Dear Lefties, heads up! Custom Shop USA Custom Elite on sale!
Posted 2022-02-15 10:47 AM (#557049)
Subject: Dear Lefties, heads up! Custom Shop USA Custom Elite on sale!

May 2010
Posts: 110

Location: Moscow, Russia

Not mine, but I inspected her - she is real gem and sounds qiute premium.

Rarest, lefty, US made, custom shop.

Take a chance until she is on sale.


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Love O Fair
Posted 2022-02-15 7:29 PM (#557053 - in reply to #557049)
Subject: Re: Dear Lefties, heads up! Custom Shop USA Custom Elite on sale!

February 2016
Posts: 1816

Location: When??
As unique as they come. Lefty and all. You inspected it? Do you know happen to know Val Hal personally? As you can attest to others here, I am a longtime aficionado of Russian rockers, and can assure anyone who may be interested in this guitar that it is coming from someone who well-crafts their art and appreciates their gear. I highly recommend watching the video he included on the Reverb ad page (video link is in the ad's photo line-up), which features this guitar as well as his 12-string Custom Legend in a beautiful song. I have seen him play other Ovations, too. Here also is a link to a static studio camera that splits the screen to show various guitar tracks as they were being recorded, one of which features this guitar. Gee.. can y'all tell that I'm a big fan of this guy??

Edited by Love O Fair 2022-02-15 7:55 PM
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