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Humidify in a gig bag?

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Posted 2008-11-22 12:41 AM (#10614)
Subject: Humidify in a gig bag?

November 2008
Posts: 15

Location: Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
So, I am really having a pickle spending $140 for a hard case on a $375 guitar. Anyhow, I am curious if I could simply keep my new toy in a gig bag and keep it properly humidified? I can't imagine why a hard case would be any different than a gig bag in this regard.

I have posted on my local Craig's List and checked the Bay. Also, posted an add here. It would seem like I should be able to find something for less than $70...
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Mark in Boise
Posted 2008-11-22 1:00 AM (#10615 - in reply to #10614)
Subject: Re: Humidify in a gig bag?

March 2005
Posts: 12759

Location: Boise, Idaho
Keep looking. I found a $20 shallow bowl case locally last summer. How about putting the guitar in a room with a humidifier? You can get one of those with a humidistat for $30 or so.
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2008-11-22 1:13 AM (#10616 - in reply to #10614)
Subject: Re: Humidify in a gig bag?

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Okay.... Right now, the humidity outside your house is 62% according to Weather
Now, since it is 23 degrees outside, you probably have your heater on, huh?

What is he humidity in your house/room?
I have a Thrift Store humidifier that keeps my whole room around 37%.
And I hope (knock on wood) that will keep all my guitars happy.

As to the gig-bag, if you keep you guitar in it with a humidifier would that make the foamy stuff damp and mildewy?

Anyway, if you keep your guitar room relatively humidified to a decent level you should be cool.
You could get one of them Dampit thingies... and drop it in one of those little holes.

But really, just keep your music room (bedroom, living room) at a comfortable level...
You still need a case to take you guitar outside with, but you don't have to buy everything right now.
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Posted 2008-11-22 1:51 AM (#10617 - in reply to #10614)
Subject: Re: Humidify in a gig bag?

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
OMA, should be around 50% and temp around 70.
37% is probably safe but WTHDIK.
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2008-11-22 3:33 AM (#10618 - in reply to #10614)
Subject: Re: Humidify in a gig bag?

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Unfortunately I live in the same room as my guitars.

I am hoping that I am right in thinking that consistency is more important the a set number.

Someone please tell me that I am right.... pleeze!
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Posted 2008-11-22 4:02 AM (#10619 - in reply to #10614)
Subject: Re: Humidify in a gig bag?
December 2006
Posts: 6268

Location: Florida Central Gulf Coast

I sometimes think back to the ol' days prior to A/C and all the guitars that have survived.

I truly think that it's the sudden and drastic changes in temp and/or humidity that does the damage. Hopefully I'm at least half way right...
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Posted 2008-11-22 8:09 AM (#10620 - in reply to #10614)
Subject: Re: Humidify in a gig bag?

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
Yeah, get a dampit, I do.
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Posted 2008-11-22 11:04 AM (#10621 - in reply to #10614)
Subject: Re: Humidify in a gig bag?

November 2008
Posts: 15

Location: Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
RH in my home is 27 - 35% depending on what room I am in. I have a little fan-type humidifier in the office where I have the guitar but that is still only averaging 32 - 35% at 69 degrees.

I could try a Damp-It in one the multi-sound holes.
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Posted 2008-11-22 1:08 PM (#10622 - in reply to #10614)
Subject: Re: Humidify in a gig bag?

December 2003
Posts: 13988

Location: Upper Left USA
Consistancy is good and if you are comfortable so the instruments will be.

Don't forget about the HoofHearted patented 35mm film canister poked with holes and a sponge inside thingy. Gig bag or not!
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Posted 2008-11-22 3:44 PM (#10623 - in reply to #10614)
Subject: Re: Humidify in a gig bag?

March 2007
Posts: 841

Location: CA
A humidifier for a $375 guitar? Fuggettaboutit
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Posted 2008-11-22 3:55 PM (#10624 - in reply to #10614)
Subject: Re: Humidify in a gig bag?
May 2008
Posts: 4996

Location: Phoenix AZ
What's the guitar. If it's a plywood top I wouldn't worry about it. I've had a celebrity nailed to my wall for about 6 years with no humification. The RH has gotten as low as 8% and the guitar is still perfect. That said, throwing a damp it or an apple in a gig bag certainly won't hurt.
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Posted 2008-11-22 5:46 PM (#10625 - in reply to #10614)
Subject: Re: Humidify in a gig bag?

October 2005
Posts: 4051

Location: Utah
My old original 1977 Alvarez Yairi 12 string was never humidified until last year. That's 30 yrs with no environmental controls. For 19 of those years the guitar lived where the relative humidity outside would rarely get above 20%, and frequently would be in the single digits. During the remaining years, the humidity would be quite high in the summer (70% or more).

It still looks minty new, and there is no sign of distress.

But I wouldn't recommend this kind of neglect for your treasured instrument. I just didn't know any better. Now all the instruments live in a climate controlled room with a humidifier set at 50% year round.
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