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Introduction & Breadwinner question

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Monkey King
Posted 2022-04-06 11:38 AM (#557250)
Subject: Introduction & Breadwinner question

April 2022
Posts: 3

Howdy everyone!

My name is Peter. I'll start by saying that I'm happy to join the Ovation Fan Club. I look forward to getting to know the members who frequent these parts and will do my best to contribute to the community.

If I'm being honest, I don't own an Ovation acoustic (yet), but my favorite guitar to play is my Applause AA14. Haven't looked around too much, but I'll most likely find a thread to gush about that guitar. It was my official introduction to the amazing instruments made by this company. I was also able to find a 12-string Applause that I enjoy as well.

Besides the Applause, I have also been interested in the Ovation solidbody guitars. I own a Viper III and recently picked up a Preacher. I've been playing guitar since I was 16 (now 30), and love both acoustic and electric. I listen to rock music primarily, but I'll listen to most anything. I'm actually writing my master's thesis on rock music in China right now, so if you'd like to know anything on that subject I'd be more than happy to oblidge. 


Ever since finding out the existance of Ovation solidbodies I've been intrigued by the Breadwinner/Deacon guitar. I would jump at the chance to try one out, but the guitar stores near me don't currently have any. I'm going to grad school in Amherst, Massachusetts. Does anyone know of opportunities in the New England area to play an Ovation Breadwinner? I'm actually located not to far from New Hartford. I do not want to be invasive of anyone's privacy. If you are from the area and have seen one recently for sale, or if you own one and wouldn't be against sending me a message I'd appreciate being notified. In any case, I'm sure the opportunity will present itself someday. 

Look forward to meeting you,


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Monkey King
Posted 2022-04-20 3:11 PM (#557285 - in reply to #557250)
Subject: Re: Introduction & Breadwinner question

April 2022
Posts: 3

Is there someone who grants access to the rest of the forum?
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Mr. Ovation
Posted 2022-04-20 3:26 PM (#557286 - in reply to #557250)
Subject: Re: Introduction & Breadwinner question

December 2001
Posts: 7225

Location: The Great Pacific Northwest

You've been granted access to the General Forums. Our primary gatekeeper has been under the weather and we've been spoiled as he's been so quick at the response for so many years.... In any case, feel free to move about the cabin. Welcome !! And I'm sure there are Breadwinners in the area. The only real downside to a breadwinner, is that unfortunately, electronics deteriorate over the years, especially anything with capacitors. Personally I think the large Toriodal pickups sound fine without the pre-amp. So other than the nornal stuff of a used guitar, that's really the only thing to watch for. They are fun guitars to play.

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Monkey King
Posted 2022-04-25 9:43 AM (#557293 - in reply to #557286)
Subject: Re: Introduction & Breadwinner question

April 2022
Posts: 3

Thank you for access to the general forums. I've seen a couple for sale around the NYC area. I'll have to make it a road trip to try one out! I appreciate the tip about the electronics.
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