Where's the strangest place you've done it?
Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-14 1:51 PM (#144078)
Subject: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Gotta be some interesting stories about strange venues played...

Cambodian Prision Camp?

Bung's Leather Bar for Sexually Ambiguous Biker's?

Assisted Living For Seniors with Turret's Syndrom?

..... just gotta be some good stories out there....
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John B
Posted 2005-07-14 2:02 PM (#144079 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

January 2004
Posts: 1225

Location: Lake Hiawatha, New Jersey
I played this engagement party for a friend of my wife's. My friend was a DJ at the time and he played CD's for part of the party and I did about an hour set. What I didn't realize was it was that her family was Greek and they wanted to hear Greek music. They brought their own Greek CD's for my friend to play and all of the older guys started doing their Greek dances. Meanwhile I'm waiting to do my set of Eagles, Dylan, Neil Young etc. By the way, this was my first paying gig, so I was close to soiling myself as it was. It turned out that when I did my set, the younger people at the party really enjoyed it and it turned out OK. There were some tense moments though.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-14 2:24 PM (#144080 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
with the Greeks... love you OR hate you, either way, you're fu.....

Nope, can't go through with it.
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Posted 2005-07-14 2:35 PM (#144081 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

December 2001
Posts: 10582

Location: NJ
I used to play in a coffee house by rutgers univ in camden. the building was the old college hall, before that it was a hspt the basement where the gigs were was the old morgue
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Posted 2005-07-14 2:39 PM (#144082 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

January 2003
Posts: 146

Location: Germantown, MD
On a flatbed truck.
A candidate for state senate was trying to get himself known throughout the district he ended up representing. The plan was that he'd ride around in the cab of a decorated flatbed truck with a rock band (that would be us) on the back, playing to attract attention. At several places, the truck would stop, we'd play three or four songs, and he'd make a speech. At first, we just hung on for dear life while the truck was moving, but the campaign manager got the idea that we should play while we were moving because the truck wasn't going very fast. There was justice, though, because he ended up trying to hold the plug in the socket on the generator that was providing our power.
It was a long day.
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Posted 2005-07-14 2:49 PM (#144083 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
Once got involved with a bunch of other guys to be the "rock band" providing music for a runway fashion show at a local mall . . . .

. . . oh, did I mention that it was a lingerie fashion show?? . . . .

. . . that was a good gig . . .
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Posted 2005-07-14 2:58 PM (#144084 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

December 2004
Posts: 2150

Location: Orlando, FL
Many, many years ago (and my wife still makes fun of me for it) I did musical back up for a mime! So really anywhere we performed was the weirdest.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-14 3:04 PM (#144085 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub

....playing in that damned glass box
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Posted 2005-07-14 3:06 PM (#144086 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2002
Posts: 1300

Location: Madison, Wisconsin
I think I've mentioned this before but I did a wedding on the rim of the Grand Canyon at sunrise once. Ever try to sing ANYTHING at sunrise? I had to spend an hour in the woods b4 the service singing as loud as I could just to get the cobb webs out from the night before.
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Posted 2005-07-14 3:07 PM (#144087 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

December 2004
Posts: 2150

Location: Orlando, FL
Sad, ain't it.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-14 3:33 PM (#144088 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Tho it wasn't a gig, my friend Brian and I hiked down into the ruins (VERY ILLEGALLY) of Navajo National Monument very early in the morning under the cover of dark with guitars and played in one of the pueblo chambers. It was both very exciting and spooky...

We got back to camp before first light feeling jazzed and a bit guilty that we trespassed on a resricted and protected area.

We were very careful to do no harm or physical impact. But the sound and atmosphere were very cool.
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Posted 2005-07-14 4:04 PM (#144089 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2002
Posts: 1300

Location: Madison, Wisconsin
Jeff, sounds like the makin's for a reality TV show. They could send the entire production crew along with and pretend that there is nobody there but you.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-14 4:18 PM (#144090 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Missed the boat again, again.

Navajo Mountain Ruins
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Posted 2005-07-14 4:37 PM (#144091 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2004
Posts: 4413

But were they ruins before you played your guitar in them?
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-14 4:43 PM (#144092 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
....Wasn't the first house we brought down.

(and why we always play wearing helmets)
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Posted 2005-07-14 4:47 PM (#144093 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

August 2004
Posts: 604

Location: Tampa, FL
And I thought that was for personal defense against audience participation in the form of ripe produce...
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Posted 2005-07-14 4:52 PM (#144094 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

December 2004
Posts: 2150

Location: Orlando, FL
I thought that's what the chickenwire was for...
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-14 4:57 PM (#144095 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
...that it serves multiple purposes, helps keep *overhead* down...

don't make me put you back in your box.
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Posted 2005-07-14 5:00 PM (#144096 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

December 2004
Posts: 2150

Location: Orlando, FL
The box protected me from the wind and the rope. ;)
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Posted 2005-07-14 5:01 PM (#144097 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

December 2004
Posts: 2150

Location: Orlando, FL
At least I didn't open for the Puppet show, like Spinal Tap.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-14 5:04 PM (#144098 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub

but they had a dwarf doing a jig around a very small stonehenge...
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Mark in Boise
Posted 2005-07-14 5:08 PM (#144099 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

March 2005
Posts: 12754

Location: Boise, Idaho
I keep looking at the title and starting a response, but then realize that "it" means playing the guitar. No strange places for me. I don't do either "it" in public (much).
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Posted 2005-07-14 5:17 PM (#144100 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

October 2004
Posts: 78

Location: Avondale AZ
My first day in the dorms at ASU I walked into the bathroom and there was a student playing his guitar in the tiled room outside of the shower stalls. The accoustics of the room were great. I got my guitar (which was a Yamaha) and joined him. Soon we were joined by four other guitarist and a crowd of dozens including women. This soon became a common band room


Old Lver Jones
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Posted 2005-07-14 7:23 PM (#144101 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

May 2002
Posts: 651

Location: Australia
Played in a number of weird locations over the years but one that springs to mind was a band gig for a Mormon graduation ball.

I had to submit a list of our songs and they red lined anything that sounded anyway sugestive or mentioned wine or women.

Songs like Tequila Sunrise, Lay Down Sally and Start Me Up were definate no no's.

It was weird because when we started playing the hall was empty but then all of a sudden a whistle blew and teenagers came from everywhere and started dancing.

....and at the end of the gig a young guy came up to us which often happens to comment the guitars or sound or something but not this time

"Hey are you guys Mormons ?" he said.

Let me say they were very nice people and it was quite an enjoyable gig.
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Posted 2005-07-14 9:11 PM (#144102 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?
February 2004
Posts: 2487

I don't know how to post the way this Gig went???? But if ya got a few minutes it is worth it if you want a good laugh.


I was 16 and it also happened to be, exactly, my first stage experience along with most of the rest of us. We had about a dozen songs down pretty good and our first song we decided, this night, was to be Skynard's - "That Smell".
Now this is the sensitive part and I have to tell you now I hope I do not offend anyone on this site with this tale. It is only the truth.

The Gig was a dance at an old School that had been converted for use by the county as a facility for the "Mentally Challenged". We had been paid in full and at that time this was to be the first "Dance" ever attempted by the directors of this facility. So the communication was not very experienced on either end of the phone...... with that said.....

.....we set up for our extravaganza in the gym, while the clients who lived in housing all around the county started showing up in large vans and small busses. By the time we were ready to start there were some 300 or more mentally challenged individuals milling around and many standing and staring at the curtain across the stage. Now they were quite a handfull for the staff as this was the first time any of them had been to a concert, much less in a crowed gym altogether, like this. They had been told for many weeks prior, that this big Rock & Roll show was coming on this night. And this only added to the tension.

OK.... so.... here we are, all tuned up, and man we had one hell of a sound system. We had borrowed stuff from three other bands and I am not sure of the wattage anymore but it was fairly impressive for a first gig back in 1976-77??? Now just in case some of you don't remember the band scene from your youth we had friends and friends of friends hanging around and there was always one guy who wanted to do some fun roadie stuff like make huge flash pots and set up strobe lights.... you know, remember? Well this guy was pretty good because he had a long flash troth across the front of the stage and some big ass strobes rigged in back to flash the audience. He also had his buddy waiting at the light switch for the gym and a bunch of other suggestions but we figured this would be quite enough for our first gig.

Well I am sure you can guess what's coming.... Yep! Here we go..... The curtains open......... the strobes come on........and we hit that first chord (cranked to 10) in "That Smell" while we all rush to front stage to show off our practiced guitar moves with our long hair and perfectly polished guitars and new strings! and at precisely this same instant; all the lights go out in the gym and the massive flash pot fires up the stage like a nuke! Now with what lights we still had behind us on stage and the with the strobes flashing all we saw was 300 of the most confused, terrified, and screaming faces you could ever expect to see in one room.

Well we didn't know what to do exactly, we were shocked ourselves, but we wanted to rock the house ya know so we continued to play. The front 2 rows of the crowd dropped to the floor almost instantly in cunfused disbelief. and the rest of the crowd still standing looked like so many "deer in the headlights"...From what we found out later those in the back who ran and managed to escape, through the open doors of the gym, took more than a half an hour to find and bring back from the parking lot. So I guess without going into all the graphics of the crowds amazing and unexpected response and perhaps to offend anyone, who may have a family member afflicted with this terrible circumstance, I will simply state, I hope you see just how much we as a band had made a lasting memory of our first gig and still to this day when speaking of this event have to belly laugh at the response of our first crowd as professional musicians! I have to say I am proud to be part of a very rare breed of Musician indeed! We utterly terrified and shocked our first audience. And no real harm was done, no one got hurt, so as politically uncorrect as this story may be it is the truth and we did not cause these events through maliciousness. So it stands as the all time funny band story to this day for me.

Now we did manage to get through about a minute of that Skynard tune and they did let us play a few more songs at half volume. But, we had to aggree that there would be no more flash pots, no more strobe lights and we had to leave the ligts on in the gym. We never tried to get a gig at the "Center" again but we did hire the guy with the flash pot and the strobes for our next gig.
I just remembered... when we were packing to go later that evening we found a stowaway in the old truck we had for the equipment. I felt sorry for this guy, he was real old dude and kinda frail, but he wanted to go with us..... wherever that was? And he chain-smoked the three cigarettes he bummed from me before the staff came out and got him. Reminded me of the Cigarette incident in "One Flew Over The Coo Koo's Nest" I always felt like we turned the old guy in ya know??

So for what it's worth, there's my version of "The Strangest Place You've Done It"
Hope ya liked it

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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-14 9:28 PM (#144103 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Now, THAT'S what i'm talkin' bout.
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Bob Mintus
Posted 2005-07-14 9:42 PM (#144104 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 100

Location: Warren, OH
About fell out of my chair reading it... Nothing I've done comes close.

I thought it was going to be about "that smell" or something remotely similar...
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Posted 2005-07-14 9:51 PM (#144105 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?
February 2004
Posts: 2487

Believe me there's more and it's all funny I just can't type it here. It's just not right.
That was some night.

Funniest thing I remember as a young man! An it's all true.

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Mark in Boise
Posted 2005-07-14 10:58 PM (#144106 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

March 2005
Posts: 12754

Location: Boise, Idaho
Randy wins. Maybe the end of this thread.
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Posted 2005-07-14 11:15 PM (#144107 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
Well, I have to chime in. My story is a bit different.

We were a fairly well know group in Houston in the 70's and played most of our gigs in 5 or 6 of the top clubs in the area.

Within a 6 month period, 4 of the clubs mysteriously burned to the ground, never to reopen.

Think somebody was trying to tell us something? :eek:
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Posted 2005-07-15 2:55 AM (#144108 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

December 2004
Posts: 370

Location: Isle of Man, UK
Surreal gigs? I've been playing too long not to have any...

In no particular order:-

Support for a group of male strippers [not that kind of support]

On a 3-masted barque called Kaskelot, where we had to be shipped back to shore on a row boat after the gig. All the way through, I felt like Simon Le Bon singing "Rio"

In an Indie-themed marquee. I've never been so scared...

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Posted 2005-07-15 7:40 AM (#144109 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

March 2005
Posts: 417

Location: Cicero, NY
Great story, Randy. Totally overshadows one of mine that wasn't exactly a "strangest place" but the first time we played with flash pots (maybe your friend came down and helped out with these too). We're all ready to start playing the opener, amps are on and turned to 10+ (smoke 'em if you got 'em, right?) and everybody's hair is just right...the drummer starts slapping his sticks and the pots go off. The problem was that they were overloaded and our lead was WAY too close. Keep in mind that we're 16 years old and have the typical nerves of warm butter. Anyway, the wall of flash scared the living HECK out of him so bad that he actually broke into tears and had to go home.

That lineup never played together again.
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Paul Blanchard
Posted 2005-07-15 10:15 AM (#144110 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

February 2002
Posts: 1817

Location: Minden, Nebraska
I had an experience in a church in Nigeria in 1983. The music was going really well with multiple drummers producing amazing rhythm. The people were dancing and the house was filled with joyful energy.

The senior pastor decided to receive an offering, which in that culture is done by dancing up to the front and putting your offering in a big bowl. So, first the children danced to the front and gave their offerings and danced out a side door to dance around the church building. They were followed by the young women, the young men, the older women, the older men, and then the ministry staff and dignitaries up on the platform. Then the pastor, who was at the back of the line, pointed at the musicians and me and beckoned us to follow.

I end up at the end of the line of several hundred graceful dancers. Now, here is the kicker: one of the main reasons I took up guitar was because I was a terrible dancer -- or at least an extremely self-conscious one. It seemed that if I didn't want to dance or get asked to dance... be in the band. So that is what I did.

Now here was this choreographically challenged white guy from Nebraska doing his best to dance like the Africans who have beautiful rhythm and have been dancing since childhood. I did my best to just give myself over to the joy and move with it, but I definitely drew some stares from people in that town as they saw me dancing around the outside of the church at the end of that long line.

My self-consciousness subsided enough to dance around the place until I got to the door on the other side where everyone had entered. Being at the end of the line, I came in to find most everyone else seated and watching me make my way back to my seat as the last dancer standing. All I can say is that they were polite, and what was seen was never mentioned. And I have never been so relieved when the music started up again.

Then I was playing one of my Ovations in a church in Honduras a couple of weeks ago, where no one spoke English. After a feeble experiment singing in bad Spanish, I decided it was time to heed the old admonishment, "Shut up, and play yer gittar!"
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-15 10:30 AM (#144111 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Originally posted by Paul Blanchard:
All I can say is that they were polite, and what was seen was never mentioned.
Funny... while in a small African village, during the evenings, we sat around the campfire spinning yarns, I was regaled by a hilarious story of the "The Great White Dancer"

...and here I thought it just an old wives tale to encourage the kids to learn to dance at an early age....
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Paul Blanchard
Posted 2005-07-15 10:45 AM (#144112 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

February 2002
Posts: 1817

Location: Minden, Nebraska
Jeff - thanks for giving me my first belly laugh of the day!
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Posted 2005-07-15 2:22 PM (#144113 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

March 2003
Posts: 127

Location: Corvallis, OR
When living in San Diego in 1970, I heard that a certain coffee house had an open mike policy after 9 pm. I showed up one night at the back door, and was immediately ushered onto the tiny stage and started my little set.

If you have ever done any performing on a stage, you know that the bright stage lights blind you for a few minutes, and you cant see the audience untill your eyes adapt.

As I played my first piece, I gradually started looking out into the audience, and saw people sitting at tables around me, and I noticed that the women had rather boney kness, and muscular looking calves. As my eyes became more and more useable, I noticed that the womean also had some pretty heavy makeup on. As I neared the end of the first piece, I realized that the women were not women, and that I had blundered into something unpleasant.

When I finished, I asked the owner what the heck was going on, and he shrugged and said, "Oh, it's just the usual Friday night crowd. Its cross dresser night.You didn't know ?"

For years afterword, I was afraid that one of the audience would recognize me on the street, and say something to me in front of one of my friends.
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Posted 2005-07-15 2:34 PM (#144114 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

August 2004
Posts: 604

Location: Tampa, FL
It might be more interesting, 4fingers, if one of your friends came up to you one day and said, "Hey, I kind of liked your performance the other day..." :eek:
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Posted 2005-07-15 5:38 PM (#144115 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

December 2001
Posts: 10582

Location: NJ
the year is 1974.
I am in high school and our drummer got us a gig at the local "moose lodge" Apparently they had a dance every other weekend and for this saturday the "youth council" convinced the elders to have a band for the "young folks".

Well, we went on at 6 so we met at the drummer's house and packed up the equipment and drove off to the gig. We were 5 hours early since the drummer got the gig time wrong and the fat bastard that he was, was always hungry he decided he wanted to get something to eat. Me I am nervous and could not eat a cracker but since I am in the band I go along.

Well, the only place open was a truck stop. Now remember this is 1974 and I have hair down to my ass and am wearing some sort of bell bottoms with suede fringes (still have them in the closet some where) and a flourescent shirt. The other guys look slightly more conservative but not enough for a truck stop. well we go in against my better judgement and massive protests and immediately start getting crap from the truckers. You remember that scene in easy rider at the diner? multiply it by 100. I thought we were gonna die. Somehow we made it back to the moose lodge to do the gig.

Well we get to the gig and the majority of the folks there are not who we expected. In fact we found out that the "youth council" only had about 12 members. I asked the guy that hired us what to do and he just said play.

We did.

We played Neil young tunes and cream and Free and santana etc. after every tune DEAD SILENCE. I still remember the glare of the 350lg grand poobah as he looked at me in disgust.

We took a break and went outside. The band was freaking. I took charge and said guys we have to change our set list. I put together a list of 50's stuff like "kansas city" and "you belong to me" tears on my pillow, elvis stuff etc.

We went in and started the next set. I stepped up to the mic to sing kansas city since no one else knew the words, well, after the first verse we had the whole place up and dancing, the problem was I only knew one verse to kansas city and I sang it over and over, we exchanged leads back and forth hell, I even thing we did a drum and bass solo to stretch the damn thing out.

Finally it ended. There was a brief pause then the whole place burst into applause. We played every shit kicker and rocker tune I could come up with in every key in I IV V. We threw in a couple of beatles tunes in for good measure.

The night ended and I threw my guitar in the case, covered up my amp and put them in the trunk of my 67 olds delmont 88 as fast as I could. That was when the grand poobah approached me. "You know son, you boys got off to a slow start but those last 2 sets were great, we would love to have you back here again"

He paid us and they took up a collection for us to play another set and gave us a tip.

I never went near another moose lodge again.
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Posted 2005-07-15 5:45 PM (#144116 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
"One time at Band Camp . . . . . "
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Mark in Boise
Posted 2005-07-15 7:10 PM (#144117 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

March 2005
Posts: 12754

Location: Boise, Idaho
I should get my brother to join this board and chime in. He was in a band that went up and down the west coast for about 8 years. They did backup for the Drifters for awhile, who didn't show up once for a gig in an all Black bar. Course my brother and the band were about as white as you can get. They survived.
Another time they were playing up in the Yukon or Northwest Territories when the ice bridge went out. That was the only route in except by plane. He got 3 weeks of paid gigs out of that one, but the guys in town got pretty tired of his band.
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Posted 2005-07-16 3:17 AM (#144118 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

July 2004
Posts: 812

Location: Hicksville, NY
The year was in the fall of 1995 during my years in college (actually, it was my return to college, since it was a bust the first time around!). I had a hard time "fitting in," until I discovered some students who held weekly meetings in various coffee shops. There, they would have a cup (or two) of their favorite beverage, and share each other's writings by reading them aloud. Besides originals, some of them guys and gals were very "crafty" with their ability to orally interpret other's works.

I, on the other hand, wasn't into writing, but fortunately I brought my guitar along in these meetings. When someone in the crowd pointed out that I had not shared anything, all eyes were on me. Nervous, I humbly told them the truth that I had no poetry or such to share with with them. I did, however, knew some music and perhaps it would be alright if I sang to them instead. That night, I played Jim Croce's "I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song" and "Time In A Bottle." At the end of the second song, it was a sigh of relief knowing that they loved it! That was the very first time I ever played in front of a crowd, and it turned out to be a pleasant surprise. More coffee shop appearances followed after that ... and it all ended in the summer of 1997 when (for some unknown reason) I gave a very poor performance as an opener for Roy Hurd - a well known singer/songwriter/storyteller in the North Country region of New York. While it may be a benefit concert, that also turned out to be the biggest gig I ever played in, and I was quite humiliated and discouraged by it. I haven't played in front of an audience since.

Years later (2002), there I was working as a lowly school teacher in the NYC public schools. One day I decided to bring my guitar in the classroom, and accompanied the children to a few songs .. even simple ones like "twinkle twinkle little star." Suddenly, I felt a great desire to play again. In the here and now, I rarely play in coffee shops, but I would rather play in classrooms, facilities for person(s) with disabilities, nursing homes, parks (especially when I'm alone), and the like. As always, I prefer small, intimate gatherings.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-16 10:55 AM (#144119 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Originally posted by cliff:
"One time at Band Camp . . . . . "
You play flute?
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Posted 2005-07-16 11:11 AM (#144120 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

December 2004
Posts: 2150

Location: Orlando, FL
OK, after the mime post, I reluctanly admit that around the same time I was one third of the "Orchestra" at a local dinner theater production of "Bye Bye Birdie" for about 6 weeks.

Hey, I also played rock and roll in some crappy local bars but you asked about the strangest...
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Posted 2005-07-16 11:46 AM (#144121 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
". . Cliff,
You play flute? . . ."

Actually, I do.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-16 3:41 PM (#144122 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
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Posted 2005-07-16 5:29 PM (#144123 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
That's MISTER Pussy to you, sir . . . .
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-16 7:14 PM (#144124 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
This exchange is supposed to get me laid, Right?
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Posted 2005-07-17 2:05 PM (#144125 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
Growing-up(?) a huge Tull fan, I naturally ventured down this road. I started out on a crude, "ukelele" version of a proper flute. Consisted of a length of anodized aluminum (numerous colors available) that was "tuned" and had precision holes drilled for a mouthpiece/fingering and a plastic plug in the end - from the very shop that I bought my first O in '76. Once that I was able to develop an emboucher (look it up:-) I was able t'do various little tunes with a good degree of volume and inflection. I was pretty much limited to what my finger dexterity was able to accomplish. Graduated to a silver-plated Armstrong concert flute (in C). I liked Galway, Dave Valentin, and was a HUGE fan of Tim Weissberg. Lots of fun & GREAT for the lungs & cardio. It definitely helped my singing (and vice-versa).I first taught myself based on the phrasings and styles of Ian Anderson and developed some bad habits (Anderson once admitted he always played "wrong" and went and re-learned the instrument). With an hour's practice, I can still pull off some decent tunes, but I "winded" easier now . . . . :rolleyes:
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-17 2:50 PM (#144126 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
iron lung.
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Posted 2005-07-17 4:22 PM (#144127 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2002
Posts: 1300

Location: Madison, Wisconsin
"em-bou-chure" "The manner in which the lips and tongue are applied to a mouthpiece"

I'll let someone else take the next step.
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Posted 2005-07-17 5:35 PM (#144128 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

December 2003
Posts: 13987

Location: Upper Left USA
The next step should either be a direct assault or a timely retreat!

It is best to choose mountain tops in the Puget sound area. this way when you look around and up you can have a nice memory to go with it.

As for playing guitar...

...the same thing goes. Mt. Ellinor in the Olympics. It lies in line with several East/West roads around here.

Also add the flight deck of a Carrier, the bottom of a Drydock and old Munitions Bunkers.
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Posted 2005-07-17 7:02 PM (#144129 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

December 2004
Posts: 2150

Location: Orlando, FL
Cliff, where is the strangest place you ever practiced your emboucher... :)
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-17 7:08 PM (#144130 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
not sure I wanna hear that story...
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Posted 2005-07-18 8:12 AM (#144131 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
I can attest that women DO love a man with a good emboucher . . .

"IronLung my friend . . . . ."
(I like that! :-)
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Posted 2005-07-18 11:13 AM (#144132 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

February 2003
Posts: 68

Location: Malden, Massachusetts
Let's get back on topic, shall we?
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Posted 2005-07-18 11:30 AM (#144133 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
Great Link!

Thanks for that trip down MemoryLane.
I'd almost FORGOTTEN about that album that you put out . . . Tino. :D
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-18 11:33 AM (#144134 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
WHHHHAAAT the hell was that???

....Village people meet the chippendales and spawn progeny....Fabuuuuluss...
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Posted 2005-07-18 11:39 AM (#144135 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

February 2003
Posts: 68

Location: Malden, Massachusetts
Alright, Cliffster - how about posting YOU'RE album cover -a-la-photoshop? I seem to recall a clever rendition of a certain Tull cover.....
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Posted 2005-07-18 11:41 AM (#144136 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

March 2005
Posts: 417

Location: Cicero, NY
Come on, man! I'm eating my lunch here! No links like that on lunch hour - isn't that a rule somewhere?!?!

Now vintage Linda Ronstadt...
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-18 11:49 AM (#144137 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
When asked, they said, "We all take turns in the middle!"

(....and I'm certain that's the strangest place they've done it.)
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Posted 2005-07-18 2:20 PM (#144138 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

December 2004
Posts: 2150

Location: Orlando, FL
ManOwar, now there was a band with great emboucher.
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Posted 2005-07-18 2:34 PM (#144139 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
You guys seem t'be stuck on that first one . . . y'DO know that you can scroll thru more by clicking "next", right??
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Jeff W.
Posted 2005-07-18 2:39 PM (#144140 - in reply to #144078)
Subject: Re: Where's the strangest place you've done it?

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
see my previous post....

....and Tino is kinda cute :rolleyes:
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