Joined: January 2006 Posts: 1479
Location: Michigan | Iwill be the first to come out of the closet and tell you an experience that I had with it.First things first ,I do not need any stimulant to wake up the one eyed wonder worm,but after listening to a bunch of younger kids in there 3os were using viagra all of the time and saying how great it was so I would listen to what their experiences were.After about a couple of months of ribbing from them I got one and prepared a weekend up at the lake house up north and really was nervous about taking it,but everybody said dude its cool you will roar like lion tonight and then some.
Meanwhil i am thinking about the commercials they tell you if you have heart diasese or liver problems check with your Doctor,Also a ERECTION lasting more than 4 hours should be looked at.
Well after an afternoon of cocktails i poped that puppy and waited.after about 15 minutes or so I started getting a little chubby but my heart was starting to race faster & faster.I started getting reallhot and my head turn purple and I thought it was going to explode.Needless to say I freaked out with my heart racing like I was on Mescelene and that was the last of that experiencenever again
Anybody else have any experiences with these medications?GWB :mad: :eek: :eek: :mad: |