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Posted 2017-03-21 12:00 PM (#533321)
Subject: 1537

April 2003
Posts: 557

Location: Burbank
OK, so I have 2 of these and I have bought too many others lately so this one has got to go. The is the well known 1537 Elite that we all know about. Here's my history with it.

When I got it, it had an unsealed cleated crack in the top a couple of broken spots in the epi's and the walnut binding has some dents in it mostly on the lower bout from setting it down poorly I assume. After playing it for a couple of years I sent it to John Budny to work on it. What did they do you ask?

-replaced the epi's
-replaced the bridge
-verified the clete was good and refinished the top
-leveled the frets set the neck. For those who don't know they can no longer maintain the floating fretboard on a refinish, so that is obviously gone.
-cleaned it all up, it came back nice

What's the condition now?

-Since I got it back the area of the crack has sunken in a little so you can feel it. I asked John about it and he said that's normal.
-The D and G string tuners were slipping so I replaced them with factory schallers. once removed it appeared they might not have been bad and just loose, so before selling I am going to try putting them back on.
-When I sent it back I asked John to replace the binding but he said they only do that with a re-top so the dented binding is still on there. Not terrible but you can feel it.

Other than that it plays and sounds as a 1537 should. I have posted pics and can take better ones once I find my camera. If you have specific ones you want to see let me know.

I am asking $1200 plus shipping. I would like to keep this in the US. I just shipped 2 guitars to Russia and it was a bit of a nightmare and took way too long. Thanks for looking let me know if you are interested. I will probably put this on the facebook page in a few days.















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moody, p.i.
Posted 2017-03-21 1:35 PM (#533324 - in reply to #533321)
Subject: Re: 1537

March 2002
Posts: 15669

Location: SoCal
Somebody's going to get a great guitar. I'd never let mine go that cheap......
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Posted 2017-03-21 2:13 PM (#533325 - in reply to #533321)
Subject: RE: 1537

April 2003
Posts: 557

Location: Burbank
Thanks Paul. Outside of this board the price will go up for sure.
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Posted 2017-07-10 5:40 PM (#535736 - in reply to #533321)
Subject: RE: 1537

April 2003
Posts: 557

Location: Burbank
Bump before possibly moving off to ebay.
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Posted 2017-12-04 7:01 PM (#538232 - in reply to #533321)
Subject: RE: 1537

April 2003
Posts: 557

Location: Burbank
Still have this. Bumping it up. Make me an offer, It cant hurt.
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