WTB: Breadwinner saddles
Posted 2013-10-01 10:53 PM (#476628)
Subject: WTB: Breadwinner saddles

September 2013
Posts: 3

When I bought my Breadwinner 25 years ago, someone had replaced the original plastic saddles with some very dodgy home-made brass ones, and it's never been quite right. Looking for an original set to replace them, or any advice on suitable substitutes that don't involve replacing the entire bridge.

There's a complete bridge on eBay at present that would cost me US$270 by the time shipping is factored in (I'm in Australia), so if anyone has any leads on just a set of saddles, or another less expensive solution, it would be much appreciated.


Bill G.

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Posted 2013-10-11 9:10 PM (#477909 - in reply to #476628)
Subject: Re: WTB: Breadwinner saddles

August 2013
Posts: 14

If you could get a blueprint or just find one piece any local machine shop could make you some out of delrin or uhmw or some similiar type of plastic. If they have a CNC machine after they make one correctly they don't have to do much more than push the "go" button. Might be an alternative to buying a complete bridge.

Edited by smmjbarney 2013-10-11 9:31 PM
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Posted 2013-10-11 9:50 PM (#477911 - in reply to #476628)
Subject: Re: WTB: Breadwinner saddles

October 2005
Posts: 4056

Location: Utah
MWoody should have some good suggestions. If he doesn't stop by soon, send him a PM.

Do you have a picture of your bridge and saddles currently? There were at least 2 different styles.
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Posted 2013-10-23 3:36 PM (#478230 - in reply to #476628)
Subject: Re: WTB: Breadwinner saddles

December 2012
Posts: 18

I'll sell you brand new Ovation saddles for 1750.00 CDN plus shipping and through in the rest of the New Breadwinner I have listed in here for free :-)
A few months ago I sent a 65 Jag to Australia, the shipping wasn't that bad considering it's across the planet!
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Posted 2013-10-23 7:05 PM (#478236 - in reply to #476628)
Subject: Re: WTB: Breadwinner saddles

December 2012
Posts: 18

Throw not through! Darn apple auto correct!
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