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The Mothership and crew

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Trader Jim
Posted 2006-11-06 7:49 PM (#232846)
Subject: The Mothership and crew

June 2006
Posts: 7307

Location: South of most, North of few
I would like to send a "big two thumbs up" to the factory and crew, John Budny especially, for their service and response to emails and calls. I needed a part for my 1718 that was far from available anywhere, and John went way out of his way to find it for me, and to top it off, send it to me no charge! I called him again for a saddle for the Adamas because the one on it was grooved pretty bad. I was more than ready to pay for the part, but once again he is sending me the part for free. I am not the original owner of either of these instruments so it just blows me away that they would do that. I don't know of any other manufacturer that would even come close to that level of service. Quality product, and service, even for second and third owners, I can't say enough about this company! :D
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Posted 2006-11-06 8:07 PM (#232847 - in reply to #232846)
Subject: Re: The Mothership and crew

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
and people wonder why we love the plastic guitars....

There are a million stories in the naked city....this is one of them.
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Capo Guy
Posted 2006-11-06 9:50 PM (#232848 - in reply to #232846)
Subject: Re: The Mothership and crew

December 2004
Posts: 4394

Location: East Tennessee
They are a great bunch of guys.

Thye have helped me with a tuning knob problem on my 1997 Collectors.

Customer Service done right. :cool:
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Posted 2006-11-06 10:50 PM (#232849 - in reply to #232846)
Subject: Re: The Mothership and crew

August 2006
Posts: 2804

Location: ranson,wva
they are truly a great bunch of guys. but you cant leave kim out either.
when i need something i call kim. i called him last week because i needed some screws for tuner buttons,
i needed 6 screws for my balladeer,kim sent me something like 80 screws in various lengths,finishes,and to top it off he also sent me 3 logo's to finish up a few of my projects...

ive said it in the past and ill say it again. ovation has the best customer services of any company ive delt with...thanks guys ..jason
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Posted 2006-11-07 1:22 AM (#232850 - in reply to #232846)
Subject: Re: The Mothership and crew

November 2002
Posts: 3627

Location: Pacific Northwest Inland Empire
Any more room on the bandwagon? The Wizards are truly magnificent, and magnanimous, human beings.
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Posted 2006-11-07 1:25 AM (#232851 - in reply to #232846)
Subject: Re: The Mothership and crew

August 2006
Posts: 2804

Location: ranson,wva
plenty of room!! join they merry band of jason
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Posted 2006-11-07 7:31 AM (#232852 - in reply to #232846)
Subject: Re: The Mothership and crew

August 2005
Posts: 3736

Location: Sunshine State, Australia
Only works if you live in the States though.

Try getting something fixed under warranty if you're in another country, but bought the guitar in America.

Sorry for being a party pooper.
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Posted 2006-11-07 10:32 AM (#232853 - in reply to #232846)
Subject: Re: The Mothership and crew

November 2004
Posts: 286

Location: North Idaho
Being able to personally contact quality service people is the number one reason I stick with Ovation. Some companies (FMG for example) just don't get it.
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Posted 2006-11-07 12:00 PM (#232854 - in reply to #232846)
Subject: Re: The Mothership and crew

July 2002
Posts: 1900

I remember many years ago there was an extremely nice lady (nancy) that worked at the factory, a customer service rep I think, she sent me saddles, shims, battery holders, etc. The only part they ever charged for was a set of side-tuners for my 1624. As far as I know all new USA models came with lifetime warranties back then, no matter where you lived. They're still the best for old-school customer service.
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Posted 2006-11-07 12:07 PM (#232855 - in reply to #232846)
Subject: Re: The Mothership and crew

December 2003
Posts: 13992

Location: Upper Left USA
John makes me pay for everything (smirk, wink). He never sends me anything at a cost to Kaman Inc.(wink, wink).

He is an admirable employee and never spends his time talking anything but bussiness (elbow nudge, nod-nod, wink-wink).

If I was his boss I wouldn't waste any time checking up on him. I'm not so sure about the other guy though...
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Posted 2006-11-07 2:23 PM (#232856 - in reply to #232846)
Subject: Re: The Mothership and crew
February 2004
Posts: 2487

Hey; John, Kim! I think I lost my Adamas 1, I just can't find it......can I get a replacement.

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Posted 2006-11-07 3:29 PM (#232857 - in reply to #232846)
Subject: Re: The Mothership and crew

November 2002
Posts: 3627

Location: Pacific Northwest Inland Empire
nothing ventured.......I'm sure you must have left it in New Hartford, during The Tour. Yeah, it's that one hanging there, the 12-fret Adamas slothead. Hey,just pay the shipping!
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Posted 2006-11-07 8:56 PM (#232858 - in reply to #232846)
Subject: Re: The Mothership and crew

April 2003
Posts: 242

Location: Pewaukee, WI
John took real good care of my 1121. I'm very satisfied (but not really surprised).
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Chuck (Retired Navy)
Posted 2006-11-08 8:37 PM (#232859 - in reply to #232846)
Subject: Re: The Mothership and crew

July 2002
Posts: 280

Location: Waterloo, IL
The Mothership was kind enough to send me the tool to adjust the truss rod on my Balladeer while I was deployed overseas in the Persian Gulf at no cost. I had bought the Balladeer used, but the Mothership still gave me the best customer support.
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Posted 2006-11-09 8:39 AM (#232860 - in reply to #232846)
Subject: Re: The Mothership and crew

June 2004
Posts: 580

Location: NW NJ
They always do ...
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