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Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

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Posted 2006-08-24 3:56 PM (#326030 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

January 2005
Posts: 4903

Location: Phoenix AZ
StandingOvation used to piss on them all, didn't matter. The only ones he never gave a hastle to were the lesbians. Not sure why. He had this matrix table like the ones you use to find the milage between 2 cities (before they had computers, I guess). Columns for every faith and rows for every sexual preference and perversion. He'd match up the intersection of a row and column and if someone fit into that box he would go at them mercilessly. We had a member (nice enough guy) who just happened to be a jew with a foot fetish. StandingO sent the poor bastard home in tears. It was really pathetic.

Maggie? Sorry, have to admit I have no idea who that is. If it's something outside the USA, sadly most of use neither know or care about it.

Hey, back to your guitar. I'm curious about that bowl depth. Please contact Paul Templemen, he's got this more-or-less official measuement technique that should be used to compare all bowl depths without experimental error.

Bye, Dave

PS - Please don't sell your guiar.
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Posted 2006-08-24 4:09 PM (#326031 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
". . who just happened to be a jew with a foot fetish . ."

I remember THAT guy!!
StandingO accused him of paying "retail" for women's shoes, and we never heard from him again.

"Ditto" on having Templeman measure the bowl depth for you.

Tho' plan on having the guitar thoroughly cleaned afterwards. . .

Whilst the technique is more-or-less "accurate" . . . it sure as hell ain't pretty.

I also concur.
Don't Sell.
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Posted 2006-08-24 4:41 PM (#326032 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

August 2006
Posts: 17

Location: Brighton, East Sussex. UK
I placed it on a large flat table and placed a spirit level on top and a steel ruler vertically against the bottom to measure it. After I did that I did the same with the guitar ;) The annoying thing was the guitar beat me and it's got less wood in then I did. The picture shows my technique and train of thought. TEMP did not let me know where he was in UK. Although a quick Google shows a PT up in Sunderland doing what sound like a good job at the Ropery...? Is this he? Is Temp a "mackem"? Originally I was a "Cod Head" or "Monkey Hanger" <- which ever you prefer ;) If he is in NE England - it's unlikely he'll be doing it as I seldom get up that end of the country. Where are you Temp NE, SE, NW or SW...?
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Posted 2006-08-24 4:48 PM (#326033 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
Temp's a Geordie.
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Posted 2006-08-24 4:51 PM (#326034 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

August 2006
Posts: 17

Location: Brighton, East Sussex. UK
Maggie = Margaret Thatcher - aka The Iron lady , although there are a few other, less nice, alternative names for her. Before anyone asks, I'm NOT Ben Elton! I know what you're thinking now, who is Ben Elton? Google is my answer. I'll try not to deviate so much from the Balladeer. Some forum admin mods and users can get upset when the thread structure falls apart. As the newbie around these parts, I don't know how I stand on this point of etiquette here? I can chat for England.
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Posted 2006-08-24 4:59 PM (#326035 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
The only thread around here that had any "structure" was the one used at Witko's last sex-change in Amsterdam . . . but that one unraveled too . . .

Veering from the topic around here is NOT tolerated by ANY means. Failure to comply is quite ugly.

How ARE you with llamas, by the way??
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Weaser P
Posted 2006-08-24 5:06 PM (#326036 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

October 2005
Posts: 5330

Location: Cicero, NY
"Structure" must be an English word. It's certainly not in the OFC lingo. The only time you see that used around here is when it's preceeded by "lack of".
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Posted 2006-08-24 5:14 PM (#326037 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
Hey! THIS guy's a SickPuppy! :

I like him ALREADY!!

Keep your calendar "clear" for next May.

Yer comin' t'Connecticut!!
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Posted 2006-08-24 5:38 PM (#326038 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

August 2006
Posts: 17

Location: Brighton, East Sussex. UK
I'm affraid I might have to sell the DLX as I filmed a couple of gigs during the month long, Brighton May Festival this year, both events inside. One was a music event, very good local band called - The Mountain Firework Company
and a comedy show by a mate. When I got to review the footage I noticed I've got a dreaded DEAD PIXEL on my Canon XM1 which is my 2nd event camera. The only way I can afford to get another one 2nd hand is to sell some stuff. The LAST thing I needed was to buy another camera and still only have 2 fully working, broadcastable ones to show for it. I'm doing this on a REAL shoestring. The Balladeer is not the only thing I'm prepared to sacriface, it seems I might have to film a few weddings and engagement parties to fund my ideas. I still don't really know what I might expect to get for the "old girl"? Someone I know who gets nice kit GIVEN to him by companies has promised to loan me some sort of lower value Strat (sorry if that's seen as swearing around here). This would enable me to input into Apples GarbageBand and relearn what I've forgotten. As I help him out on Apple problems and he didn't buy it, I might take him up on the offer. I could then use proceeds of DLX sale for an eBay'd replacement 3x CCD, MiniDV camera. I'll try to avoid selling her, I've managed to get by 3 or 4 times before after thinking about it I guess. It depends on how much I might get.
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Paul Templeman
Posted 2006-08-24 5:44 PM (#326039 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

February 2002
Posts: 5750

Location: Scotland
Originally posted by HiPhi:
Although a quick Google shows a PT up in Sunderland doing what sound like a good job at the Ropery...? Is this he? Is Temp a "mackem"? Originally I was a "Cod Head" or "Monkey Hanger" <- which ever you prefer ;) If he is in NE England - it's unlikely he'll be doing it as I seldom get up that end of the country. Where are you Temp NE, SE, NW or SW...?
That was me. My venue management days are long gone and I don't miss them in the slightest. And no I'm not a Makem, I just happened to work in Sunderland for a for a while. Cliff is almost right, I would be referred to as a Sand Dancer, which is not quite a Geordie. I currently reside in a quaint little village, somewhere in County Durham.

My unique and accurate bowl measurement technique only works on supershallows, at least until the skin grafts heal.
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Posted 2006-08-24 5:57 PM (#326040 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

August 2006
Posts: 17

Location: Brighton, East Sussex. UK
Sand Dancer eh. that's South Shields isn't it? I moved down south from Wallsend in 1986, used to live in Teesside adn hartlepool and when I was much, much younger, I used to go up to Sunderland Mecca for the ROCK nights there and headbang away. It was funny but your name did ring a bell with me, hence why I Google'd you - excuse the expression. The Ropery is all I could see, apart from MELT? You not connected with The Ropery now then P? Although I've never been there, I have heard very NICE things said about it as a venue. It sounds like a perfect gig for a few bands I know, especially including TheMFC ^ see above.
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Posted 2006-08-24 6:01 PM (#326041 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
". . Cliff is almost right . ."

. . and I'm almost left.

Keep the guitar. Screw the camera.
Just go frame-by-frame and "paint-in" the dead pixel in post-production.

Matt&Trey would be proud . . .

(VERY nice website on the FireworksCo., btw!!!)
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Posted 2006-08-24 6:16 PM (#326042 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

August 2006
Posts: 17

Location: Brighton, East Sussex. UK
The website was done as a favour to the band I believe - "off the backof a digital lorry". The company that did it was Eigth Day I think - they seem to get some high profile accounts. The band have a good local and regional following and the website is a perfect mirror of what they are like as a bunch of guys. I only recently went to see them and they were really good. Brighton is FULL of good bands actually - I LOVE living here in Brighton - it is so varied and the weather has to be about the best in the UK. I have to say that I thought Newcastle especially, was looking very much smarter when last I was up 2005.
You don't notice the DEAD PIXEL really, unless you're filming indoors or a dark background. I do still have to get another DV camera though - post prod will only do for so long.
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Posted 2006-08-24 6:26 PM (#326043 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

August 2006
Posts: 17

Location: Brighton, East Sussex. UK
You can now see how I did the bowl measurement here:
Bowl Measurement Technique

^ seemed a fairly logical solution to a lateral thinking like me. I don't know about you lot but I think best - flat on my flat.
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Posted 2006-08-24 7:05 PM (#326044 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
Here's an "assist" :

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Posted 2006-08-24 7:28 PM (#326045 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

August 2006
Posts: 17

Location: Brighton, East Sussex. UK
I'm out of here guys - have a good night/day/evening - I'll check in tomorrow at some point. Nice chatting.
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Paul Templeman
Posted 2006-08-24 8:52 PM (#326046 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

February 2002
Posts: 5750

Location: Scotland
Originally posted by HiPhi:
Sand Dancer eh. that's South Shields isn't it? I moved down south from Wallsend in 1986, used to live in Teesside adn hartlepool and when I was much, much younger, I used to go up to Sunderland Mecca for the ROCK nights there and headbang away. It was funny but your name did ring a bell with me, hence why I Google'd you - excuse the expression. The Ropery is all I could see, apart from MELT? You not connected with The Ropery now then P? Although I've never been there, I have heard very NICE things said about it as a venue. It sounds like a perfect gig for a few bands I know, especially including TheMFC ^ see above.
Yep, South Shields it is. I got done with the Ropery a few years ago, it was a great venue that actually made a difference at one point, but isn't anymore. Sunderland is still a good breeding ground for new bands and quite a few Makem bands are signing deals right now. The Futureheads are a Sunderland band, who are apparently destined for greatness.

I'm pretty well known in my neck of the woods as a musician and gig promoter, so that might explain why the name rang a bell especially if you still have connections up here. It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it.
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Posted 2006-08-25 5:22 AM (#326047 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

August 2006
Posts: 17

Location: Brighton, East Sussex. UK
This might explain why I recognise your name, I guess you were promoting for a good bit then...? I still think there's another reason why it's triggering past memory synapses.
I recently discovered an old band I used to roadie for in the NE is STILL together - a bunch of ProgRockers called - GLACIER - from Billingham. I don't surpose you know them and that's where I recognise your name?
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Paul Templeman
Posted 2006-08-25 7:55 AM (#326048 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

February 2002
Posts: 5750

Location: Scotland
Don't think so, I didn't take the right kind of drugs to get interested in prog rock.
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Posted 2006-08-25 8:32 AM (#326049 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
He was too busy tacking-up DollyParton posters on his ceiling . . .
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Posted 2006-08-25 3:05 PM (#326050 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

August 2006
Posts: 17

Location: Brighton, East Sussex. UK
Originally posted by cliff:
He was too busy tacking-up DollyParton posters on his ceiling . . .
I wonder where on the poster he put the thumb tacks? Just as well it was only the poster he had hanging over him...? If it was actually Dolly Parton it would be like the beginning of - Mission Impossible - movie, the part where the Heroic Midget (Tom Cruise) has to FREE Climb the massive overhang... What an image I have in my mind now - Cue the MI theme tune on an old Philips Compact Cassette player.
I can now see a trail of CHALK hand marks all the way up her most difficult path of ascent, the North Face Cleavage Gully and a big pile of plectrums that had fallen out his youthfully eager pockets as he made the hard climb.
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Paul Templeman
Posted 2006-08-25 9:11 PM (#326051 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

February 2002
Posts: 5750

Location: Scotland
Cheap shot Cliffy. Actually back then it would have been posters of Nicolette Larson and Linda Ronstadt, both of whom were comparatively challenged in the dirty pillows/Devil's dumplings department.
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Posted 2006-09-13 2:05 PM (#326052 - in reply to #326005)
Subject: Re: Early Dlx Balladeer Shiny Bowl!!

November 2002
Posts: 3615

Location: Pacific Northwest Inland Empire
Good thing about the "search" function. Thanks to Miles & Al. But I digress......
I received my Josh White, circa 1968, #1831 stamped on the neckblock. The bracing reveals one X-brace, & one crossbrace under the fretboard extension. That's it. May be why the top is tipping in, front of the 5-point bridge. Apparently lost its label somewhere along its journey. Should it, or could it, be replaced, just for yuks?
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