Some Updates !!!
Mr. Ovation
Posted 2018-01-16 7:11 AM (#540838)
Subject: Some Updates !!!

December 2001
Posts: 7222

Location: The Great Pacific Northwest


  1. The mysterious message that would appear in INBOX's now should be readable. It's just your original welcome message. Took a while, but I finally found the glitch causing those messages to happen.

  2. Made the functions in the INBOX a little more clear.  Now the icons are labeled INBOX, SENT (UNREAD) and SENT (READ).  That should clear things up a bit.

  3. Streamlined the new registration process and the control panel to getting rid of outdated references like AIM, and such.

  4. Limited width of pictures posted in forums so as to not display too large when linked from other hosted sources. 
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