Joined: July 2013 Posts: 34
| so i posted this in the welcome center but now my account was upgraded .. i have a 1777lx legend that i believe the neck may need a reset, i can slide a piece of paper under the binding where the fret board connects to the top ( the gap is bigger where the neck first connects to the body ) and also under the center of the back of the bridge but was told this could just be the lx bridge design that leans slightly forward .. but the neck im getting buzz even tho the action is considerably higher than the way it was when i got it and had no buzz ... i wouldnt mind having a local luthier look at it but i cant find any that knows ovations well in this area .. i sent it in to get a set up and still had buzz when i got it back even though the guy said it was fine .. |
Joined: July 2013 Posts: 34
| http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag197/Jesse_Graham/DSCF9334_zps...
Edited by RedemptionSongs 2014-02-04 12:43 AM
Joined: December 2003 Posts: 1889
Location: Central Massachusetts | I think some of the LX's have floating fretboards, so the fact you can slip paper under the fretboard may not be a problem/symptom. Someone else will have to chime in regarding the neck, but I'd be very concerned if you can slip paper under any part of the bridge.
Are you the original owner? This should be covered under the warranty. But even if the original warranty doesn't apply, your best bet is probably to have the folks in New Hartford take a look at it.
You can email them at: customerservice@ovationguitars.com or call the factory at 860-379-7575, press 3 for Service |
Joined: May 2010 Posts: 95
Location: Vancouver Island, BC | The LX neck is bolted on with 3 bolts. Two into the heel, and one into the block of wood below the fingerboard extension. There is no glue involved. It actually comes apart quite easily. This heel/fretboard joint is very stiff.
A fine gap around the fingerboard/top joint may not be a concern, but I would worry about the bridge lifting.
Could the buzz possibly be from somewhere other than string/fret contact?
My own LX (2005es Collectors) just back from Ovation. I had problems in the heel/fretboard extension area.
It was returned to me in perfect shape, for avery reasonable charge.
These people designed the neck. They know what to do. I would not trust anyone else, you may just be throwing good money at them witout results. |