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Posted 2017-12-13 11:57 AM (#538333)
Subject: Strings

November 2017
Posts: 7

Hey ya'll. This has probably been covered before,but I want some opinions from the experienced guys here. I have a brand new Legend plus. Would it be better to use light strings or medium strings on it. ?
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Posted 2017-12-13 1:24 PM (#538334 - in reply to #538333)
Subject: Re: Strings

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
EJ24, half and half
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Love O Fair
Posted 2017-12-13 2:47 PM (#538335 - in reply to #538333)
Subject: Re: Strings

February 2016
Posts: 1816

Location: When??
Aside from your personal preferences of sound and playability, one thing to consider when choosing strings is how much tension weight you are comfortable putting onto your neck and bridge, especially if you use the same string type over a lengthy time. You may be surprised at how much extra tension weight there is in medium strings than light strings. Beal's recommendation of the EJ24s somewhat splits the tension weight between the two in that respect.
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Posted 2017-12-14 4:51 AM (#538337 - in reply to #538333)
Subject: Re: Strings

May 2011
Posts: 758

Location: Muenster/Germany
Only a few string manufacturers give information about the string tension on the string packaging. You may use this:
The string tension calculator may give you an idea what you expect from your guitar top.
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Posted 2017-12-14 7:29 AM (#538339 - in reply to #538333)
Subject: Re: Strings

January 2006
Posts: 5881

Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains
Free strings sound best.
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James Smith
Posted 2017-12-14 1:59 PM (#538341 - in reply to #538337)
Subject: Re: Strings

September 2017
Posts: 35

Location: João Pessoa, Brazil
The times I have contacted the Ovation web site, the have consistently recommended D'Addario EJ15 strings. I have to say, they sound well on all four of my Ovations and also on my Fender CD60CE as well as my Epiphone AJ-100CE. Being uncoated, they do not last as long, but I am particular about that, so others may disagree. I have had more knowledgeable people than I am recommend them, too.
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Posted 2017-12-14 3:16 PM (#538344 - in reply to #538333)
Subject: Re: Strings

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
the 15s are pretty light. I use them when I want an electric feel.

As prof BB says free are best but new are even better.
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Love O Fair
Posted 2017-12-14 4:49 PM (#538345 - in reply to #538333)
Subject: Re: Strings

February 2016
Posts: 1816

Location: When??
My personal preference for light strings are the D'Addario EXP16s. They are coated, which some players don't care for, but they do tend to keep their tone and resonance quite a bit longer than non-coated, especially on the purely acoustic models. I always use them on my old 1112 Custom Balladeer.
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Posted 2017-12-14 7:42 PM (#538347 - in reply to #538333)
Subject: Re: Strings

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
As I understand it, Elixers are dipped as strings. The EXP have the wrap wire coated, then the string is made. Big difference.
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Love O Fair
Posted 2017-12-14 10:44 PM (#538348 - in reply to #538333)
Subject: Re: Strings

February 2016
Posts: 1816

Location: When??
@Beal - "Big difference."

Which do you consider as the better of the two (if either). I have never used Elixers, but if they are known to out perform the EXPs I will give them a try.
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Posted 2017-12-14 11:36 PM (#538349 - in reply to #538333)
Subject: Re: Strings

August 2011
Posts: 887

Location: Always beautiful canyon country of Utah
The best strings are the ones that make you happy when you're drinking cheap whiskey and singing all the old songs!!
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Posted 2017-12-15 5:03 AM (#538352 - in reply to #538333)
Subject: Re: Strings

December 2015
Posts: 287

Location: Katmandu

I have used both Elixirs and D'Addarios EXP16—they are equally great strings in my books. For no reason whatsoever I settled for D'Addarios ever since I returned to playing seriously. If you dig strings that are more mellow than uncoated phosphor bronze ones, either of the coated ones will deliver fabulously. Other than that, just slap whatever new acoustic strings you have on your baby, the Legend can take it no problem. Medium strings for a fatter sound, lighter ones for more delicate playing and string bending.

Ovation's very own Adamas strings series is not to be scoffed at either. I still have an untouched set of Adamas medium strings here. If you cover shipping costs, I'll ship them over to you from Germany at no extra charge no problem.

Edited by leonardmccoy 2017-12-15 5:15 AM
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Posted 2017-12-15 9:19 AM (#538355 - in reply to #538333)
Subject: Re: Strings

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
Daddario makes the Adamas strings.
I like Elixir with the who;e string dipped for Nationals that I'm playing slide. It cuts down the slide noise.
I don't see a huge difference between EXP and EJ 16s. I choose the EJ16 and 24 and sometimes 17(for that bluegrass thing). The factory used EXP16 and I would sometimes find some of them in my pocket after a visit and they are just fine but when I pay I choose EJ 16 or 24. They sound a little brighter longer than exp.
I did use the Eranie Ball Aluminum bronze in Scotland the 16 set and they lasted 10 shows and the practices inbetween. On Paul's Adamas 2 with the wide neck. Nice for something different. I'm looking for my 1683 #3000 but it is buried in some closet somewhere.
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Love O Fair
Posted 2017-12-17 10:03 PM (#538394 - in reply to #538333)
Subject: Re: Strings

February 2016
Posts: 1816

Location: When??
Never used them before, but I think I'll try a set of the EJ 16s.
Oh, and Dave.. please pass the bottle. Thank you.
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Posted 2017-12-19 11:59 AM (#538428 - in reply to #538394)
Subject: Re: Strings

November 2017
Posts: 7

I used martin Marquis for years and years. I've tried a lot of strings. martin has Bluegrass strings with Tony Rice's name on them,they also sell Retro strings.

I have recently tried Stringjoy strings,and they are the best I ever heard. it's too early to tell about longevity,but I like these in every way.

I'll buy them as long as they are available. They have super fast shipping also. I broke a string when putting it on (my fault) I called them and they sent me a new string free of charge.
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Posted 2017-12-19 12:01 PM (#538429 - in reply to #538394)
Subject: Re: Strings

November 2017
Posts: 7

I used martin Marquis for years and years. I've tried a lot of strings. martin has Bluegrass strings with Tony Rice's name on them,they also sell Retro strings. I tried them both for a while and they are pretty good.

I have recently tried Stringjoy strings,and they are the best I ever heard. it's too early to tell about longevity,but I like these in every way.

I'll buy them as long as they are available. They have super fast shipping also. I broke a string when putting it on (my fault) I called them and they sent me a new string free of charge.
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Posted 2017-12-20 1:59 PM (#538454 - in reply to #538333)
Subject: Re: Strings

July 2003
Posts: 3111

Location: Nashville TN.
I been using Martin Phos Bronze "Bluegrass" SP mediums on 1777-flag guitar. Not coated but last a while. They add much bigger bass.... In the past I never liked Martin strings. After the changed the packaging I bought some because it was all store had.

Edited by PEZ 2017-12-20 2:06 PM
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