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Same or Different Guitars?

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Posted 2017-12-07 10:07 PM (#538301)
Subject: Same or Different Guitars?

July 2005
Posts: 1609

Location: Colorado
Based on the photos only, not Ovation Lore - or well-published reference info, is it the same guitar in both photos - or two different guitars? Especially seeking expert opinions. If you have an opinion, tell us what you see that makes you decide? Enjoy.

(Slothead Heart 1.jpg)

(Slothead Heart 2.jpg)

Attachments Slothead Heart 1.jpg (9KB - 4 downloads)
Attachments Slothead Heart 2.jpg (52KB - 2 downloads)
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Mr. Ovation
Posted 2017-12-08 12:49 AM (#538303 - in reply to #538301)
Subject: Re: Same or Different Guitars?

December 2001
Posts: 7225

Location: The Great Pacific Northwest
They don't look the same to me, but very hard to tell with the quality of the pictures and the lack of being able to see the important bits. To me one looks like a production Adamas, and the other looks like a Slothead Adamas.
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Posted 2017-12-08 8:25 AM (#538304 - in reply to #538301)
Subject: Re: Same or Different Guitars?

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
both the same. Only the early slotheads (is that a redundant statement?) had the door on the side. And while you can't see it with Nancy you can see the burned in and paint filled inlays.
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Posted 2017-12-08 11:28 AM (#538305 - in reply to #538301)
Subject: Re: Same or Different Guitars?

July 2005
Posts: 1609

Location: Colorado
Thanks Miles and Beal, I wish I could find higher resolution for each photo. The photo of Nancy is a well-published photo - but I had never seen the one of Ann until now. I concur with Miles - I think they are different guitars. I also concur with Beal - I think they are both pre-production slotheads. Soooo...A clarifying question now. Is this it possible we are looking at 2 different "early slotheads"? Compare the Epis - lower side near Ann's thumb and forefinger, to the same part of the lower epi on the guitar Nancy is holding. Ah - this is part of the fun!
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Posted 2017-12-08 4:31 PM (#538308 - in reply to #538301)
Subject: Re: Same or Different Guitars?

December 2006
Posts: 6995

Location: Jet City
It's pretty impossible to tell. The Ann picture is too small and the the color tones are way off. Based on the fact that there were only a handful of pre-productions and most were accounted for, he sister Nancy had one of the handful, and this seems like an older picture from when you could still see Ann had a waist..... i'd say it was the same guitar.

Unless of course it was the one you own Mark. Wasn't it supposed to be the one Nancy returned?
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Posted 2017-12-08 5:57 PM (#538309 - in reply to #538301)
Subject: Re: Same or Different Guitars?

July 2005
Posts: 1609

Location: Colorado
Bingo Damon. I have the written note from a Mother Ship Employee about #43 coming back. Nothing in the engineering records ever reflected that...but Nick Macklin seemed to remember a trade out happening - I just happened to see the pic of Ann holding a Slothead...I always thought the Epis on mine looked different than the one Nancy is well-photographed playing - no surprise - different pre-production models...the epis on #43 look more like the one Ann is holding. I also have email traffic from Nancy saying she remembered having two...but not knowing where one of them is. Last I heard she had traded #44 on and old Martin. I don't; have much time to wonder or research about #43....stay tuned...
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Posted 2017-12-08 6:18 PM (#538310 - in reply to #538301)
Subject: Re: Same or Different Guitars?

February 2014
Posts: 713

Location: moline,illinois
Pictures are to small and grainy but they both appear to be slotheads,i didn't know nancy got one and sent it back so if #43 is the one nancy had and now it's in your hands that's a cool piece of history.

Here's another bigger pic of ann with a slothead that looks to be from the same era.
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Posted 2017-12-08 9:41 PM (#538312 - in reply to #538301)
Subject: RE: Same or Different Guitars?

June 2002
Posts: 6201

Location: Phoenix AZ
Ann and Nancy shared the same guitar in concert at Convention Hall in 1977.

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Posted 2017-12-08 10:15 PM (#538313 - in reply to #538301)
Subject: Re: Same or Different Guitars?

July 2005
Posts: 1609

Location: Colorado
Way to go Tupperware. Great find. It is #44 in each photo. Do you still have #42? Because 41, 42, and 43 were essentially siblings - based on some of the production dates. 44 was separated out a little in time - kind of a little younger brother. I have always thought 44 had more "white in the some of the floral design of the epis than others. As Cliff said - they were like homemade cookies - each had a little different flavor - and the white really stands out on 44 compared to some others. Here is a different comparison - is there a difference in the "whites"? the left one - and the right one are #44, is the middle one 44 too or a different one. The next set I circled how the white comes to a point at the sound hole on the middle one - verses being blunter at the sound hole on the two outside ones. I could not find a color version of the b/w photo. It was 41 years ago.... long time for anyone to remember.


(Triad 2.jpg)

Attachments Triad.jpg (58KB - 0 downloads)
Attachments Triad 2.jpg (58KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2017-12-08 10:22 PM (#538314 - in reply to #538301)
Subject: Re: Same or Different Guitars?

July 2005
Posts: 1609

Location: Colorado
For comparison - here is 43. Any chance it is the middle one? - or all three above the same guitar and 43 is the different one? Sorry I am not better at sizing stuff on this web site.

Edited by elginacres 2017-12-08 10:26 PM


Attachments Epalauts.jpg (76KB - 1 downloads)
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Posted 2017-12-09 8:48 AM (#538317 - in reply to #538313)
Subject: Re: Same or Different Guitars?

June 2002
Posts: 6201

Location: Phoenix AZ
elginacres - 2017-12-08 9:15 PM

Way to go Tupperware. Great find. It is #44 in each photo. Do you still have #42?

It was easy to find the photos because I took them !!! Olympus OM-1 with a 135mm F3.5 lens.

Sure I still have #42. She won't be going anywhere anytime soon. The one ting I have found look at many concert photos of early Adamas guitars (slotheads and production) is that the light/white wood in the epaulets is the most effected by stage lighting, not so much the darker woods. So the same guitar can look very different under different conditions. Not to mention that these old photos were of course all taken with real film (Kodachrome, Ektachrome, Fuji, Agfa ...) and lord knows how they were processed and aged over the years.

Speaking of aging, I do not have any real evidence but I have always suspected that the different woods of the epaulets age and color fade slightly differently over time. Or maybe my eyes just are getting worse over time as well.
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Posted 2017-12-09 1:06 PM (#538319 - in reply to #538301)
Subject: Re: Same or Different Guitars?

July 2005
Posts: 1609

Location: Colorado
Thanks the end and I are fortunate to own one of these guitars.
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