Pickup height on Viper question
Posted 2015-05-02 6:10 PM (#509764)
Subject: Pickup height on Viper question

December 2008
Posts: 252

Location: Seattle
Just changed the pick guard on my viper to replace a chipped corner.
I took pictures, so the reverse install went smooth BUT.....

This adventure required removing and then replacing the pickups from the old pick guard when putting on the new one

I did not record the pickup height and am unsure what the rules are.
Specifically on the correct distance between strings and the top of the pick-up.

Looking for "rule of thumb" type advice for the best results.
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Posted 2015-05-02 6:39 PM (#509765 - in reply to #509764)
Subject: Re: Pickup height on Viper question

January 2006
Posts: 1120

Location: NW Washington State
Manual says 3/32" both sides, should be a good starting point: http://ovationtribute.com/Catalogues/Viper%201271%20Owner%27s%20Man...

Our best friends at Fender suggest anything from 4/64" to 8/64" for a Tele: http://www2.fender.com/support/articles/telecaster-setup-guide/

A Lindy Fralin video: http://www.stewmac.com/How-To/Online_Resources/Pickups_and_Electron...
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Posted 2015-05-03 2:02 AM (#509777 - in reply to #509764)
Subject: Re: Pickup height on Viper question

December 2008
Posts: 252

Location: Seattle
Many thanks numbfingers.... up and running.
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