Joined: January 2006 Posts: 5881
Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains | One of today’s leading Internet headline stories . . . California State Police has had several crackdowns on distracted driving that includes eating, cell-phone talking, texting, driving with pets in the driver's lap and, yes, even playing guitars while driving. Under California's vehicle code, a driver can be ticketed $145 to $1,000 for engaging in any activities that distracts the driver. The law is intentionally worded in a broad manner, and spells out any activity that causes the driver to have "wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property." The Federal government is considering regulation that would severely curtail the use of smartphones in cars. But so far, the Department of Transportation is not saying much about whole chickens, Chihuahuas or guitars.
Nuts! Now what am I going to do with the power inverter I just installed to send juice to my 100 watt tube amp sitting in the back seat!