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Celebrity vs Legend LX

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Posted 2004-03-06 10:47 AM (#192966)
Subject: Celebrity vs Legend LX

December 2002
Posts: 11

Location: Portola Hills,CA
I have been playing Celebrity CS257 and CS245 for a couple of years now. I am lusting after the new Legend LX. I have not touched one yet. What can I expect in improvements? Is it really that much better of a guitar? Construction and sound quality?
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Posted 2004-03-06 12:12 PM (#192967 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

December 2001
Posts: 10583

Location: NJ
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Posted 2004-03-06 12:18 PM (#192968 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

June 2002
Posts: 1614

Location: Converse, Texas
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moody, p.i.
Posted 2004-03-06 3:05 PM (#192969 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

March 2002
Posts: 15667

Location: SoCal
Night and day.
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Old Applause Owner
Posted 2004-03-06 4:11 PM (#192970 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

July 2003
Posts: 1922

Location: Canton (Detroit), MI
The gentlemen above are absolutely correct, but maybe a little more discussion would help!

I just disposed of a CC01 Celebrity for a (non-LX) 1777 Legend, and I can assure you that the difference in sound quality is huge. The richness and depth is much improved. I've played 245s and 257s at various places, and they sound OK, but not very rich. Even a non-LX Legend is a large improvement. If the LX is as improved as reputation over the non-LX, it should be fabulous.

The difference is materials and workmanship is visible as well. The more expensive U.S.-made guitars just feel and look better. Not that the Celebrites are utter trash, just that you pay more, you get more.


1976 Applause AA14-4 6-String
1981 Ovation 1118-1 Glen Campbell 12-string
2001 Adamas 1598-MERB Melissa Etheridge 12-String
2003 Ovation 1777-NAT Legend 6-string
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Posted 2004-03-06 4:29 PM (#192971 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

September 2003
Posts: 9301

Location: south east Michigan
I was going to save it till I saw you on Tuesday, but I'll ask you here on the board. With all the fine and fancy guitars that have been coming into your life latley, do you think you will ever sell your Applause?
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Posted 2004-03-06 7:39 PM (#192972 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

December 2003
Posts: 13988

Location: Upper Left USA
Slipkid, good question!

So allow me to put in a quick post while Roger works on an answer.

I was just jamming with my Brother in law - -who owns my first Ovation. It's a 1112 brown burst -no electronics. I got to side by side with my LX. Not a fair comparison true- but what I saw most was what was similar and cherished in both. The neck shape and fretboard playability, the lack of battlescars on a 30 year old guitar you can take anywhere. Balladeer 1112 SN 016172 is still up and ready. Comparing 30 years of a product shows me that they had something right back then!
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Old Applause Owner
Posted 2004-03-06 8:04 PM (#192973 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

July 2003
Posts: 1922

Location: Canton (Detroit), MI
HA-HA-HA-HA-HA(hysterical laughter)!!!!

Uh....NO. It's been with me longer than my wife has. It is in honored semi-retirement. Gets brought out once in a while and played and then goes back in the case. As a matter of fact, it got the CC01's case when I got rid of it 2 weeks ago. So it has a nice OHSC for a home now, which it has never had its entire life(it was bought with a period chipboard case).

In all seriousness, what could I really expect to get for it anyway???? Watch AA14s on eBay and they're lucky to get $100. Chump change as far as money towards a nice guitar. I have plenty of other stuff to sell.

Figure on me getting at least one more nice Ovation 6-string. I'm slowly starting to pile up the money again....just not sure what the guitar will be at this point. And I will have to dispose of one of my electrics to do it, either my Epiphone Casino or my Epiphone Les Paul. My wife and I have agreed that SIX guitars is the limit, and I am at that number now. So for one to arrive, one has to leave. And the Applause is not even close to the endangered list!!!

Actually, I have some questions too about the set-up at Now and Zen for Tuesday night(sorry if you all don't find this interesting, please just change the channel if you like). Is this a open-mike night, are we performing like at a coffehouse or...????

I would have to admit, I haven't been practicing my vocal skills for public consumption that much. I don't feel quite up to playing for other people other than the members of this club. I doubt that I would get TOO many tomatoes thrown at me, but I do NOT pretend to be that good. Still very much a learner. My guitars are WAY better than me.

Still, I suppose the worst that could happen is that they would ask me to never come back!!!


1976 Applause AA14-4 6-String
1981 Ovation 1118-1 Glen Campbell 12-string
2001 Adamas 1598-MERB Melissa Etheridge 12-String
2003 Ovation 1777-NAT Legend 6-string
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Old Applause Owner
Posted 2004-03-06 8:17 PM (#192974 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

July 2003
Posts: 1922

Location: Canton (Detroit), MI
Mike, speaking to your post....if I could buy a NEW 1111, 1112 or 1117, I WOULD. My 1118 is my favorite of the fleet. Not the easiest to play, but the sound and the vibe is unbeatable. Nothing sounds as nice as a deep-bowl. That is something my AA14 has over my 1777.


1976 Applause AA14-4 6-String
1981 Ovation 1118-1 Glen Campbell 12-string
2001 Adamas 1598-MERB Melissa Etheridge 12-String
2003 Ovation 1777-NAT Legend 6-string
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Posted 2004-03-06 8:44 PM (#192975 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

December 2003
Posts: 13988

Location: Upper Left USA
It was interesting since I hadn't seen the 1112 for a couple of years. It had great projection but sounded a lot more treble than the Elite LX. The action was great and it played nice. I just looked in the reference and it must have been made in 73. I bought it in 79 ($300)and it had been in the case about 5 years. I played a lot of friends weddings with that one - no PA required!

Promise not to tell - I sold it to him for a couple of hundred about 5 years ago so I could pick up the AA12 as a Backpacking/Camping guitar. I'm glad it's still in the family. I have my AA12 at the office now for lunchtime therapy.
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Posted 2004-03-06 9:09 PM (#192976 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

February 2004
Posts: 171

Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
That's like the first guitar I've ever owned... It's a "Conqueror".. A typical japan made copy... I thought... Then I started dropping the name around some search engines... I "think" this guitar was made by "Bruno" ... But who knows... This guitar is the only guitar I've ever seen that has a fret just below the nut... This makes this guitar 21 frets!..

I think two good strings would be...
1. What is the guitar you've owned the longest and why do you still keep it...
2. What is the best sounding guitar you've ever heard or played...
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Paul Templeman
Posted 2004-03-06 9:21 PM (#192977 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

February 2002
Posts: 5750

Location: Scotland
Bruno didn't make instruments, they were a US distributor going back to the early part of the last century. I may be wrong here, but if memory serves Bruno became part of Coast Wholesale, which was eventually aquired by Kaman. Bruno had instruments made by several companies including the Larson Brothers, and numerous imports. "Zero" frets are not uncommon, especially on European-made instruments.
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Posted 2004-03-07 9:19 AM (#192978 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

December 2002
Posts: 11

Location: Portola Hills,CA
Thanks for the replies. I will stop at the Guitar Trader next time I am down in San Diego, and check the LX's out and see what kind of deal I can work. Do you think the Celebrities are worth keeping? Or should I offer them up as a trade-in?
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Old Applause Owner
Posted 2004-03-07 7:13 PM (#192979 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

July 2003
Posts: 1922

Location: Canton (Detroit), MI
Dirk, if you need the money for getting the better guitar and don't mind getting a pittance(i.e., $150 each), go ahead and trade them in. If you still like them, have room for them and enjoy them, I would keep them.


1976 Applause AA14-4 6-String
1981 Ovation 1118-1 Glen Campbell 12-string
2001 Adamas 1598-MERB Melissa Etheridge 12-String
2003 Ovation 1777-NAT Legend 6-string
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Posted 2004-03-07 10:31 PM (#192980 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

December 2003
Posts: 13988

Location: Upper Left USA
Find a youngster to give it to and see if you can plant some seeds.
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Posted 2004-03-07 11:01 PM (#192981 - in reply to #192966)
Subject: Re: Celebrity vs Legend LX

November 2002
Posts: 1196

Location: Lafayette, Louisiana
Dirk, I have a natural colored Legend LX, and it is a wonderful guitar. The top is beautiful, and the sound is deep and clear. This is one fine guitar, if you get a chance play one, you will love it!
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