 Joined: November 2008 Posts: 400
Location: Northwest Arkansas | It drives me nuts to see someone beat a guitar.
Poking my fingertip to the bone when changing strings.
Someone that plays my guitar without asking. |
 Joined: September 2012 Posts: 811
Location: Thredbo, NSW, Australia | mymartind35 - 2012-11-17 2:49 PM
It drives me nuts to see someone beat a guitar.
John Hiatt said it well in his song 'Perfectly Good Guitar'
Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars Smashing a perfectly good guitar I don't know who they think they are Smashing a perfectly good guitar
I couldn't agree more. |
 Joined: August 2005 Posts: 3736
Location: Sunshine State, Australia | What cheeses me off is that I've been playing guitar for 40 years and still suck! |
 Joined: September 2003 Posts: 9301
Location: south east Michigan | Axel Rose Rap B-flat and AlanM . I'm going to see The Who a week from tonight. Now-a-days it is a very rare event but I can only hope that a Strat does not make it out alive. 
Joined: April 2008 Posts: 1851
Location: Newington, CT | Uhhhhh...what the...? How the heck did *I* get in there?!?
Edited by AlanM 2012-11-17 8:28 AM
Joined: November 2011 Posts: 741
Location: Fort Worth, TX | My biggest peeve is the guy at every jam who thinks it's a competition. He jumps in on every song, pounds away and always looks up to acknowledge the astonishment at his guitar prowess. The one guy I'm thinking of now is also a sports jock, so I'm sure a lot of that attitude comes into play when he has a guitar in his hands. He always has to one up other players by repeating what they just played at twice the volume and speed... and the thing is, his playing sucks. He's the only one who doesn't know it. |
Joined: September 2003 Posts: 815
Location: Colorado | muzza - 2012-11-17 5:18 AM What cheeses me off is that I've been playing guitar for 40 years and still suck! Same here...but for me it's 35 years of strumming the same three chords and I still can't get them right. |
 Joined: October 2012 Posts: 349
Location: Denver, CO | I feel you. All of you. But my biggest peeve is that all I really want to do is play, and that's the thing that always gets set aside while I am forced to attend to that crap people refer to as "responsibilities."
2nd is: those guys who have like, 93 guitars. Especially when at least a dozen of them are worth the value of my entire collection. Not naming any names... |
Joined: March 2005 Posts: 12759
Location: Boise, Idaho | Most of what I see in the "Musicians" section of Craigslist. I initially checked it out in an attempt to find someone to jam with, but realized that few real musicians ever post there. I thought I hated rap, but I learned there are people who think that screamo and growling and other noises are somehow "musical". I can't believe there are people who actually pay to listen to that crap, when there are decent musicians (not me) looking for a place to play.
A second pet peeve is the volume at concerts. Sorry to all you old rockers out there, but there is absolutely no reason to crank the volume so high that it becomes inaudible except with earplugs. That has pissed me off since I first saw the Beatles having to do it to be heard above all the screaming girls. Screaming girls is not a good reason. Go to a concert to listen to the music. If you just want to watch an act, turn on a video and turn the sound off. None of those girls scream when their listening to the cds at home. No one goes to a play or dance performance and screams the whole time. This idea of screaming the whole concert is just stupid.
Edited by Mark in Boise 2012-11-17 11:12 AM
 Joined: December 2006 Posts: 6994
Location: Jet City | Drummers who can't keep a steady meter |
 Joined: September 2011 Posts: 402
Location: New Hartford CT | Soundmen/musicians who noodle with the PA endlessly. Long soundchecks that drive away customers at the bar who are just trying to have a drink and relax are beyond annoying, they're unprofessional.
Just set everything to the middle and go from there! |
 Joined: November 2008 Posts: 400
Location: Northwest Arkansas | People who pose with their guitar.
People who suck but think they're great.
People who are great and let everybody else know it. |
Joined: November 2009
| mymartind35 - 2012-11-17 1:19 PM
People who are great and let everybody else know it.
Oh. Sorry. |
 Joined: January 2009 Posts: 4535
Location: Flahdaw | I find the "MSRP" on any instrument to be very annoying.
The guy that plugs in at GC, then plays the intro to Stairway to Heaven poorly and loudly...over and over.
Anyone who has the audacity to be in the acoustic room at GC when I choose to go in there annoys me. |
Joined: December 2001 Posts: 7225
Location: The Great Pacific Northwest | While much of what has been mentioned can be annoying at times, I find my biggest pet peeve is with venues that treat artists like crap or expect artists to play for free or haven't realized it's 2012 not 1975 when it comes to what they pay. |
Joined: November 2011 Posts: 741
Location: Fort Worth, TX | darkbarguitar - 2012-11-17 1:50 PM
The guy that plugs in at GC, then plays the intro to Stairway to Heaven poorly and loudly...over and over.
Anyone who has the audacity to be in the acoustic room at GC when I choose to go in there annoys me.
Or the guy (except it was a girl last time) who does a lame version of Blackbird with every guitar they pick up. I too hate it when there is more than one other person in there besides me. |
 Joined: September 2006 Posts: 10777
Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR | mileskb - 2012-11-17 12:15 PM
While much of what has been mentioned can be annoying at times, I find my biggest pet peeve is with venues that treat artists like crap or expect artists to play for free or haven't realized it's 2012 not 1975 when it comes to what they pay.
I was just talking to a street musician who sez that he will make more money busking than at a bar gig.
"Once you divide-up the money and pay the expenses, each person makes $22 for eight hours labor...
I can do that out here on the street corner and not have to deal with dozens of drunk people"
 Joined: January 2009 Posts: 4535
Location: Flahdaw | Who plays a bar gig for 8 hours??? |
 Joined: September 2006 Posts: 10777
Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR | darkbarguitar - 2012-11-17 1:47 PM
Who plays a bar gig for 8 hours??? Go get rental van.
Go get your stuff, put in van.
Go to drummer's house, wake him up, put in van.
Get everyone to bar.
Sound check.
Go eat cuz the gig doesn't start til nine.
Play two 90 minute sets.
Pack stuff back in van.
Drop everybody's stuff off.
Put gas in van, return van.
Ride bicycle home = eight hours
Joined: November 2009
| OMA is right. With load in, set up etc, and the reverse at the other end, it's a full shift. |
 Joined: January 2009 Posts: 4535
Location: Flahdaw | Ok...yeah...I can see that. |
 Joined: February 2010 Posts: 72
Location: UK | arthurseery - 2012-11-16 9:56 PM
Go get rental van.
Go get your stuff, put in van.
Go to drummer's house, wake him up, put in van.
Get everyone to bar.
Sound check.
Go eat cuz the gig doesn't start til nine.
Play two 90 minute sets.
Pack stuff back in van.
Drop everybody's stuff off.
Finds out the drummer's not there.
Go back to the bar.
Find it lying on the floor.
Drive back.
Chuck it outside its front door.
Put gas in van, return van.
Ride bicycle home = eight hours
EFA....  |
 Joined: November 2008 Posts: 400
Location: Northwest Arkansas | mileskb - 2012-11-17 2:15 PM
While much of what has been mentioned can be annoying at times, I find my biggest pet peeve is with venues that treat artists like crap or expect artists to play for free or haven't realized it's 2012 not 1975 when it comes to what they pay.
They're paying exactly the same as they did in the 80's around here. Who do you know who gets paid the same at his job as in the 80's? |
 Joined: December 2003 Posts: 13991
Location: Upper Left USA | anytime there's an Fb... |
 Joined: June 2002 Posts: 6201
Location: Phoenix AZ | My pet peeve is playing with people that will only play a cover "exactly" like the original version.
"It has to be in the key of G and it has to be a straight 4/4 at 95 bpm"
NO, ASH WIPE - I'm playing in A, 80 bpm light swing. Play along or fruck off !!! |
 Joined: January 2006 Posts: 5881
Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains | High maintenance band members.
Constant buzzing in your signal chain.
Keeping strings fresh on too many guitars. |
 Joined: January 2006 Posts: 2120
Location: Chicago | "Professionals" whose main instrument is their phallic EGO (kissing *** UP the ladder, crushing fingers BELOW).
"Professional" musicians who think it's a badge of honor NOT to have a real job ( and ... who despise you out if you do!) |
 Joined: December 2003 Posts: 13991
Location: Upper Left USA | Standingovation - 2012-11-18 10:09 AM My pet peeve is playing with people that will only play a cover "exactly" like the original version. "It has to be in the key of G and it has to be a straight 4/4 at 95 bpm" NO, ASH WIPE - I'm playing in A, 80 bpm light swing. Play along or fruck off !!! The "BEST" times are when you are with others and they play things a little diferent and you learn and mix and play along as well! Now back to your scheduled ranting... |
 Joined: November 2008 Posts: 400
Location: Northwest Arkansas | We played "Mercury Blues" the way David Lindley did it and some jerk walked up and said, "That ain't the way Alan Jackson done it!" Ya think! "Summertime Blues" with Eddie Cochran "feel" to it. That song came out in '58.
More pet peeves:
I miss real music on the radio. Not this rubber stamp junk.
People who let their necks bow badly and let the strings rust. Then ask you to come play that guitar.
Joined: November 2009
| mymartind35 - 2012-11-18 9:47 PM
We played "Mercury Blues" the way David Lindley did it and some jerk walked up and said, "That ain't the way Alan Jackson done it!" Ya think!
Not familiar with the tune, I know of Lindley, a bit more about Jackson . . . . but I am very familiar with idiots coming up to you with complaints like that. Hey, pal , get your own gig and you can play it like anyone you want. I can't stand those guys. |
 Joined: December 2005 Posts: 247
Location: Seacoast NH | Some great ones here! But I have to go with what dwg preacher said - the guy with tons of amazing guitars that can barely play. I went to a holiday party/jam last year, and this guy had brought a beautiful early 60's Les Paul and a really nice PRS, as well as a Marshall stack (which he of course needed seeing as how we were playing in my friends tiny 300 sq. ft. basement). This guy could barely play a 12-bar shuffle, and Barre chords were way out of his realm of expertise. I was told he has like $50k of other equipment at home too. Just absurd. Meanwhile I was able to hold my own with my cheap little Godin and little lunchbox amp -- total investment, less than $400 used. |
 Joined: November 2005 Posts: 4832
Location: Campbell River, British Columbia | Hmmmmm, some of this sounds more like sour grapes and jealousy than actual peeves..... Just sayin'
 Joined: December 2005 Posts: 247
Location: Seacoast NH | Guilty as charged fillhixx! Generally jealous of nice equipment and talent alike!  |
Joined: December 2004 Posts: 2150
Location: Orlando, FL | My personal peeve is that I don't find (or make) more time to play. |
 Joined: June 2002 Posts: 6201
Location: Phoenix AZ | mbedard1 - 2012-11-20 11:45 AM
Some great ones here! But I have to go with what dwg preacher said - the guy with tons of amazing guitars that can barely play. I went to a holiday party/jam last year, and this guy had brought a beautiful early 60's Les Paul and a really nice PRS, as well as a Marshall stack (which he of course needed seeing as how we were playing in my friends tiny 300 sq. ft. basement). This guy could barely play a 12-bar shuffle, and Barre chords were way out of his realm of expertise. I was told he has like $50k of other equipment at home too. Just absurd. Meanwhile I was able to hold my own with my cheap little Godin and little lunchbox amp -- total investment, less than $400 used.
So only those who can play well should be deserving of spending their money on expensive instruments ???
The person who works has butt off 9-5 and saves up a tidy some of money, or has the intelligence to make wise investments and become (oh my gosh) "Well Off" shouldn't be able to spend his riches on any damn thing he wants to including fancy guitars that will never get played ??? Come on now ...
Where I draw the line is when somebody goes deep into debt and buys "must have" fancy guitars and equipment while he's failing to provide for his family, failing to invest in his childrens education, failing to support his aging parents and failing to seed his own retirement. That's a case of frocked up priorities. But someones musical abilities shouldn't be part of the equation.
Btw, I went to the sporting good store to buy a nice pair of running shoes. They told me I wasn't fast enough to deserve them.
Sorry man, I'm not meaning to dump on you. But those who know me will recognize that this strikes a nerve - I can't play worth a shirt but I enjoy surrounding myself with nice gear. Some blow their money on golf, booze, woman, fast cars, etc. I blow mine on gear that I'm not capabile of playing. Doesn't make me a bad guy.
Shut up Cliff. |
 Joined: October 2012 Posts: 349
Location: Denver, CO | Standingovation - 2012-11-21 7:36 AM
So only those who can play well should be deserving of spending their money on expensive instruments ???
The person who works has butt off 9-5 and saves up a tidy some of money, or has the intelligence to make wise investments and become (oh my gosh) "Well Off" shouldn't be able to spend his riches on any damn thing he wants to including fancy guitars that will never get played ??? Come on now ...
Not sure how sarcastic you are being here, but my initial post was a little tongue-in-cheek, mostly intended to state how jealous I am of those with greater means than I... however, I can completely understand; it's the guy who parades his cool stuff around for everyone to drool over, who thinks that having the cool stuff by itself makes him a superior person/player/whatever, then proceeds to show everyone what a hack he is. I'm a hack too, but I also never walk into a room and whip out my axe and try to blow everyone off the stage. And there are a lot of incendiary players out there whose only instrument is a 1986 Yamaha that has seen 3 wars... |
Joined: March 2008 Posts: 2683
Location: Hot Springs, S.D. | I don't care how well or how poorly a person with great guitars plays. But when they BEAT on them, refuse to humidify them, leave them in the trunk on hot summer days or cold winter ones, THEN I get mad. I have cut my own throat here at the shop a few times by refusing to sell a great guitar to someone who thinks picks are made for the express purpose of digging a hole in the wood. I have actually, a couple of times, taken a guitar out of someone's hand, hung it on the wall, and told them to leave. And one time, I took a very expensive guitar out of the hands of a guy who "always wanted one of these (brands)", but couldn't even tell he was playing the D on the third and fourth frets instead of where it belongs, and once again, he was VERY heavy handed with the pick. That guitar deserved to be in the hands of someone who would cherish it, not someone who couldn't play and just wanted it for a status symbol. So I encouraged the guy to take some time and think about it. If he had come back the next day I would have told him someone put it on lay-away.
And the woman who wound up buying it a couple of weeks later turned out to be one of the best players I have ever heard. That guitar is HAPPY now.
My guitars are like pets - and they go to good homes only. |
 Joined: January 2009 Posts: 4535
Location: Flahdaw | CORDS!!! Wires, plugs, and cords! I HATE 'em.
I hate tripping over them.
I hate them getting all tangled in everything.
I hate needing a certain one and not being able to find it.
I hate having 4 devices, and 38 cords going to and from them.
I hate when they hum, buzz, or make other unwanted noises.
etc...... |
 Joined: October 2012 Posts: 349
Location: Denver, CO | darkbarguitar - 2012-11-21 2:21 PM
I hate when they hum, buzz, or make other unwanted noises.
That's the same thing i hate about my kids! |
 Joined: November 2012 Posts: 135
Location: New Bern, NC | I hate bridge pins! I'm so glad I have an Ovation!! I teach guitar and all my beginner students have guitars with bridge pins. I change their strings for them and I curse those ^% bridge pins every time. |
 Joined: June 2007 Posts: 3084
Location: Brisbane Australia | Well said Dave.......I'm with you!!
G'day Cliff
AJ |
 Joined: July 2003 Posts: 3111
Location: Nashville TN. | arthurseery - 2012-11-17 3:23 PM
mileskb - 2012-11-17 12:15 PM
While much of what has been mentioned can be annoying at times, I find my biggest pet peeve is with venues that treat artists like crap or expect artists to play for free or haven't realized it's 2012 not 1975 when it comes to what they pay.
I was just talking to a street musician who sez that he will make more money busking than at a bar gig.
"Once you divide-up the money and pay the expenses, each person makes $22 for eight hours labor...
I can do that out here on the street corner and not have to deal with dozens of drunk people"
Here in Hartford Busking doesn't work so well......4 bucks and hour and street people ask you for money. |
Joined: March 2005 Posts: 12759
Location: Boise, Idaho | I just thought of another one--the kid in the car next to you with his windows rolled down, forcing everyone around to listen. Usually, it's in a POS car that isn't worth what was spent on the stereo. I realize that most humans have an urge to be noticed, by why be noticed for being stupid?
I don't begrudge Dave or AJ their collections and agree totally with what Dave said, except he's really not that bad. Damon made an astute observation when I wished I could play as well as he did. If I spent as many hours practicing as I did going to school and working, I might be a lot better guitar player. The expert guitar players have their 10,000 plus hours in developing their expertise. Until the rest of us get there, the best we can hope for may be to make enough to put the kids through school, pay off the mortgage and have something left to buy nice guitars. |
Joined: April 2011 Posts: 119
Location: NH | Mark in Boise - 2012-11-26 6:44 PM
Damon made an astute observation when I wished I could play as well as he did. If I spent as many hours practicing as I did going to school and working, I might be a lot better guitar player. The expert guitar players have their 10,000 plus hours in developing their expertise. Until the rest of us get there, the best we can hope for may be to make enough to put the kids through school, pay off the mortgage and have something left to buy nice guitars.
Thanks for sharing this insight Mark. It makes me feel a little better about my level of experience. |
 Joined: October 2012 Posts: 349
Location: Denver, CO | +1 Mark |
Joined: March 2013 Posts: 48
| Artists who treat the FOH/Monitor engineer like ****.
"I'm miking your amp. Why do you insist on have having your Post Gain up all the way?!?"
"That's my tone, bro dog man dude. I know what I'm doing."
"Actually, your post gain is mostly just volume. You'll get a nicer sound through the PA if the mic doesn't have to amplify a 120db sound source. But you know better than me, I suppose. I just have years of experience and a degree that says I know what I'm talking about, but we'll do it your way."
Jesus, I'm turning into a curmudgeon very quickly. |
 Joined: January 2009 Posts: 4535
Location: Flahdaw | I hate when I get called "bro dog man dude"! |
Joined: March 2013 Posts: 48
| That wasn't even an exaggeration, Bob. I'm not incredibly older than a lot of these kids I have to engineer but we might as well have been born on different planets with some of the nonsense that comes out of their mouths. I guess I'm turning in to that stereotypical cynical self hating sound guy. |
Joined: December 2004 Posts: 2150
Location: Orlando, FL | I hate grabbing a guitar off the wall and finding that someone (my son or one of his friends) broke a string. I have 4 guitars with broken strings hanging up. |
Joined: August 2011 Posts: 887
Location: Always beautiful canyon country of Utah | But I kinda like going in the acoustic room at GC and just listening cause sometimes there are some amazing pickers and singers to be found there. Free inspiration! |
Joined: August 2003 Posts: 396
| 1. Picking up a 12 string in a guitar store, and, of course, it's not in tune.
2. Someone else said this.... People insisting that you are not playing a song correctly unless the song is played EXACTLY the way it was played on the recording. Funny thing is I'll go to see a performer play his/her song and often it is not played by the actual performer the way it was recorded. Or else, I gave the credit to the performer, and it's actually the anonymous background guitarist playing the complicated part. |
 Joined: January 2009 Posts: 4535
Location: Flahdaw | Pet Peeve # 187: I went to a free class at Guitar Center for "Introduction to Home Recording". The guy talked like a computer programmer talking to a class of other computer programmers. Within 2 minutes I had no idea what he was talking about, but I politely sat there for 40 minutes. It brought back horrible memories of calculus class at college.... |
Joined: March 2013 Posts: 48
| Hey Bob... it sucks that the guy at GC couldn't explain it better. I'm sure he was just one of the audio salespeople with a recording background. Doesn't mean he's ever taught a lesson in his life. GC is notorious for putting their salespeople on the spot with stuff like that.
That being said, in order to make a record these days yourself (unless you have a very large budget to track to tape), you really need to know the ins and outs of the software, and it can be damn challenging. It took me 13 months of 75 hour weeks learning Pro Tools in college, and I'm still learning new things everyday. |
Joined: March 2010 Posts: 486
Location: Suisun City, Ca | Pet peeve
I hate it when someone plays my guitar better than I do!
I hate that it takes more room for a case than for the guitar that came in it.
I hate that I'm still ham-handed after 32+ years. (ties in to point one)
I hate when my voice is good, I can't play a lick and vice-versa. |
 Joined: November 2008 Posts: 400
Location: Northwest Arkansas | I've had time to think since my original post and my number 1 pet peeve is when one of these new artists (country, red dirt, etc) takes a perfectly good guitar and "ages it". He/she scratches the heck out of it and cuts a hole or two in the top. The guitar can't be more than a couple of years old. "Ooh you're making me very angry!"-Marvin the Martian |
 Joined: October 2012 Posts: 349
Location: Denver, CO | Now that you mention it, this whole "road worn" trend kind of pisses me off. Dude, buy a guitar and play it for 10000 hours and it will look just like that one your favorite star plays, who actually did. You can't buy mojo. |
Joined: March 2013 Posts: 10
| -Every hipster/folk/acoustic band that plays too loudly in every bar on the weekends (2 acoustic guitars, amplified too much, and a mandolin player).
-The fact that these hipster/folk/acoustic bands have much more of a "country" sound than today's pop country music
 Joined: July 2005 Posts: 3410
Location: GA USA | I'm not sure I have one, except that the (worship) band I play in, I make sure I have all my music in order and practiced, and I'm always on time and ready to start. The leader told me she had never worked with a guitar player who was on time and ready. Some of the other guys are young, but it's no excuse. We had a fill-in bassist who showed up assuming there would be a bass there to play. There wasn't and we had to scramble. A couple of weeks later, a fill-in guitarist who assumed there would be an amp to use. He had to run home and get his amp. Maybe I'm just old, but I lose patience with that. OK, maybe I do have one after all. |
 Joined: August 2005 Posts: 3736
Location: Sunshine State, Australia | ...and where have YOU been young man? |
 Joined: July 2005 Posts: 3410
Location: GA USA | I check in. These days it seems most of the threads call for real information instead of wisecracks, so I have less to contribute. |
 Joined: January 2009 Posts: 4535
Location: Flahdaw | Hasn't stopped me (unfortunately...) |
 Joined: September 2003 Posts: 9301
Location: south east Michigan | This crowd used to be able to handle both. |
Joined: April 2010 Posts: 823
Location: sitting at my computer | gee, I thought wisecracks were why most of us check in! |
 Joined: January 2009 Posts: 4535
Location: Flahdaw | No, the new rule is one wisecrack per 215 posts. |
 Joined: December 2008 Posts: 1453
Location: Texas | darkbarguitar - 2013-03-25 4:26 PM
No, the new rule is one wisecrack per 215 posts.
Then you owe us 734,020 serious posts.
(Edited for mathematical accuracy.)
Edited by standing 2013-03-25 7:00 PM
 Joined: January 2009 Posts: 4535
Location: Flahdaw | standing - 2013-03-25 7:46 PM
(Edited for mathematical accuracy.)
Yeah, that's better... |
 Joined: January 2006 Posts: 2120
Location: Chicago | Musicians who are mean-spirted toward other musicians. You know, the "zero-sum game" types who regard every "win" by another guy as their loss and every setback for someone else as a point in their favor..... |
Joined: November 2011 Posts: 741
Location: Fort Worth, TX | I still remember a youth pastor at the church I used to attend. In fact, he recently came back to Texas from Oklahoma to do my daughter' wedding service. I tried playing guitar with him a few times but he's a very competitive guitar player who jumps in on what you're playing trying to rip through mediocre solos and always pauses to look up at you to gauge your response to his prolific playing (in his mind anyway). I hate competitive players who always HAVE to grab the limelight. He argues HE is the one who taught our pastor's teen son to play guitar, but the kid told me he spent all his time listening to the guy show off and credits me with having taught him. He now makes a living touring as guitarist for a succession of top Christian contemporary artists. Playing guitar is NOT a competition. |
 Joined: November 2008 Posts: 400
Location: Northwest Arkansas | I loved it when we got new P&W leaders. She wrote the charts wrong. Ab instead of G#. Db instead of C# and Gb for F# for the key of A. Everything was in flats. I explained music to her and how it actually worked and she retorted, "That's not how we did it in my other church." I promptly took a pencil and rewrote all the flat chords on my sheet music into sharp chords. Then I would sign my name to them so I would get a correct chart when the song was handed out. She got very angry. She showed a woman, who has played piano for 50 year or more, how to play a chord by taking the piano players hand and putting it on the keys in the chord position. The woman knew what the chord was and how to play it. The look on her face was priceless. Sometimes when you play in church, you never get a real critique. No matter how badly you play you're always a blessing and you played wonderful. A drunk will tell you "you suck" with no provocation. It did make me a better player playing in clubs. I just wish there were an easy way to explain to people like those P&W leaders that they might need a little more work before actually having a leadership position. They were kin to the Pastor. For what it's worth, all the good musicians quit and we all go to another church. If the church part bothers you insert a bar or club.
Edited by AdamasW597 2013-03-26 8:59 AM
Joined: August 2005 Posts: 616
Location: cincinnati, ohio | darkbarguitar - 2012-11-17 1:50 PM
The guy that plugs in at GC, then plays the intro to Stairway to Heaven poorly and loudly...over and over.
...or "Smoke On the Water." Usually a pimply faced 15 year old, which mystifies me. That's their grandfather's music. I guess it's a testimony to the staying power of the music. "Stairway..." and "Smoke On the Water" are both great tunes, but they've been (ya think?) a little overplayed and overexposed.
Worse still - TWO fifteen year olds at GC playing "Smoke on the Water" AND "Stairway." At the same time. At maximum volume.
We have a couple of hot college age babes working at our GC. One of them is a dreamy, perfect blonde who looks like a homecoming queen. The other one is sort of a Goth babe - spiky, multicolored hair, piercings and tattoos. Hot, but in a skanky way. Kinda like the girl on NCIS. They're usually at the front desk when you come in.
My pet peeve? Nothing with them. It's the old guys with long, receding white hair tied in a pony tail who still think they're babe magnets and come on to the girls. It's actually kind of sad...
Edited by rick endres 2013-03-26 9:43 AM
Joined: August 2005 Posts: 616
Location: cincinnati, ohio | Englishplayer - 2013-03-22 9:44 AM
Someone else said this.... People insisting that you are not playing a song correctly unless the song is played EXACTLY the way it was played on the recording. Funny thing is I'll go to see a performer play his/her song and often it is not played by the actual performer the way it was recorded. Or else, I gave the credit to the performer, and it's actually the anonymous background guitarist playing the complicated part.
Another good one.
I think the key is learning to play the "signature" licks. For example - James Taylor's "Fire & Rain," which is one of my favorite (and most requested ) covers. I make sure that I nail that intro slide lick (a signature lick if there ever was one), and the "A" hammer-ons at the end of each line. As for the rest - I just make sure I play the chords as close to possible as written, and attempt to match the picking pattern. If a chord is too much of a stretch for my slightly arthritic fingers, I either play part of it or find an easier substitution. "Hotel California" - I play the intro as close as I can; the rest is "chick, chick-a-chick" chords.
Note for note can get boring. Artists sometimes change things up just to keep it interesting for them. Think about it: some guys like JT have been doing this for 40+ years. They need to keep it fresh for themselves.
Edited by rick endres 2013-03-26 10:14 AM
 Joined: July 2005 Posts: 3410
Location: GA USA | Our band is nothing but a great time. If anything I over prepare because I don't want to be the one who holds the rest back. I also think I'm the guitar beater that you all despise. |
 Joined: October 2012 Posts: 349
Location: Denver, CO | mymartind35 - . Sometimes when you play in church, you never get a real critique. No matter how badly you play you're always a blessing and you played wonderful. A drunk will tell you "you suck" with no provocation. It did make me a better player playing in clubs. And a great big, huge +1 to that! Seems that people in church are overly fixated on "being nice," often at the expense of honesty, and often at the expense of excellence. Yes, grandma, we all appreciate your desire to serve the congregation, but there's just no place for your quarter-note-chord-pounding, 1953-hymn-singing style in "At Your Name!" I could preach on that, but I'll stop there.  |
 Joined: January 2009 Posts: 4535
Location: Flahdaw | rick endres - 2013-03-26 10:41 AM
It's the old guys with long, receding white hair tied in a pony tail who still think they're babe magnets and come on to the girls. It's actually kind of sad...
Hey! Waskel resents that remark. |
 Joined: November 2008 Posts: 400
Location: Northwest Arkansas | dwg preacher - 2013-03-26 12:52 PM
mymartind35 - . Sometimes when you play in church, you never get a real critique. No matter how badly you play you're always a blessing and you played wonderful. A drunk will tell you "you suck" with no provocation. It did make me a better player playing in clubs. And a great big, huge +1 to that! Seems that people in church are overly fixated on "being nice," often at the expense of honesty, and often at the expense of excellence. Yes, grandma, we all appreciate your desire to serve the congregation, but there's just no place for your quarter-note-chord-pounding, 1953-hymn-singing style in "At Your Name!" I could preach on that, but I'll stop there. 
Thanks preacher. I didn't want it to seem I was picking on someone. You understood my premise. We don't all do things the same way. But there is a standard that I try to keep. I've found that lacking in other places too. |
 Joined: October 2012 Posts: 349
Location: Denver, CO | Finding excellence in music is a tough chore in any environment. So few people understand the difference between "that sounds pretty good," and "that's great," and that applies to musicians who want to be in a band as well as musicians who want to be a band leader. Those of you who play strictly secular music should consider yourselves lucky, because you always have the option of saying, "you just don't seem to understand, or you just aren't good enough, or you just don't seem to be able to get here consistently, I don't want to work with you anymore." As a minister, you are pretty much stuck with the talent level, commitment level, and personalies that the congregation offers you, and your duty is to encourage and adapt and nurture, AND produce as high-quality a program as possible. When you introduce a poorly prepared or ignorant leader, things can get really frustrating really quickly. |
 Joined: January 2009 Posts: 4535
Location: Flahdaw | Peeve #97- Going somewhere to play guitar and realizing you forgot to trim your fingernails before you left. ARGH!!
I remember going to a gathering at Iffy's a few years back without trimming my nails first. I mentioned it in frustration, and Gator says "Oh, I have some clippers in my bag. I always bring clippers with me." He opened this case and he had about everything you could ever need for playing guitar inside. Now THAT guy comes prepared.... |
 Joined: November 2005 Posts: 4832
Location: Campbell River, British Columbia | I TRY (and occasionally fail....) to have any 'pet' peeves. If you don't feed 'em they won't hang around long....