Joined: June 2020 Posts: 2
| Hey gang,
New Ovation fan here. I picked up my first ovation about 2 years ago and it was love at first pluck. This was great news except i now can't stand playing anything other than an Ovation. I recently moved to Toronto, Canada. The movers unfortunately broke my guitar and i figured i'd use that opportunity to upgrade to a better ovation.
I've set my eyes on the Ovation 1868TX-5. I went to the biggest local store here around June. They are supposed to be dealers for Ovation. I placed an order and they said it would be there by the end of July. I figured it would be a bit delayed as guitar orders always do get delayed.
1.I call them once at the end of July, they tell me to check at the end of August.
2.I call them once at the end of August, they tell me to call at the end September.
3. I call them once at the end of September and they say there is no date of arrival anymore and i should get a refund.
4.I email ovation who tell me the guitar is still in production and will be ready by first week of October and the first batch goes to an online website(won't share the name incase its not allowed).
5. I place an order, date of availability was first week of October. 10 days later, the date of availability is now pushed to November 15th.
7.I cancel my order because at this point i feel like this is just a never ending loop of pushbacks and find a store in France (through another online vendor) who claimed they have actual stock of this guitar. I asked them if they had them physically there and the store confirmed.
8.Sure enough, i place the order and 3 days later i get a message telling me they will have the guitar mid November(Meaning they don't actually have stock). I cancel the order, get 90% refunded. and now i'm stuck here.
I'm not too sure what to do, i genuinely don't mind waiting 6 months if i know the order is confirmed and genuinely on the way. Part of me says wait a month or two then make an order. Another part of me says, place a pre-order incase stocks run out quickly. Feel free to share any advice or any similar experiences.