Posted 2011-11-18 9:04 PM (#346879)
Subject: STOLEN

May 2009
Posts: 1433

Location: Right now?
I just found one of my recently stolen guitars on Ebay ... this is the same fellow who has fenced at least six of my guitars in the last few years. The police have been notified. I wonder what will happen. When he fenced several of my guitars the first time, I tried to be nice and I called him about it. His immediate response was to say "F*CK you, Lady. If you want them, you can buy them back."

Here's the listing. I wrote him a note via Ebay. Wanna bet he is as nasty as he was the first time? LOOK

Also, the guitar has apparently been damaged, because he states that the top is 'bulging slightly", which is total, bite me, no way, bullshit.

I'm so upset.

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Posted 2011-11-18 11:54 PM (#346880 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

April 2008
Posts: 2985

Location: Sydney, Australia
That sucks. How many guitars have you had stolen off you? A burglar once stepped over my (then new) legend 1117 to steal a second hand car stereo my flat mate paid $40 for.
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Posted 2011-11-19 6:20 AM (#346881 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

March 2006
Posts: 269

Location: Nîmes, south of France
What a shame Willa.
Every time i tried to ask the seller Jacksguitar what S/N the guitar is, eBay displayed a little window saying "We're sorry we couldn't find an answer for you. Unfortunately, this seller is not able to respond to your question. We suggest reviewing the item again to see if your answer is in the seller's listing."
That is to say there is no way to contact the seller directly via eBay. Very strange.
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Posted 2011-11-19 6:41 AM (#346882 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

November 2008
Posts: 1119

Location: Michigan
To bad we cant have a NJ member go check it out and bring the police to the store after verifying the serial number...that would be fun.
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Posted 2011-11-19 9:01 AM (#346883 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

May 2007
Posts: 166

Location: Veedersburg, Indiana
Wow. I would think that if you have a police report showing the SN's of the stolen guitars that the police would be able to recover at least this one for you. Hopefully they would be smart enough to check his entire inventory. So sorry for your loss! Hopefully this one will come home to you.
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Michael R. Winters
Posted 2011-11-19 9:19 AM (#346884 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

September 2002
Posts: 806

Location: Seymour, Tennessee
Originally posted by twistedlim:
To bad we cant have a NJ member go check it out and bring the police to the store after verifying the serial number...that would be fun.
Too bad we can't have a NJ Member go over and beat the dog shit out of him !!!
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Posted 2011-11-19 10:37 AM (#346885 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

October 2005
Posts: 4055

Location: Utah
If someone were to Buy it Now could the auction be tied up so the guitar doesn't get shipped away somewhere before the police can get involved?

Also, did the shop blur out the serial number from the picture of the headstock or is the serial number somewhere else on this guitar?
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Posted 2011-11-19 1:45 PM (#346886 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

September 2005
Posts: 3618

This really sucks. Here you have a name, address, phone number, and pics of the place that posesses your stolen instrument, and you just have to sit back and HOPE the police will jump on the opportunity. You would think that after the first time you contacted him about selling your other guitars, that he would check the guy out who is selling them to him.
I remember a simular situation about 30 yrs ago, where the police told me they had found the location of a Steinburger bass that had been stolen from me. It was at a pawn shop in LA. The police said I'd have to work it out with the pawn shop, as to how I could get MY bss back. The pawn shop owner wanted me to buy it back from him. In the end I pressured him to release my property, to avoid me pressing criminal charges against him for possessing stolen merchandise. in the end he gave it up.
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Posted 2011-11-19 1:53 PM (#346887 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

December 2003
Posts: 13991

Location: Upper Left USA
( Removed picture of Charles Bronson )

...just sayin'...

sorry, that was wrong.

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Posted 2011-11-19 2:05 PM (#346888 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

December 2003
Posts: 13991

Location: Upper Left USA
Maybe this is better...

Jack\'s Music Store

Jack\'s Music Shoppe on facebook

The Guitar Store at Jack\'s Music Shoppe

Drop in. Say hello. Ask them if they've seen your stolen merchandise lately...
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Posted 2011-11-19 2:16 PM (#346889 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

December 2003
Posts: 13991

Location: Upper Left USA
Or better yet, get social...

Nathan, the Guitar store dude

Hi, my name is Mike and I'm an Ovation fan. Don't #%^& with me... OK!
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Posted 2011-11-19 2:20 PM (#346890 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

May 2009
Posts: 1433

Location: Right now?
Hi, Gang. Thanks for the sympathies ...

Bryan, I was wondering the same thing about the serial number. To tell you the truth, I think they blurred it out, but I can't remember if it was on the inside or on the headstock ... gotta dig out the photos again. In the one photo of the listing, at the bottom, you can see the piece of masking tape on the case showing the model number (1158). That tape, I believe, was put their by our own OFC member Patch, who then sold the guitar to MusicMishka (Mike Ward), who then sold it to me. This is one of at least seven instruments that were stolen from me and fenced by this guy. Sorry if I've been redundant in these posts; I'm so friggin' mad I'm shaking. He knows exactly what he's doing. I'm sick of how the local police have handled this, and if I can get there today, I am going to the State Police. The guitars belong to me. Every, single one of my guitars is photographed from every angle and cataloged, including year made, serial number, flaws (although most of my gits are 'perfect'), etc. He also has a few of my vintage autoharps. And what happens to the instruments that he's already sold? I can also see from the photos that the guitar has been damaged. There is a rather big 'ding' on the ear showing on the back of the headstock ... that was not ever there, and I have the photos to prove it, in addition, the seller mentions a slight bulge (paraphrasing here) in the guitar, that was also NOT there, so apparently, the guitar was perhaps exposed to humidity or God knows what, but as I wrote above, I have the photos to prove that guitar was MINT and I'm fairly certain Patch or MM can back me up on that. As mentioned earlier (I think) ... I tried to politely speak to the shop owner, and he just started verbally abusing me over the phone and then hung up. Not a very stable individual I guess, or maybe just stupid to scream obscenities at a person whose stolen guitars and other instruments are in his possession. Of course the thieves need to be prosecuted, but this guy should be investigated, also. Ugh. What a pain in the ASS! :(
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Posted 2011-11-19 2:38 PM (#346891 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

May 2009
Posts: 1433

Location: Right now?
I also think this fellow has a "big cajone syndrome" (ha) considering he still has the listing up, AFTER I've written him via Ebay (no point in calling him, considering our first conversation) and told thim that THAT IS MY GUITAR, and that I've reported IT and the other guitars stolen to the local police.

Growling and howling over here!
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Posted 2011-11-19 2:57 PM (#346892 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

August 2009
Posts: 1137

Location: Germany, where delicious wine is growing (Rheinh)
Ugh. What a pain in the ASS! :( [/QB]

That's for true a pain in...........!!!!!!
THat's unbelievable...I hope they can get him!

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Posted 2011-11-19 5:34 PM (#346893 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

May 2009
Posts: 1433

Location: Right now?

You CAN contact the seller via Ebay. Click on the seller's name. Then in the little circles pick 'other' then you can write to the seller. I wrote him, and I told him I want my other stuff back too. I also told him I've informed the police, which I have.

I'm just very surprised that he hasn't taken down the listing. On Monday, I'm calling a lawyer, because this is ridiculous. Seven (I think I originally posted six) guitars, three autoharps. My house is now fully secure with cameras on each corner, alarms, etc., etc., but I only did that after the first burgulary. Over the last two years this guy has quite knowingly contributed to victimizing me. I write this because I think as I mentioned earlier, two of the guitars he fenced twice, so he surely had the serial numbers for those two, considering he decided to accept (fence) them a second time :(
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Posted 2011-11-19 5:59 PM (#346894 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

January 2009
Posts: 4535

Location: Flahdaw
Willa, aren't you close enough that you could go to this shop and verify whether they are in fact your stolen guitars, then call the police?
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Posted 2011-11-19 7:32 PM (#346895 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

October 2005
Posts: 4055

Location: Utah
Willa, be sure to record or video any contact you have with this guy. A voice activated recorder in your pocket maybe. As long as it is legal in NJ I would do it just to be sure to protect myself against false claims by him, or even a lucky slip where he admits to knowing the instruments were stolen but he took them anyway.

I understand your anger! Gear thieves and their fences should be shot.
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Posted 2011-11-19 8:28 PM (#346896 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

March 2005
Posts: 5563

Location: Blue Ridge Mountains
It's a 1980 1158-1 and the serial number is on the inside...

There is a lot more to this mess: stay tuned...Don't assume anything...It's being taken care of...

Just saying: His description of the guitar is spot on and there are interesting pictures as well...

Nuff Said!

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Posted 2011-11-19 9:04 PM (#346897 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

October 2005
Posts: 4055

Location: Utah
Originally posted by MusicMishka:

There is a lot more to this mess: stay tuned...Don't assume anything...It's being taken care of...

As long as "Toast" refers to the thief.
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Posted 2011-11-19 9:31 PM (#346898 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

May 2006
Posts: 4228

Location: Steeler Nation, Hudson Valley Contingent
Keep at it Willa and Mike.

You both know how to find me.
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Posted 2011-11-19 11:33 PM (#346899 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

March 2005
Posts: 5563

Location: Blue Ridge Mountains
Oh Yeah...
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Posted 2011-11-21 5:03 PM (#346900 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

September 2005
Posts: 3618

I love a good suspense movie... specially when the good guys win in a hail of gunfire.

(hmmm...Would that be considered political?)
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Posted 2011-11-22 12:02 AM (#346901 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

April 2008
Posts: 2985

Location: Sydney, Australia
The suspense is killin' me!
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Posted 2011-11-22 8:07 AM (#346902 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

December 2001
Posts: 10583

Location: NJ
I don't get it.

Willa you are not far from that store in red bank even if you had to take public transportation.

you go there with your police report with your pics and your s/n's of your guitars and with a police escort and you get the guitars back and he better well have a good reason why he is selling stolen goods or he will be taken in also.

I really feel for you but I don't get why this is taking so long and why there is so much drama
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Posted 2011-11-22 8:53 AM (#346903 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

September 2005
Posts: 3618

Perhaps the police are looking at this guy from a larger perspective... If he has been buying stolen goods belonging to her, he has probably been doing this to a lot more people. If that is the case, and there are a lot more victims out there, they would want to set up a larger sweep on this guy's operation. There is a LONG process involved in getting warrants sworn out on someone, including bringing a judge into the process. I see it often, as our police chief is a good friend of mine... and this is a small town. Just my opinion...but what do I know anyway?
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Posted 2011-11-22 3:57 PM (#346904 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

July 2003
Posts: 3111

Location: Nashville TN.
I hope you get it back
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Posted 2011-12-05 11:10 AM (#346905 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

April 2010
Posts: 823

Location: sitting at my computer
Soooooo... what's the latest scoop on this? :confused:
Was that Willa's O? Did she get it back?
Did the alleged thieving turkey(s) get their giblets roasted yet?
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Posted 2011-12-05 11:36 AM (#346906 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

January 2009
Posts: 4535

Location: Flahdaw
The alleged "thief" was killed with a 12 guage shotgun. Turns out it wasn't Willa's guitar though. Donations for MusicMike's defense fund will be appreciated.
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Posted 2011-12-05 11:55 AM (#346907 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

April 2010
Posts: 823

Location: sitting at my computer
hmmm, wonder if legal counsel will use the crime of passion or temporary insanity defense? :o
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Posted 2011-12-05 12:48 PM (#346908 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

December 2008
Posts: 1453

Location: Texas
Once again, we all sympathize with the victim, but detailed discussions including their real name, locations, serial numbers of items stolen, current status of investigations, name and address of the thieves or the recipient of the stolen goods, etc., should not be posted on a public board like this. Almost any Google search for anything Ovation-related inevitably results in OFC links on the first page of search results.

Why provide any information that might alert any thief with just enough intelligence to use the internet? I know this is a unique situation, since the victim has had direct contact with the store, but posting that info might cause the guitar to "disappear" before the police can catch the guy red-handed selling merchandise he knows is hot.

We've recently seen that posting information here about a stolen guitar can sometimes successfully help locate the whereabouts of the item, but if you already know where it is, why alert the thieves?

And to those of us who know the OP and can offer help, suggestions or intimidation. ;) I suggest that further discussion be taken to PM, email, phone calls or any less public communication.

And BTW, to the "victim": You know how to reach me. ;)
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Posted 2011-12-05 1:03 PM (#346909 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

January 2009
Posts: 1249

Location: Texas
standing +1
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Posted 2011-12-05 2:28 PM (#346910 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

January 2009
Posts: 4535

Location: Flahdaw
True enough, but the original post was FROM the victim with a link to the supposed thief or recipient of the supposed stolen goods, with further posts that included the name of who sold it to them and who was gonna go looking for it.
This is a weird thread from the word go. The whole thing should have been handled discretely, but since it wasn't...oh well.
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Posted 2011-12-05 4:40 PM (#346911 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

November 2004
Posts: 4413

Originally posted by MusicMishka:
It's a 1980 1158-1 and the serial number is on the inside...

There is a lot more to this mess: stay tuned...Don't assume anything...It's being taken care of...

Just saying: His description of the guitar is spot on and there are interesting pictures as well...

Nuff Said!

So what happened?
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Posted 2011-12-05 4:48 PM (#346912 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

January 2009
Posts: 4535

Location: Flahdaw
Toast! (whole wheat)
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Posted 2011-12-05 7:39 PM (#346913 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
I prefer garlic toast.....
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Joe Rotax
Posted 2011-12-06 5:19 AM (#346914 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

February 2008
Posts: 747

Originally posted by alpep:
...I don't get why this is taking so long and why there is so much drama
Yeah really; sounds like there's something else going on.
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Posted 2011-12-07 12:55 AM (#346915 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

May 2009
Posts: 1433

Location: Right now?
True enough, but the original post was FROM the victim with a link to the supposed thief or recipient of the supposed stolen goods, with further posts that included the name of who sold it to them and who was gonna go looking for it.

Um, Darkbar. What do you mean "supposed recipient"?

The owner of the store had SEVEN of my guitars and several of my autoharps, all of which I had cataloged at home on my computer with photos, S/N, sellers' names, etc. In addition, I found several of my guitars in his 'sold' history on Ebay after the fact. There is no supposition here.

Of course the police have been informed. The police are the ones who told ME who had them and how he came by them. And I never wrote who he got them from, so if you know of a different post, do tell.

As for discretion, I posted the topic so that my fellow guitar players and friends here on the OFC, some of whom know what guitars I own, could be warned about buying from the guy, unless you want to be hunted down and made to return my stolen property. Geez.

Drama? Yeah. I think so.

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Posted 2011-12-07 1:34 AM (#346916 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

April 2004
Posts: 13303

Location: Latitude 39.56819, Longitude -105.080066
So Willa, with all the info you had (proof in the computer) what are the police doing about this?

Seems pretty clear that the guy is fencing stolen goods.
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Posted 2011-12-07 7:25 AM (#346917 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

January 2009
Posts: 4535

Location: Flahdaw
Originally posted by WillaMuse:
Um, Darkbar. What do you mean "supposed recipient"?

And I never wrote who he got them from, so if you know of a different post, do tell.

"Supposed" because until he's been arrested, all he is is an alleged (or supposed) recipient or thief.

And I wasn't referring to who HE got the guitar from, I was referring to who YOU got the guitar from. You said you bought it from Mike Ward, and standing posted that we shouldn't be posting real names.
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Posted 2011-12-07 7:39 AM (#346918 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

September 2005
Posts: 3618

Well, with everything said by now, I just hope you get your instruments back, and whoever is responsible be brought to justice.
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Posted 2011-12-07 7:58 AM (#346919 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

January 2009
Posts: 4535

Location: Flahdaw
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Posted 2011-12-07 8:12 AM (#346920 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

January 2009
Posts: 1249

Location: Texas
Well, with everything said by now, I just hope you get your instruments back, and whoever is responsible be brought to justice.
Or justice brought to them.
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Posted 2011-12-07 10:27 AM (#346921 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

May 2006
Posts: 4228

Location: Steeler Nation, Hudson Valley Contingent
Keep me posted Willa. You know how to contact me if you need to.

Hoping for the best! :)
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Posted 2011-12-07 9:16 PM (#346922 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

March 2005
Posts: 5563

Location: Blue Ridge Mountains
ebay was contacted; they put a hold on the auction to "check the authenticity of the instrument"...the police acted, the auction was to the rest, I don't know: speculate away...
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Posted 2011-12-08 9:05 AM (#346923 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

April 2010
Posts: 823

Location: sitting at my computer
Originally posted by MusicMishka:
speculate away...

1- Willa will EVENTUALLY get ALL of her Os & As back
2- The guilty culprits will receive the MAXIMUM penalties allowed by law
3- PEACE and ORDER will be restored to the world. (well, at least the OFC world)

... but then, I tend to be an optimistic SOB
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Mr. Ovation
Posted 2011-12-08 9:32 AM (#346924 - in reply to #346879)
Subject: Re: STOLEN

December 2001
Posts: 7225

Location: The Great Pacific Northwest
Kinda closing the door after the horses are out.. but apparently standing's subtle suggestions didn't work...

in other words.. nosey nellies... yeah you.. S T F U

topic closed.
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