Joined: July 2003 Posts: 181
Location: North Carolina | Thought this link was an interesting description of the modifications made to Preston Reed's long-neck Adamas. One question, it states that his guitar's body is fiberglass and not plastic like other Ovations. I thought from reading cwk2's posts on the topic that O bodies were all a type of fiberglass. Anyone care to comment on this?
http://www.prestonreed.com/gear.html |
Joined: January 2002 Posts: 14127
Location: 6 String Ranch | just another bit of bigotry by the author. |
Joined: March 2002 Posts: 15665
Location: SoCal | An uninformed writer. All Ovation bowls are a fiberglass material, not plastic. |
Joined: December 2001 Posts: 10583
Location: NJ | YOu would think that there would not be misinformation on an endorser's site. But what the hell do I know ? I sell gear for a living. |
Joined: July 2003 Posts: 181
Location: North Carolina | Thats what I thought as well. BTW, not being a materials engineer, what exactly is the difference between plastic and fiberglass? All I know is that plastic is some sort of synthetic polymer. Fiberglass is obviously part fiber and part glass (whodathunkit?). But what is the fiber made of? Any chemists or engineers out there that can help out with these questions?
Franklin |
Joined: March 2002 Posts: 1380
Location: Central Oregon | I'm no chemist or engineer, I'm a body man, but fiberglass is just that- glass fibers woven into cloth or pressed into mat & then saturated with a bonding agent, usually polyester resin or epoxy. Some fiberglass parts (cheaper model boats come to mind) are built up from chopped glass fibers sprayed through a "chopper" gun & mixed with resin at the same time. There is also SMC (sheet molded compound). That is glass/bonder molded unto shape under pressure. Some car parts are made of that, the rear hatch on those miserable to work on Jeep Cherokee's comes to mind. Plastic is plastic of one sort or another & there are a zillion types. I have no idea what type of fiberglass Ovation bowls are made of.
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