Clothes make the man.....
moody, p.i.
Posted 2017-09-22 11:11 AM (#537524)
Subject: Clothes make the man.....

March 2002
Posts: 15669

Location: SoCal
I'm not a very good detective. I've lost about 40 lbs (10-15 more to go) and can't find them anywhere. As a result, I've got 2 Ovation clothing items, a denim shirt with the Ovation logo over the pocket and a denim jacket with Ovation embossed across the back. Both are 2X in size and both are too big for me.

I've worn both so you're not getting something new off the rack, but both are in good shape. $50 to buy plus shipping & packing. I can take pics if you want. Contact me on my email, pmoody.pi at gmail dot com

Edited by moody, p.i. 2017-09-22 11:12 AM
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Love O Fair
Posted 2017-09-22 8:25 PM (#537537 - in reply to #537524)
Subject: Re: Clothes make the man.....

February 2016
Posts: 1816

Location: When??
I don't suppose you'd take a $50 Baskin & Robbins gift card for trade. No? Oh well, I'm pretty trim myself, otherwise I'd take you up on the garments. I remember the hoops I had to jump through back in the early '80s to get my hands on the old tan "Ovation Roundback" t-shirts.. which I wore until they had many holes. Anyway, nice going on the weight loss.
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Posted 2017-09-25 11:55 PM (#537557 - in reply to #537524)
Subject: Re: Clothes make the man.....

November 2002
Posts: 3627

Location: Pacific Northwest Inland Empire
Often, it's not what you're eating, it's what is eating you.
Congrats, Mr. Paul- great work. Lighter on your feet, & less strain on the machine!
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