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Future Repair Advice... Education Please...

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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2006-11-11 1:47 AM (#232173)
Subject: Future Repair Advice... Education Please...

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
I just passed-up a $65 (plus $50 s/h) Glen Campbell 1121(?) circa 1974 on E-Baaa. It had some surface cracks. He said that they were only cosmetic. But they looked yucky. How much expertise does it take to repair these? I have let 2 or 3 go because of this. Including that $249 USO the other day. I do housing maintainence, mechanics, and anything else. I have mucho tools. I can fix most anything, can I do this?
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Posted 2006-11-11 1:52 AM (#232174 - in reply to #232173)
Subject: Re: Future Repair Advice... Education Please...

August 2006
Posts: 2804

Location: ranson,wva
its not that hard..just time consumeing..tony calman,kim keller and woody gave me pretty good outlines and my first on turned out fine...heres a pic of the finished work..

you can barly see where i made the 3 crack repairs on the left lower bout near the waist..jason
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2006-11-11 2:56 AM (#232175 - in reply to #232173)
Subject: Re: Future Repair Advice... Education Please...

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
I can't tell the repairs from the reflections. So must be good enough. So long as you are satisfied. I bought a $31 generic Johnson, (Please don't kick me off the site for that) and did some minor restorations on it. I figured that I could practice on that, have a trash-around guitar, and I'd still have the hard case if I messed-up. Anyway, I got plenty of time, I'm just short on Money! Bottom-feeders Rise Up!

Keep the advice/pointers coming! I'm still kicking myself over that $115 Glen Campbell O that I just passed on.
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Posted 2006-11-11 10:09 AM (#232176 - in reply to #232173)
Subject: Re: Future Repair Advice... Education Please...

November 2002
Posts: 3627

Location: Pacific Northwest Inland Empire
Technically, Art, it's an 1127, Glen Campbell Signature, Artist bowl model. And, its worth it just for the neck, IMHO.
FedEx just tried delivering one to me last night, but I was out with SWMBO at dinner. Guy's gotta make hard choices these days......
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Posted 2006-11-11 10:50 AM (#232177 - in reply to #232173)
Subject: Re: Future Repair Advice... Education Please...

April 2003
Posts: 242

Location: Pewaukee, WI
The one on ebay had a blue label with a model number of 1121, but a s/n from 1974, and a bound neck with a GC truss cover. I'm thinking that at some point it went in for a top repair and they gave it a new top and bowl, but transfered the s/n. I was watching that one also, but didn't know if I wanted to take on a GC with an 1121 model number. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't a GC (1127) have different body binding than an 1121? This one's body binding looked pretty plain (normal, not as nice as some GC's I've seen).

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Posted 2006-11-11 12:30 PM (#232178 - in reply to #232173)
Subject: Re: Future Repair Advice... Education Please...

July 2002
Posts: 1900

Wasn't an 1121 a plain 'Artist' model?...I had one of those way back had an artist bowl and better tuners but no enlays...
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2006-11-11 2:59 PM (#232179 - in reply to #232173)
Subject: Re: Future Repair Advice... Education Please...

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Steve-- That is why I put a (?) next to that number. I was just quoting the dude.
Randy-- I'm glad that I ain't the only one watching that one, who also decided that it might be a Major project. I was gonna post it up here for the more Luthier-savvy members, but I not that computer savvy either.
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Posted 2006-11-11 9:19 PM (#232180 - in reply to #232173)
Subject: Re: Future Repair Advice... Education Please...

April 2003
Posts: 242

Location: Pewaukee, WI
Yeah, I have an 1121, and it's basically a GC without the binding or bling. I consider the GC to be the Deluxe Balladeer/Legend version.
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2006-11-12 6:39 AM (#232181 - in reply to #232173)
Subject: Re: Future Repair Advice... Education Please...

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
I still got that on my E-baaa watch-list. So I just looked at it... Mebbe he just got a GC Signature TRC... Or whomever he bought it from did.
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