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Wanted to buy - Pickup assembly with cables and jack

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   The Ovation Fan Club -> For SaleMessage format
Brian T
Posted 2013-10-10 9:26 AM (#477867)
Subject: Wanted to buy - Pickup assembly with cables and jack

May 2003
Posts: 425

Location: SE Michigan
I have a beater Ovation 1861AX. When plugged in the audio gets badly distorted and clips in and out. I have tried multiple different preamps (which work fine in other guitars), no change. I also swapped the can. I suspect that the pickup or the wiring and jack are messed up. Does anyone have the complete pickup assembly with wiring and jack that they want to sell? (please only known good, stuff, I don't want to add more problems). Also the connection to the preamp from the pickup is a small jack, do I have to disassemble and re-solder this to get it through the bridge?

Let me know, thanks


Also if it is workable it might be nice to upgrade this to the XLR jack

Edited by Brian T 2013-10-10 9:28 AM
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Posted 2013-10-10 8:08 PM (#477881 - in reply to #477867)
Subject: Re: Wanted to buy - Pickup assembly with cables and jack

November 2002
Posts: 3627

Location: Pacific Northwest Inland Empire
Brian T-
Is this helpful?
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Brian T
Posted 2013-10-11 7:19 AM (#477888 - in reply to #477867)
Subject: RE: Wanted to buy - Pickup assembly with cables and jack

May 2003
Posts: 425

Location: SE Michigan
Yes that helps thanks!
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