have a great sounding guitar that I don't like the color of. I am trying to sell it at a great price to someone else WHO DOESNT CARE THAT IT HAS A DEFECT. If you do care, then don't buy it. Just don't tell everyone I have a crappy "FACTORY SECOND" guitar that I am trying trick someone into buying.

So if you have some experience with THIS GUITAR, and can state that it is not what I have said it is, then tell everyone. If you haven't seen, or played this guitar, then stop telling everyone how bad you think it is.

If you are not interested, don't buy it.
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Mr. Adamas
Posted 2005-04-25 9:03 PM (#337256 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

October 2004
Posts: 124

why get so defensive? i'm just trying to get some info & figure it out if it's factory second. your ad says it's not frg, but doesn't say whether it's second or not.

i've been playing adamas for over 20 yrs & currently have more than 10. of course i know how it sounds.
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Posted 2005-04-25 11:14 PM (#337257 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

November 2004
Posts: 67

Location: Los Angeles, CA
Mr. Adamas,

The guitar ttenn is auctioning for some reason is still listed on Al's website. If you look you will see that Al succinctly states,

"textured top made for the export market rev blue alight finish flaw w hsc #18998 "

No mention of FRG, no mention of being a SECOND.
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Tony Calman
Posted 2005-04-26 12:06 AM (#337258 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

August 2003
Posts: 4619

Location: SoCal
then, obvious that it would not meet quality control for Japanese market and since it wasn't sold in US market - whatever the definition, essentially a "second" - yet, not marked as such.

however, you could say the same for my 2001 Collector's with a Japanese manual - you would have to look very hard to find the tiny flaw.

Bottom line, a great "player" with a little cosmetic problem. One caution, word that I have is Ovation will not refinish/repair an Adamas top.

So, with full disclosure by the seller, great deal for the buyer as long as he/she understands that it will probably not get "more purdy."
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Posted 2005-04-26 12:03 PM (#337259 - in reply to #337240)
Subject: Re: Adamas w597 on ebay

June 2002
Posts: 164

Location: Denton, Texas
This is a wonderful sounding guitar which I played at the OFC gathering in Palestine, Texas over the weekend. My color of Choice is the reverse Blueburst as some of you know as I have Adamii One and Two in that color and a W597 Cobalt Blue to boot or I would grab this guitar! The "flaw" looks worse in the pictures than in reality when you hold it in your hands. Tom is being more than forthright and generous with his presentation and starting price...IMHO :)
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