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look at the member #s

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   Forums Archive -> The Vault: 2002-2003Message format
Posted 2003-12-10 4:31 PM (#199596)
Subject: look at the member #s

September 2003
Posts: 9301

Location: south east Michigan one gets #2000
Does he get a prize?
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Posted 2003-12-10 4:58 PM (#199597 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

December 2001
Posts: 10583

Location: NJ
no but they get a pair of glasses since we need 11 more to get to 2K
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Mr. Ovation
Posted 2003-12-10 5:39 PM (#199598 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

December 2001
Posts: 7225

Location: The Great Pacific Northwest
Al is correct. The "member number" only reflects numbers the system has generated. The number in the scroll bar at the bottom are folks that actually got a number. Of course, there are many people who signup, log in, and never post. If you are reading this, yes YOU and YOU TOO, we'd love to hear from you. Don't be shy :) Only Al bites, but he did get his shots so it only stings for a minute.
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Posted 2003-12-10 6:03 PM (#199599 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

September 2003
Posts: 9301

Location: south east Michigan
I just saw that evileye was member #1999.
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Posted 2003-12-10 6:34 PM (#199600 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
My screen showed him as 1989
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Posted 2003-12-10 6:36 PM (#199601 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
then by his name it says 1999, Miles, how does this happen??
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Posted 2003-12-10 6:53 PM (#199602 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

August 2003
Posts: 63

Location: Miami, FL
I must admit my guilt, I am one of the YOU's. It is a great site that I have used as a valuable resource but have failed to contribute.

That will change and I may even be able to attend the pilgrimage to CT if things work out.

Great job with the site Al and Miles. Kudos to you both.

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Mr. Ovation
Posted 2003-12-10 7:25 PM (#199603 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

December 2001
Posts: 7225

Location: The Great Pacific Northwest
Thanks John and I'd say welcome, but you've been here awhile... so how's just.. Nice to hear from ya :)

cwk2, the difference in the numbers from 1989 "Registered Members" the latest member number of 1999 is that when someone signs up, a number is assigned, but they may not actually complete the process (by logging in) to become a member. The system doesn't re-use numbers. There were also a few members deleted by request because of new locations, or preference to different ID's etc... So what the Registered Members indicates that 1989 member files actually exist. Obviously not all are active members.

For those that like to play with numbers, here's a few. Many people, like our new friend John up until today just lurk, but over 700 people have posted at least once and there is a "core" group of a little more than 100 people who post often. I think 5% consistant participation is phenominal in this environment. The "standards" used for marketing are usually happy with 1% to 3% participation. Of course just the word "participation" is subjective. Not only are there all the lurkers who have registered and just hang out for the entertainment and information, but there are 100's of people on a monthly basis that visit the site, hang out and read the forums, and never even register. These lurkers are all "participating" we just don't know them :)

All I can say is, we welcome you all!!!
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Posted 2003-12-11 1:38 AM (#199604 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

May 2002
Posts: 3005

Location: Las Cruces, NM
I thought we hit 2000 3 years ago, wasn't there a big fuss over all the computers failing and I had to reset my Tandy 102 to 1980 so the dates would be right.


Why have things changed so much.

Rip Van Tinkle
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Mr. Ovation
Posted 2003-12-11 2:08 AM (#199605 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

December 2001
Posts: 7225

Location: The Great Pacific Northwest
Isn't that "Vu Jade" (pronounced voo-ja-day) I've never been here before ?
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Posted 2003-12-11 3:32 AM (#199606 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

February 2003
Posts: 299

Location: Netherlands
Rumor has it that Voodoo Jay is a lurker too. Beware, or he'll cast his evil spells and turn this board into one big Taylor ad.

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Old Applause Owner
Posted 2003-12-11 5:44 AM (#199607 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

July 2003
Posts: 1922

Location: Canton (Detroit), MI
Even worse, he'll make us think that we all need to BUY a Taylor!..... :eek:


1976 Applause AA14-4 6-String
2001 Adamas 1598-MERB Melissa Etheridge 12-String
2003 Celebrity CC01 Spruce Top 6-String
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Posted 2003-12-11 10:27 AM (#199608 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
Cliff, could you post that wonderful Taylor ad you sent me some time ago? Would be fitting here.
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Posted 2003-12-11 2:01 PM (#199609 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

September 2003
Posts: 9301

Location: south east Michigan
It looks like member "satch" is number 2000. Well...not really. It's more of an honorary title. Whoever gets #2011 is really #2000. Soooo... #2000 is really kinda a #2011 wannabe.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!!!!

I think I'm sorry I brought it up!
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Posted 2003-12-12 2:21 AM (#199610 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

May 2002
Posts: 3005

Location: Las Cruces, NM
1999 people just said "what makes him think he's so special, any one of us could have been him if we had kept our big mouths shut like our wives told us. Like the rest, I couldn't resist answering that stupid post some years ago, and foregoing MY chance to be number 2000.) what's everybody else's excuse?
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Posted 2003-12-12 3:40 AM (#199611 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

February 2003
Posts: 299

Location: Netherlands
Well, Bailey, you are almost in the top 10% now. Just 20 more to go and I registered in the first half.

Come to think of it: too bad i didn't register twice. My member number would've been pretty special too.


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NY Norm
Posted 2003-12-12 5:57 AM (#199612 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

December 2003
Posts: 26

Location: NYC
Hello to all,

I'm a new member as well, though I've been looking at the posts for a while now. I am really impressed by the knowledge and loyalty to Ovation of the members. I spoke to Ovation customer service a few days ago about a couple of things. I don't recall the fellow's name, but he was helpful and friendly, and said a lot of good things about the web site. I needed a replacement saddle for my 1983 Legend 1117, which he'll send me. I also asked about a small, but uniform, bulge behind the bridge that's probably due to 20 years of string tension. He assured me that, if all else is ok, it's not serious, but just to keep an eye on it. Anyway, great site, and I'm happy to be a member.
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Posted 2003-12-13 2:44 AM (#199613 - in reply to #199596)
Subject: Re: look at the member #s

May 2002
Posts: 3005

Location: Las Cruces, NM
Welcome bwojc3

Happy to have you aboard, as they say about voting, post always and often. I forgot exactly what they say about voting but someone here will correct me shortly.

Welcome, and don't be afraid to speak your mind, even if you risk having your head in a vice in Alpep's basement in Joisey.

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