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Replacement Suggestions

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Posted 2006-12-20 9:09 AM (#225721)
Subject: Replacement Suggestions

January 2006
Posts: 8

Location: Geneseo Illinois (The Sticks)
Time to retire my 24 year old 1617. Has served me well over the years at gigs, in the studio, and on my porch.

Really interested in an Adamas but not finding exactly what I want. The 2080 is close, but that swoosh thingy bugs me. I would love to find a carbon sound board, single sound hole, cutaway deep bowl, double action truss rod, with the fret markers on the fret board and no big honking ass knobs for the electronics. Must sound good in standard as well as several open tunings. Relatively flat fretting radius allowing double capo, 1 full-1 partial.

Having played several Rainsongs has given me the bug for the carbon tone. They sound wonderful, but the 3 I have played = crappy action and or string tension. All 3 did not have a truss rod.

An alternative is a McPherson....but I am having a hard time turning lose with 5K for an ax. AND , then I have a wood box with all of the concerns of such.

Anyone here have a suggestion?
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-12-20 9:39 AM (#225722 - in reply to #225721)
Subject: Re: Replacement Suggestions

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
you would have a hard time finding a center-hole Adamas. Theere were a few made years ago, are rare and may not be the sound you are looking for. The 2080 maybe your best bet and let the swoosh just grow on you.

You might consider the the Koa top 12 fret cutaway with the offset oval sound hole...
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Posted 2006-12-20 10:12 AM (#225723 - in reply to #225721)
Subject: Re: Replacement Suggestions

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
just remember you would only see the swoosh when you weren't playing.

I ordered my 2080 without the swoosh.
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moody, p.i.
Posted 2006-12-20 10:15 AM (#225724 - in reply to #225721)
Subject: Re: Replacement Suggestions

March 2002
Posts: 15669

Location: SoCal
I think you'd be disappointed with a center hole Adamas. There's a reason they were only offered for a year or so. The sound wasn't that good.....
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Posted 2006-12-20 10:19 AM (#225725 - in reply to #225721)
Subject: Re: Replacement Suggestions

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
CenterHole Adamas = Edsel.

I'd order a 2080 with the EliteT soundholes.

(and make it a LongNeck while yer "at it")
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Posted 2006-12-20 11:07 AM (#225726 - in reply to #225721)
Subject: Re: Replacement Suggestions

January 2005
Posts: 4903

Location: Phoenix AZ
Get a 2080 without swoosh and make the sound hole a nekkid cateye or nekkid elite T style. Dave
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Posted 2006-12-20 12:05 PM (#225727 - in reply to #225721)
Subject: Re: Replacement Suggestions

October 2006
Posts: 5575

Location: big island

Take a look at Emerald Guitars made in Ireland. Not sure about truss rods...
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Posted 2006-12-20 12:08 PM (#225728 - in reply to #225721)
Subject: Re: Replacement Suggestions

October 2006
Posts: 5575

Location: big island

There's also Composite Acoustics in Louisiana...
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Posted 2006-12-20 12:13 PM (#225729 - in reply to #225721)
Subject: Re: Replacement Suggestions

October 2006
Posts: 5575

Location: big island
Probably a custom order Adamas is what you should consider. If you got the 2080 with the swoosh, just wear your Nikes while you are playing.

(Hey, this is my 201st post. I spend too much time here...)
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Posted 2006-12-21 4:57 AM (#225730 - in reply to #225721)
Subject: Re: Replacement Suggestions

January 2006
Posts: 8

Location: Geneseo Illinois (The Sticks)
Thanks for the replies. CA and Emerald have already been considered.CA only has a small body cutaway. As for Emerald, I never buy a guitar without playing it first.

Looks like a road trip to Chicago after the first of the year to play an 2080 is in order.
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Posted 2006-12-21 7:46 AM (#225731 - in reply to #225721)
Subject: Re: Replacement Suggestions

March 2003
Posts: 555

Location: Wooster, Ohio
If you have not played the CA X cutaway I would. If you have the carbon bug and you want a cutaway, center hole, that would fit except that it is more of a OM size. Was playing for a Christmas party last week with a friend and I tried my 87 Collectors and the X.
Both of us liked the X better throught that amp. But no trust rod, question whether you need it. CA in my opintion sounds better than Rainsong.
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Paul Blanchard
Posted 2006-12-21 12:19 PM (#225732 - in reply to #225721)
Subject: Re: Replacement Suggestions

February 2002
Posts: 1817

Location: Minden, Nebraska
I like Dave's idea of a cateye, but I'd need to see one on an Adamas to know if I REALLY like the idea.

I have had three Rainsongs. I liked them but didn't REALLY like them. None offered me anything my Custom Legend doesn't.

One of those Rainsongs had a major problem with neck relief. As mentioned above, there is no truss rod. The Rainsong factory told me that exposure to heat (trunk of a car in summer, e.g.) has that effect and there is no known cure, and warranties are not transferable. Caveat emptor, on a guitar that doesn't deliver near the bang for the buck you get in an Adamas.
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