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Recessed Bridge in Breadwinner Limited

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Posted 2015-09-21 6:32 AM (#515393)
Subject: Recessed Bridge in Breadwinner Limited

September 2015
Posts: 15



I have a new guitar and it has a few odd aspects.  I am hoping to gain more insight into how these came about. Below is a photo showing one.

Any ideas why the bridge is placed in a hollowed-out section?

Does this look factory or a personal modification.

Breadwinner Limited Bridge

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Posted 2015-09-21 5:40 PM (#515415 - in reply to #515393)
Subject: RE: Recessed Bridge in Breadwinner Limited

January 2006
Posts: 1123

Location: NW Washington State
The bridges are usually recessed. What's different about yours is the contoured area behind the bridge where the strings are loaded. I would guess that it was done by someone who wanted to make it easier to restring without readjusting the bridge angle and/or scratching the guitar.

Are the holes on the pickguard countersunk? Not looking at one right now, but I think the factory guards were.

The shape does look a lot like the BW Limited, but that came at the end of the BW run and yours has the early pickups and bridge.

The neck is maple with ebony fingerboard? Maybe it's a Viper neck. The nut width and scale length would help decide.

You also have an early neckplate but a later backplate. So it seems like a PartsWinner, but who knows where and when it was made. If you like it, it's good.

Pics are here, I didn't want to post them all:

-Steve W.

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Mr. Ovation
Posted 2015-09-22 2:04 PM (#515439 - in reply to #515393)
Subject: Re: Recessed Bridge in Breadwinner Limited

December 2001
Posts: 7225

Location: The Great Pacific Northwest
I agree with 'ol numbfingers for sure. It's a PartsWinner. Starting with the body, it's an early body, with early electronics that's been highly modified. Nice job it seems. Even the custom pickguard seems well thought out, although it's odd they didn't counter-sink the screws after all that work. Check the scale of the neck, but it's likely a Viper neck. The backplate and neckplate are from different era's. As stated, the existence of the cavity is correct, but the routing at the rear for access is a mod. I nice one too. In later years Ovation had a screw that went through the back of the guitar to adjust the bridge angle.
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Posted 2015-09-24 6:47 AM (#515480 - in reply to #515393)
Subject: RE: Recessed Bridge in Breadwinner Limited

September 2015
Posts: 15

Thanks for the info!

What measurement can I take on the neck to help identify its source? I can make it and report back.
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Posted 2015-09-24 7:01 AM (#515481 - in reply to #515393)
Subject: RE: Recessed Bridge in Breadwinner Limited

September 2015
Posts: 15

I looked at the necks on some online Vipers and viper II's but they seem to have a one piece head like this:


Viper Head


Mine seems to be made of two pieced joined along the centre line:

Parts Winner Neck

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Posted 2015-09-24 10:41 AM (#515486 - in reply to #515393)
Subject: Re: Recessed Bridge in Breadwinner Limited

January 2006
Posts: 1123

Location: NW Washington State
Measure the width of the nut and the distance from the nut (where it meets the fretboard) to the 12th fret. I don't have a Viper out right now and don't want to post dimensions from memory. Maybe Old Mr. Ovation has one handy or remembers the measurements.

Could be that the two-piece neck is associated with the ebony(?) fingerboard.

-Steve W.

Edited by numbfingers 2015-09-24 10:42 AM
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Posted 2015-09-24 1:06 PM (#515492 - in reply to #515393)
Subject: RE: Recessed Bridge in Breadwinner Limited

September 2015
Posts: 15

4.3cm (~1-11/16")
31.5cm (~12-2/5")

double gives 24-4/5" scale

Edited by Blue280z 2015-09-24 1:21 PM
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Posted 2015-09-24 6:09 PM (#515500 - in reply to #515492)
Subject: Re: Recessed Bridge in Breadwinner Limited

January 2006
Posts: 1123

Location: NW Washington State
!'d have to whip them out, put them on the table and measure to be sure, but seems like Breadwinner dimensions instead of Viper.
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Posted 2015-09-24 6:36 PM (#515501 - in reply to #515393)
Subject: Re: Recessed Bridge in Breadwinner Limited

December 2006
Posts: 6995

Location: Jet City

Almost looks like an Tornado neck to me.

Edited by Damon67 2015-09-24 6:39 PM
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Posted 2015-09-24 8:44 PM (#515503 - in reply to #515393)
Subject: RE: Recessed Bridge in Breadwinner Limited

September 2015
Posts: 15

I saw a picture of a breadwinner limited with the same two piece head stock but the wood was not maple.


Tornado looks like a one piece in 68


68 tornado neck

Edited by Blue280z 2015-09-24 8:56 PM
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2015-09-24 9:02 PM (#515504 - in reply to #515501)
Subject: Re: Recessed Bridge in Breadwinner Limited

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
damon67 - 2015-09-24 4:36 PM

Almost looks like an Tornado neck to me.

Just to remind everybody of which guitar we are talking about.
Oh... and for comparison...

This Breadwinner Deluxe sold on Reverb... in case y'all wonder which one it is.

Edited by Old Man Arthur 2015-09-24 9:18 PM
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