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Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2017-09-05 9:47 PM (#537322)
Subject: Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Time to thin the herd.

This is a relatively rare 2005 LUSTY RED Elite T.
Very little wear on frets or fingerboard.
OP-30 Preamp. CP-100 "Thinline" pickup.
$500 plus shipping (PayPal). Includes case with metal "Ovation" logo.

Feel Free to ask Questions, or for specific photos.
Remember... these guitars are getting pretty scarce.

Edited by Old Man Arthur 2017-09-05 9:50 PM
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moody, p.i.
Posted 2017-09-05 10:18 PM (#537323 - in reply to #537322)
Subject: Re: Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

March 2002
Posts: 15669

Location: SoCal
Lusty? If it's like every other T that I've played, it's worth every penny whether lusty comes to mind or not. It's a good price for a wonderful guitar....
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Love O Fair
Posted 2017-09-05 10:28 PM (#537324 - in reply to #537322)
Subject: Re: Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

February 2016
Posts: 1816

Location: When??
Hi Arthur. First, nice photo job. Second, two questions.
1- How are these constructed? Meaning, what is the top made from, and what is the binding like beneath? I ask because I see Lyrachord running all the way up to the very edge of the top.
2- What's the soccer ball thing in the case?

Sorry .. I edited many times, and ended up with four questions.. but I don't know anything about these.

Edited by Love O Fair 2017-09-05 10:54 PM
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2017-09-05 11:45 PM (#537325 - in reply to #537322)
Subject: Re: Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Those outdoor photos were submission for the 2016 OFC Calendar that didn't make the cut.

1) The top is Solid Spruce.
Elite T's are made like any other Ovation except that that bowl and the top are painted with the same paint. In this case, Red.
As to the Binding... I have never scraped-off the paint to see the binding an Elite T. But I believe that they are bound. You can see the lower edge of the binding, where it meets the Lyrachord, if you look really hard at an actual guitar.
You can almost see it in that photo from the side of the preamp and string height.
These are old photos, I didn't take them today, but the guitar hasn't changed.

2) That is an old photo, so I don't think that I still have the "Soccer ball thing in the case."
What it was is a Fan.
Y'know like those Fans that ladies have in old Churches without A/C?
But in this case it was an advertisement for Silver Lining Pawn Shop out in East Portland.
I am guess that it is for when Mothers take their kids to play Soccer, and then have to sit in the heat.
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Posted 2017-09-06 6:44 AM (#537326 - in reply to #537322)
Subject: Re: Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

January 2006
Posts: 5881

Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains
The photo with the flag is cool. Made in the USA.
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Posted 2017-09-06 8:39 AM (#537327 - in reply to #537325)
Subject: Re: Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

June 2012
Posts: 2323

Location: Pueblo West, CO
Old Man Arthur - 2017-09-05 9:45 PM

As to the Binding... I have never scraped-off the paint to see the binding an Elite T. But I believe that they are bound. You can see the lower edge of the binding, where it meets the Lyrachord, if you look really hard at an actual guitar.

The Elite-T tops are bound, but there is no purfling. Since the top is painted, purfling is not needed.
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Posted 2017-09-06 9:52 AM (#537328 - in reply to #537322)
Subject: Re: Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

December 2001
Posts: 10583

Location: NJ
lusty red......

I think I knew a girl by that name....
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Love O Fair
Posted 2017-09-06 11:28 PM (#537335 - in reply to #537322)
Subject: Re: Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

February 2016
Posts: 1816

Location: When??
@Al - "lusty red...... I think I knew a girl by that name....

Yep, you did. I have the photos (don't worry, they're not for sale).
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Posted 2017-09-07 9:42 AM (#537337 - in reply to #537335)
Subject: Re: Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

December 2014
Posts: 1713

Location: Frozen Tundra of Minnesota
What's not to Love?

It's a "T" and it's RED!!!!!
Beautiful Guitar Arthur!!!
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2017-09-07 4:38 PM (#537341 - in reply to #537337)
Subject: Re: Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Nancy - 2017-09-07 7:42 AM

What's not to Love?

It's a "T" and it's RED!!!!!
Beautiful Guitar Arthur!!!


Hello Nancy.
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Posted 2017-09-07 5:07 PM (#537342 - in reply to #537341)
Subject: Re: Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

December 2014
Posts: 1713

Location: Frozen Tundra of Minnesota
Old Man Arthur - 2017-09-07 4:38 PM

Hello Nancy.

Hi Arthur!! I have missed you!! <3
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2017-09-10 8:19 PM (#537370 - in reply to #537322)
Subject: Re: Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Well... It has gone to evilBay where it costs more.
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Posted 2017-09-11 2:41 PM (#537382 - in reply to #537322)
Subject: Re: Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

December 2001
Posts: 10583

Location: NJ
they never learn.....
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I b
Posted 2017-10-08 9:47 PM (#537651 - in reply to #537322)
Subject: Re: Here is your chance for a LUSTY RED ELITE T 1778T

February 2016
Posts: 17

Wow I would love to have one of these! Dang if I sell my US made G&L ASAT classic then I'm contacting you!
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