Adamas Guitar repair needed - seperating fretboard
Posted 2015-12-16 7:33 PM (#519458)
Subject: Adamas Guitar repair needed - seperating fretboard

March 2004
Posts: 9

Many years ago I posted here about my Adamas with a separating fretboard.

After trying to follow through with all of this and talk to luthiers and the local Australian Ovation agent I basically got no answers and gave up, hated the stupid guitar and it has sat in a case for the last 7 years and I pretty much gave up playing.

My wife however thinks this is silly and is pushing for it to be repaired.

So who is the best person to contact at Ovation about repairs for an Adamas? Maybe get some advice on how it can be repaired and by whom.
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Posted 2015-12-16 7:46 PM (#519462 - in reply to #519458)
Subject: Re: Adamas Guitar repair needed - seperating fretboard

August 2002
Posts: 8307

Location: Tennessee

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Posted 2015-12-16 8:41 PM (#519466 - in reply to #519458)
Subject: RE: Adamas Guitar repair needed - seperating fretboard

September 2012
Posts: 812

Location: Thredbo, NSW, Australia
G'day Stark.

I can't see the photos from the old thread, but from what I've read you have a U681T, as do I.

These have a bolt on neck. Have you tried checking the bolts for tightness, or undoing them and seeing if the neck will come away from the body?

I hope you can fix it. I love mine.
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