"Buckeye Bluegrass" in Sweden
Posted 2005-08-01 1:56 AM (#142259)
Subject: "Buckeye Bluegrass" in Sweden

May 2002
Posts: 3005

Location: Las Cruces, NM
My son, Charlie, and his band Buckeye Bluegrass that I used to play with, are in Sweden courtesy of the bass player's wife's family who visited us here and loved their music so well they arranged for a tour in that area for their band. The band, Buckeye Bluegrass, produced a great CD of all original songs to take with them on the tour. I am prejudiced, but those who have heard the CD are very impressed, as I am. I have no idea as to whether they are doing well or not, but they are in Sweden as I post, playing some venues that don't speak English but love American country and folk music. I will let you know how they fared when they return if you care, if you are interested in a completely original bluegrass CD, let me know and I will try to get you one. My take is they sound like a modern "Country Gentlemen", I am jaded in my opinion of self produced CDs but this one is GOOD!

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Posted 2005-08-01 11:50 PM (#142260 - in reply to #142259)
Subject: Re: "Buckeye Bluegrass" in Sweden

July 2002
Posts: 327

Location: Houston, TX

Good to hear from you. I never thought of it before, but somehow Sweden and bluegrass seem to fit well together. Maybe it has to do with yodeling being close to the plaintive Appalachain wail of sorrow, I don't know. I don't think I've ever known any Swedes up close, but both sides of my family as far back as I can trace are from as far back in the North Carolina hills as you care to go. I was born back in there, and I remember when I was a kid that every woman I saw past the age of old (which as a kid was probably 35 or so) spit juice in a coffee can. I might hang up my boots for good if I ever ran across a 6' blond named Inga that could do that. If you want to make the dream really big, six foot tall 25 year old Inga would be playing a mandolin while she yodeled. And wearin a ginghum skirt.

If you have a CD to spare, I'd like to have some of your son's music. I'll look forward to it, and let me know if I can pay you for it or repay the favor.
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Posted 2005-08-02 1:09 AM (#142261 - in reply to #142259)
Subject: Re: "Buckeye Bluegrass" in Sweden

May 2002
Posts: 3005

Location: Las Cruces, NM

I'll get you a CD as soon as they get back, they took all of their CD's with them. Charlie's single, maybe he'll have a story about a 6 foot blonde Swedish lady that I can tell you about when he gets back. Better yet, maybe I should get on a plane and join them and see if there is anything like that going on, it is my responsibility as his father to check up on that kind of stuff.

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Posted 2005-08-03 1:06 AM (#142262 - in reply to #142259)
Subject: Re: "Buckeye Bluegrass" in Sweden

July 2002
Posts: 327

Location: Houston, TX
If you will allow me to digress for a moment, I'm thinking we could say all kinds of stuff right here and because OFC has grown so much we could talk all kinds of snuff right under a bunch of noses.

For instance, did you know that Al once auditioned to become a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader?
That's how he hurt his back.

Did you know Miles starred in 3 Kung-Fu movies in the 70's?

I think Dave works for the CIA. Moody doesn't. Maybe I got that backwards.

I think Bill probably doesn't drink like he used to or up to his potential anymore, but looks forward to sniffin the nozzle.

These are big news stories. I know you have a few too.
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Posted 2005-08-03 1:40 AM (#142263 - in reply to #142259)
Subject: Re: "Buckeye Bluegrass" in Sweden

May 2002
Posts: 3005

Location: Las Cruces, NM

This is not a joke, they (Buckeye Buegrass) are in Sweden since July 26, I have no idea how they are doing as I haven't heard from Charlie other than that he is there as planned. Except for a wedding in Lillehammer. Norway they are staying in Sillerud, Sweden, there were arrangements made for them to appear in some places which I don't have the names of here.

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Posted 2005-08-03 6:37 AM (#142264 - in reply to #142259)
Subject: Re: "Buckeye Bluegrass" in Sweden

July 2002
Posts: 327

Location: Houston, TX
It's been 97 degrees for about 2 months here in Houston. Sweden sounds pretty good right now. I'm on my way to Baltimore for a few days. Be good.
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Posted 2005-08-17 2:49 AM (#142265 - in reply to #142259)
Subject: Re: "Buckeye Bluegrass" in Sweden

May 2002
Posts: 3005

Location: Las Cruces, NM
Here is Chariie's (Ragin' Redneck") account of the tour as posted on garageband.com's bulletin board.

Subject Buckeye Bluegrass in Scandinavia FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Reply to this post" Posted by raginred Posted on 8/14/05 01:15 PM

Just got back from a whirl through Sweden and Norway.Our first gig was at a Biker Ralley in Arjung Sweden(pronounced Orang).The Hillbilies Club invited us to play for thier annuall get together.Bluegrass at Hillbillies imagine that.Everyone was in a good mood when got there and it got better for the Mandolin Player(Bob Deitner) as it was his birthday,there was plenty of beer flowing if you know what I mean.The sound engineer was pumping ZZtop through the system before our sound check so I was a bit suspicious of his experience with acoustic instruments.Well I was right the whole night we were fighting with feed back through the moniters.Although the crowd was receptive they really wanted to rock,good thing we were the opening Act.May have a Norway gig for another Club booked for next year.
Next we traveled to Lillehamer Norway for a Gig at Tombestone City(not a mistype).Seems the Scandinavian people love the Old West.It was interesting to see,they had created a movie set style town on the side of an mountain that was fantastic.Got some good Promo photos from there.It was neat to hear a mock gunfight in Norwegen.Met a guy from Pheonix there Johann.We played on the sceond floor balcony of the Hotel and stayed in the rooms there.They tried like hell to keep it period and it felt like that.I had a touch of an allergy there so it was a little rough for an 7 hour gig(1/2 hour off for dinner).It so fun we didn't realize the time(except the banjo player Paul Clarke).
We took a side trip west to a fiord and the Trollsteps near the west coast of Norway.This is God's country in the summer time.There were water falls coming of the tops of the peaks as we wound thruogh the passes.It reminded me of the Million Dollar Highway in Colorado,Beautiful is the only way to describe it.Passed by the Dombas Hotel(pronounced Dumb ass)wanted to check in but it was full.We ended up at the fiord late sunday evening(3:00 P.M.) and therewasn't a place open but an Italian resteraunt.I had to have Fish as we on the Fiord so We ordered it commenting that it was probably Mrs. Paul's from America as it was Frozen.Got a lot of freash mountain air there.
Sillirud Sweden was the next gig.The best people in the world are "Country",and That is what these people are.Our best performance had to be in this little Hall in the middle of the sticks(Sweden).Great food, People and Moonshine,that's right Moonshine,I said they were Country.Got a chance to picnic on one of the many(I mean Many)lakes there with our Swedish Host Lars-Ericks.Ate the best smoked Salmon I ever ate(the Moonshine didn't kill the taste buds).We stayed in some cabins there Managed by his wife Britta(Great cook and organizer).Can't wait for the next tour.
We did an Bluegrass Festival next near Sonne Sweden.I'm telling you folks American Flags were being Flown all over the Grounds where it was held.I was proud that some our culture is apppreciated out side of this country.We were the third act up after a Contest.You would have loved to hear the Swedes singing Country Music even if you didn't like Country.We had to sound check an 1/2 hour before the show so we barely made our slot.God let it rain right after our set ended(Thank You Jesus) and a Rockabilly band went on.Those people don't let anything get in the way of a good time as they were dancing the night away in the rain.
Our last gig was somewhere near Amal Sweden.They resurected an old steam Locomotive and had train rides to the Country Festival where we were playing.The Conductor asked if we would play for the first train and we happily obliged.Everyone was dressed period(circa1880) it was great.They really enjoyed the fact that we could do the Acoustic thing and could'nt believe we traveled all the way from New Mexico to play there,What a treat for them and us.
The Festival was Fantastic(I'm trying not to over use the word,but it was).Our set started fine or atleast we thought it did when we received an complaint that they couldn't hear us in the 18th century barn where the tables were.The sound man was having problems with feed back and could not turn us up.The stage was wide open to the elements and it started to rain on our second set.I suggested we do it Acoustic in the Barn and around the tables so that those that couldn't hear us would get it right up close,needles to say it went off like gang busters.
All in all it was an week and half trip(wirlwind I'de say) of 5 Glorious gigs.They say we'll be back and I can't wait.Those were great People and Gigs!.Our new CD "There Aint No Train" is playing the airwaves there and we may have some work in Iceland and Demark for next year or next month,what ever happen's I'm there as long as it's not snowing(unless ofcourse the Moonshine is handy).
Be happy Americans some people still love us out there,

The Ragin' Redneck

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Posted 2005-08-17 8:09 AM (#142266 - in reply to #142259)
Subject: Re: "Buckeye Bluegrass" in Sweden

December 2003
Posts: 13986

Location: Upper Left USA
Ya, sure! Be proud Bailey! Sounds like an adventure.
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Posted 2005-08-17 9:04 PM (#142267 - in reply to #142259)
Subject: Re: "Buckeye Bluegrass" in Sweden

July 2005
Posts: 354

Location: Flushing, MI
Sounds great! I've been to Norway and Finland in the late 80's, when I was playing on cruise ships. It's beautiful over there!
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Posted 2005-08-17 11:30 PM (#142268 - in reply to #142259)
Subject: Re: "Buckeye Bluegrass" in Sweden

October 2004
Posts: 180

Location: Chicagoland
Hey Bailey, what their name on Garageband.com? I might look them up on there.
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Posted 2005-08-19 12:58 AM (#142269 - in reply to #142259)
Subject: Re: "Buckeye Bluegrass" in Sweden

May 2002
Posts: 3005

Location: Las Cruces, NM

My son Charlie is "Ragin' Redneck"

My son Bailey Jr. is "probity"

I am "BaileySr" but I have nothing in my garage.

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