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Posted 2006-11-07 11:23 PM (#232647)
Subject: FREIGHTING OVERSEAS - a good tip..

September 2006
Posts: 275

Location: Canberra, Australia
When freighting a guitar (acoustic or electric), might I suggest you consider sending it with an Excess Baggage company, and not just calling the big 3 Air freight companies direct.

I saved almost 50% on freight this way ie: $399US air express, became about $214US or less. Still door to door.

Contact me off list and I'll give U names etc of who I used, though there's HEAPS of companies doing it.

Reason I post is I never thought about it until almost too late,and also the smaller comapnies are usually heaps easier to deal with than the big, multi-national conglomerates. To them you're just a tracking number at times..
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Posted 2006-11-08 2:05 AM (#232648 - in reply to #232647)
Subject: Re: FREIGHTING OVERSEAS - a good tip..

August 2005
Posts: 3736

Location: Sunshine State, Australia
Thanks Dave. That's good to know. Email me the details so the next time I buy an Ovation behind SWMBO's back, It'll be cheaper.

Has your 2005 turned up yet?
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Paul Blanchard
Posted 2006-11-08 6:20 AM (#232649 - in reply to #232647)
Subject: Re: FREIGHTING OVERSEAS - a good tip..

February 2002
Posts: 1817

Location: Minden, Nebraska
That is still considerably higher than the cost for USPS Global Express, which now accepts guitar sized packages for Australia.
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Posted 2006-11-08 6:39 AM (#232650 - in reply to #232647)
Subject: Re: FREIGHTING OVERSEAS - a good tip..

August 2005
Posts: 3736

Location: Sunshine State, Australia
SINCE WHEN?????????????

12 f*&%ing months too late.
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Posted 2006-11-08 6:39 AM (#232651 - in reply to #232647)
Subject: Re: FREIGHTING OVERSEAS - a good tip..

August 2006
Posts: 2804

Location: ranson,wva
ive only shipped one guitar wasnt as high as i expected....jason
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Posted 2006-11-08 6:40 AM (#232652 - in reply to #232647)
Subject: Re: FREIGHTING OVERSEAS - a good tip..

August 2005
Posts: 3736

Location: Sunshine State, Australia
I'll bet it wasnt to Australia!
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Posted 2006-11-08 6:44 AM (#232653 - in reply to #232647)
Subject: Re: FREIGHTING OVERSEAS - a good tip..

August 2006
Posts: 2804

Location: ranson,wva
dennmark. $135.00usd..jason
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Posted 2006-11-08 8:19 PM (#232654 - in reply to #232647)
Subject: Re: FREIGHTING OVERSEAS - a good tip..

September 2006
Posts: 275

Location: Canberra, Australia
I did get conflicting stories what USPS will accept.
It is a lottery whether USPS accept it or they play by the "rules" given them by Australia Post.
Just checked both USPS and Aust Post web sites :
USPS limits= 46"L x 46"W x 35'H
BUT for Aust parcels = 42"L x 79" total of L+girth
Aust Post inbound restrictions = 105cm L x 140cm girth.
That was as of 5 mins ago, so I'd be deeply suspicious even if USPS sent it, whether Aust Post would accept it. You might find it "returned to sender, undeliverable", love from Aust Post... Or possibly delivered but sub-contracted to DHL/UPS/TNT etc with horrific charges because you will be charged retail rates, not wholesale. AS WELL AS GST at 10% of total value.
Your bargain might end up very expensive.

I post all this because I know many have been "stung" by retail rates(eg Muzza with his 2005 Collectors) but there seems an alternative...

Happy pickin' - can't wait now for mine to arrive...
Hey Muz, "but honey, looked what I SAVED on shipping" must account for something to the minister of finance eh??! LOL
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Paul Templeman
Posted 2006-11-08 8:28 PM (#232655 - in reply to #232647)
Subject: Re: FREIGHTING OVERSEAS - a good tip..

February 2002
Posts: 5750

Location: Scotland
Careful. Rates, volumetric shipping dimensions, customs regs etc etc are not global by any means. They not only vary from carrier to carrier and country to country, but also depend on the deals negotiated between couriers and volume shippers. There's no golden rules
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Posted 2006-11-09 8:34 AM (#232656 - in reply to #232647)
Subject: Re: FREIGHTING OVERSEAS - a good tip..

August 2005
Posts: 3736

Location: Sunshine State, Australia
Hey Dave, don't joke about it. I'm still sweating on how to break it too her without her breaking me. It's too nice a guitar to leave in the garage, even if the action is 1/2" off the fretboard.

You know the weird thing about my shipping ripoff? Well, I had to use UPS in the end and it cost me about $500. Guess who delivered it to my door?

...Australia Post!

At about the same time, I bought a 1768 (mint) from eBay in the US and it was also shipped UPS for about $500.

Guess who delivered it to my door?

...Australia Post!

Go figure.

Yeah, I got severely ripped by shipping costs, but still got 2 very nice guitars for a lot less than I would've paid for them down here.
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