OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?
Posted 2005-08-19 12:25 AM (#140123)
Subject: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

August 2005
Posts: 13

Location: Hayward, California, U.S.A.!
Hi fellas. I've been loving my Korean-made Ovation for 13 years, but only just now decided to upgrade to a made-in-the-USA model with some built in electrics.

I've set my sights on the 1778T, because I like the idea of extra low-end coming from the unique sound holes. However, I just went to Guitar Center and played two of them (unplugged - that place was a circus) and noticed that they had two different preamps.

Does anyone have any advice on which might be preferable? I understand the Pro has an XLR output, but I kind of think the OP-30 looks like it has more versatility.

Or, if y'all think the OP-50 is the best pre-amp they have, is it possible to swap them out?
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Posted 2005-08-19 8:18 AM (#140124 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

August 2004
Posts: 604

Location: Tampa, FL
Can't swap the Pro and 30, I'm sure the cans in back are different. You might be able to do it weith the OP-50. Never used the OP-30, I've been using the OP-Pro for the past couple of months in a 2005-ES. My only gripe is the volume knob. I have a tendency to inadvertently adjust it (always seems to go towards minimum and I start wondering why I am pounding the strings and still can't hear it :D ) I am a total XLR junkie, that accounts in large part for my taste in preamps.
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Posted 2005-08-19 8:52 AM (#140125 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

February 2005
Posts: 11840

Location: closely held secret
As discussed in earlier posts, not all guitars with the OPPro have hardware necessary for the XLR option. However, if you are ordering a new guitar, I highly recommend you order it with this option.
I'm pretty sure Chat's right, the earlier cans are probably not compatible with later preamps. You could check with Ovation Customer Service to verify this.
I have op40's on both my Legends, and they are very nice. EQ, preshape, notch, and all that. The only thing I don't like are the volume sliders.
While the OPPro doesn't have a notch filter, my 6778LX has never had a feedback problem. I do wish it had the locking/pop-up volume knob.
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Posted 2005-08-19 10:43 AM (#140126 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

August 2005
Posts: 13

Location: Hayward, California, U.S.A.!
Good advice. The notch filter was actually the big thing I was concerned about not having on the Pro, and why I was wondering about switching to the OP-50. Thanks -- I'll try to do a more thorough search of the older posts too. Must've chosen a poor search word last time.
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Posted 2005-08-19 10:51 AM (#140127 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

February 2005
Posts: 11840

Location: closely held secret
It's just that the OPPro has a second input jack on the can, which connects to a board which has both a 1/4" jack and an XLR on it. This is mounted on the guitar replacing the standard 1/4".
So all OPPros are capable of XLR, just not all models come with the additional jack. You can order them that way, or you can buy a stock guitar and send it in to the factory and they will install it.

Well worth the money if you play plugged in a lot.
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Posted 2005-08-19 10:57 AM (#140128 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

July 2004
Posts: 338

Location: Omaha
Isn't another issue (beyond the preamp) that you are comparing LX and non-LX guitars? Does that have any bearing on your decision? (I believe the new OpPro system is only available on the new LX guitars?)
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Posted 2005-08-19 1:05 PM (#140129 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

August 2002
Posts: 623

Location: Lake Hiawatha, New Jersey
I think Mike is right about there being a non-LX 1778T (OP30) and an LX 1778T (with OP Pro and TRC).

As I've stated in other threads, I prefer the OP 50 Preamp to the OP Pro, as it has 4 band eq and notch filter options that the OP Pro does not. The OP50 also can be purchased with an LXR option...as it was on my (now sold) Custom Legend 12 string.

"Can't swap the Pro and 30, I'm sure the cans in back are different."

Yes, but as I understand it's only a matter of 2 screws to change the can. (Never have done it myself).

Personally, I'd go with the LX version of the 1778T with the OP Pro preamp. The guitar probably just sounds much better acoustically. If you find the electronics to be that much of an issue, down the line you can replace it with one of the other OP preamps for around $150 ($175 with XLR).

Also keep in mind that Ovation is releasing the OP Pro studio in the next year. I don't know what the new options on it will be, but it may have a notch filter...who knows.

My .02 for what it's worth.
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Posted 2005-08-19 2:22 PM (#140130 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

August 2005
Posts: 13

Location: Hayward, California, U.S.A.!
Actually, I was hoping someone here would be able to clarify the whole, "LX or not" thing for me, but I figured that should be a separate thread. The GC rep didn't know, and I'm not yet familiar enough with the LX's additional features to be able to tell myself.

I can attest that the guitar with the OP-Pro definitely did play a bit better, but it was in a subtle way. I couldn't quite figure out why (I didn't have a ton of time, and it's entirely possible that I'm just not that observant, unfortunately), but the action just felt ... smoother ... somehow.

Any experts out there who can make sense of a noob's ramblings?
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Posted 2005-08-19 2:27 PM (#140131 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
". . The GC rep didn't know . ."

Wow!! . . . now THAT'S unusual. . . .
(insert "sarcasm" gremlin here)
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Posted 2005-08-20 6:38 PM (#140132 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

August 2005
Posts: 23

Location: Ottawa, Canada
I'll keep my fingers crossed that the OP Pro works well...Cause that's whats coming with my new O'... Hopefully I'll be able to pick it up on Monday... JOY!
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Old Applause Owner
Posted 2005-08-20 8:07 PM (#140133 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

July 2003
Posts: 1922

Location: Canton (Detroit), MI
Wide-eyed, you saw the difference yourself between the LX and non-LX Elite Ts....the one with the OP-30 and no truss-rod cover is the non-LX model, the one with the OP-Pro and WITH the truss-rod cover is the LX version. That probably means the one with the OP-30 has been kicking around the shop for awhile. The new ones I see coming in at my local Guitar Center are the LXs.

Not surprised that the GC acoustic room guy didn't have a clue about the OP-30 and the OP-Pro being different....I found an OP-30 crammed into the pre-amp housing on a 6778LX at mine last week...the acoustic room guy didn't have a clue what I was talking about when I pointed it out to him....(duh, it KINDA fits, doesn't it???)

If it was me, I'd go back and get the LX version, with the OP-Pro. They do seem a little better to me than the non-LX version in the Elite T.

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Posted 2005-08-20 8:35 PM (#140134 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

September 2003
Posts: 782

Location: Waurika OK
My T has OP30 and a truss rod cover, what does that make it?
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Old Applause Owner
Posted 2005-08-20 8:49 PM (#140135 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

July 2003
Posts: 1922

Location: Canton (Detroit), MI
I don't know about what that makes IT, but it makes me CONFUSED!!!!!

Seriously....it must mean that the Mothership made some Elite T LXs with OP30s....the TRC is the determinant of it being an LX(the newer truss rod and not the K-bar). I hadn't seen one, though. At my local GC, all the Ts with TRCs have had OP-Pros.

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Posted 2005-08-20 10:24 PM (#140136 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

April 2002
Posts: 202

Location: Orlando, Florida
According to Ovation customer support, the OP-PRO is not interchangeable with the OP-30. I asked them myself. I have both a 1778T and a 6778LX. The 1778T does have the "LX" upgrades, but still retains the OP-30 pre-amp. The OP-Pro does have a more natural sound, but I like the sound on the OP-30 as well. But (as I commented before in another thread), I'd vote for the 1778T as an overall best buy.
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Old Applause Owner
Posted 2005-08-21 7:19 AM (#140137 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

July 2003
Posts: 1922

Location: Canton (Detroit), MI
Hmmm....I thought the LX Elite Ts I've seen all have had OP-Pros...I'll look next time at GC.

For what it's worth, there is an LX version of the S771 as well. I've seen both the spruce- and cedar-top versions with truss rod covers at GC. It does retain the OP-30, I've not seen it with anything else.

Yes, I knew the OP-30 and OP-Pro are not interchangeable....the 6778LX I found at GC had the OP-30 crammed into the pre-amp housing....it kinda fit, but it was clear the connections didn't mate.

I wouldn't let the presence or lack of either pre-amp deter one from buying the LX Elite T, it's a great-sounding guitar.

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Posted 2005-08-21 11:53 AM (#140138 - in reply to #140123)
Subject: Re: OP-30 vs OP-Pro - your thoughts?

August 2005
Posts: 13

Location: Hayward, California, U.S.A.!
Thanks for all the advice, everyone! I think I will indeed look for an LX.
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