Wanted: Ovation Viper Electric pickguard (black)
Posted 2006-08-21 10:08 AM (#326003)
Subject: Wanted: Ovation Viper Electric pickguard (black)

August 2006
Posts: 1

I have an ovation I got from my dad, unfortunately the pickguard is broken and apparently it isn't a standard shape, so I need to find some one who has a a replacement.

I also had a question about adjusting the action, as there are some problems with buzzing/dead notes further up the fretboard. Anyone that can help me with that please do.
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Posted 2006-08-21 10:29 AM (#326004 - in reply to #326003)
Subject: Re: Wanted: Ovation Viper Electric pickguard (black)

December 2003
Posts: 13991

Location: Upper Left USA

If you have or can make a template I can make a replacement for you. B/W/B or wood veneer covered. Check out the Gallery.

Action adjustment is easy. I suggest that you go to www.ovationtribute.com and look in the "Owner Manuals" under Viper, Breadwinner, etc. They have similar bridges.
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