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Buy/swap/trade 40th anniversary 12string?

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Posted 2016-02-02 9:22 AM (#520825)
Subject: Buy/swap/trade 40th anniversary 12string?

May 2011
Posts: 758

Location: Muenster/Germany
Does anybody have one of the 40th anniversary sunburst GlenCampbell 12string for sale?
Or might be one of those persons interested in a flawless sunburst Nakao Elite? It´s a wonderful guitar, one of my best, but I always was, am and will be a 12string maniac...
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Posted 2016-02-02 3:00 PM (#520833 - in reply to #520825)
Subject: Re: Buy/swap/trade 40th anniversary 12string?

August 2009
Posts: 1137

Location: Germany, where delicious wine is growing (Rheinh)
Good luck, Detlef.
Can't remember to see one here moving to another owner....

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Posted 2016-02-02 4:17 PM (#520836 - in reply to #520825)
Subject: Re: Buy/swap/trade 40th anniversary 12string?

February 2013
Posts: 176

Location: Cologne/Germany
Detlef, if you find another 12string and want to get rid of the Nakao, I shall be in Münster quickely.......

If you wanna sell the Nakao without having a new 12string, same thing....

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Posted 2016-02-03 3:55 AM (#521856 - in reply to #520825)
Subject: Re: Buy/swap/trade 40th anniversary 12string?

May 2011
Posts: 758

Location: Muenster/Germany
Must be one of the rarest Ovations ever...but I would also be interested in a well preserved sunburst 1658, mine is permanent under construction, too many problems...
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Posted 2016-02-03 7:35 PM (#521878 - in reply to #521856)
Subject: Re: Buy/swap/trade 40th anniversary 12string?

February 2014
Posts: 713

Location: moline,illinois
DetlefMichel - 2016-02-03 3:55 AM

mine is permanent under construction, too many problems...

DetlefMichel what is wrong with the 1658,I love the old Custom Legends and would consider a trade of a legend 6756LX 12 string in great shape for it.
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Posted 2016-02-04 12:59 AM (#521882 - in reply to #520825)
Subject: Re: Buy/swap/trade 40th anniversary 12string?

August 2009
Posts: 1137

Location: Germany, where delicious wine is growing (Rheinh)
What problems does it have?
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Posted 2016-02-04 5:59 AM (#521888 - in reply to #520825)
Subject: Re: Buy/swap/trade 40th anniversary 12string?

May 2011
Posts: 758

Location: Muenster/Germany
Zur Zeit hat sie einen gerissenen Halsstab, das ist passiert, als wir versucht haben, die Gitarre wegen eines vor Jahren (nicht von uns)völlig verpfuschten neckresets in eine Art Schraubhals-Gitarre umzubauen. Die hatten ja einen eingeleimten Hals, der einfach schief drinsaß und ums verrecken nicht rauszukriegen war. Und als alles wieder fertig war, ist dir trussrod-Schraube ohne jede Vorwarnung sanft abgerissen...Jetzt ist mein Gitarrenbauer gerade dran und baut den frisch eingesetzten Hals irgendwie wieder aus ja, mal sehen. Weggeben würde ich die aber trotzdem nicht, weil die so einen wirklich schweinegeilen sound hat; ich habe die zu einer reinen Akustikgitarre umgebaut und auch für eine erheblich bessere Klangübertragung der Saiten auf die Decke gesorgt, als das Ovation-system das normalerweise macht, und Ernie hat die mir auch auf´s feinste neu bundiert.Aber trotzdem hätte ich nix gegen eine "ganz normale" von der Sorte. Übrigens will Alex aus Russland seine (leider) schwarze gerade verkaufen, falls da einer Interesse hat.Das ist wahrscheinlich genau die, die auf dem letzten Blatt des 2015 OFC Kalenders war.
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Posted 2016-02-04 9:37 PM (#521907 - in reply to #520825)
Subject: Re: Buy/swap/trade 40th anniversary 12string?

February 2014
Posts: 713

Location: moline,illinois
My german is limited to a few words,if you could re-post in english or someone translate for me it would be greatly appteciated.thanks
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Posted 2016-02-05 6:45 AM (#521913 - in reply to #520825)
Subject: Re: Buy/swap/trade 40th anniversary 12string?

June 2005
Posts: 494

Location: California
My German is limited as well. But here it's a example of one of these guitars.
Hope the link works, otherwise copy and paste on your browser.
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Posted 2016-02-05 8:37 AM (#521915 - in reply to #521907)
Subject: Re: Buy/swap/trade 40th anniversary 12string?

December 2003
Posts: 851

Location: Canada

2wheeldrummer - 2016-02-04 8:37 PM My german is limited to a few words,if you could re-post in english or someone translate for me it would be greatly appteciated.thanks

He mainly told about the work and issues he had with the Legend, in summary it's a major money pit but he likes it too much (and I guess has invested too much into it) to give it away. There was a mint one on ebay just over a year ago and I bid on it and then regretted cheaping out at 900 when it went for 1100.

Edited by d'ovation 2016-02-05 8:44 AM
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Posted 2016-02-05 4:00 PM (#521925 - in reply to #521907)
Subject: Re: Buy/swap/trade 40th anniversary 12string?

May 2010
Posts: 110

Location: Moscow, Russia

2wheeldrummer - 2016-02-04 6:37 PM My german is limited to a few words

My Deutsch knowledge is also limited (unfortunately) but is always the solution ;-)

Best regards,


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