Tool are cool. I'd love to go catch 'em live one of these days, but whenever they do tour, tickets sell out in minutes. In addition to Tool, I know Jeff Ament from Pearl Jam uses a Magnum on various recordings. I've only seen him talk about it once in an old "Bass Player" magazine article. Not the most flattering endorsement on it's looks though... "On ‘You Are’ I used this ugly Ovation Magnum with a huge neck pickup—it’s the same type of bass Bill Laswell sometimes uses for that super-low-end dub sound. I tuned the bottom string down to C on that one."
I've never seen him play it live, but he has it on stage. You can see the headstock from the last time I saw 'em at the Gorge... 
Accdording to his bass tech: Jeff has 12 basses onstage: three vintage Fender Precisions (including a sunburst ’59 once owned by Canned Heat’s Larry Taylor), two ’90s Modulus Vintage J’s, a 2000 Modulus custom Silvertone replica, two fretless ’90s Wal Basses, Hamer 8- and 12-strings, a ’70s Ovation Magnum, and an Azola Acoustic Baby Bass electric upright
Edited by damon67 2012-03-08 5:21 PM